12-24-2011, 10:46 AM
At first I was going to say the extractors dont have enough hit points, but may be thats wrong. I think mobs do too much damage to them. I can successfully defend extractor 1 and be halfway to 4 when 1 is under attack again, on lvl 14 disruptor a single drowned did 2% damage to an extractor in 1 sec. To repair a crystal by 2% takes a repair crit and a repair serious (100+ hps). Thats excessive damage for that lvl.
Of course the higher the lvl the more hps the extractors have and the more damage the mobs do (have you seen how quick a single arcane skelly takes out one on lvl 20?), but the repair spells still only heal the same small amount..
Hows about making the extractor hps scale a lil more based on party size, if your solo its near impossible to keep them alive let alone try for any optionals.
Or better yet reduce their HPs but also give them lots of DR (elemental/spell resistance too of course^^) so mobs dont kill them as quick and arcanes/artificers/umd can repair them a little easier.
Of course the higher the lvl the more hps the extractors have and the more damage the mobs do (have you seen how quick a single arcane skelly takes out one on lvl 20?), but the repair spells still only heal the same small amount..
Hows about making the extractor hps scale a lil more based on party size, if your solo its near impossible to keep them alive let alone try for any optionals.
Or better yet reduce their HPs but also give them lots of DR (elemental/spell resistance too of course^^) so mobs dont kill them as quick and arcanes/artificers/umd can repair them a little easier.