View Full Version : Need help with Tempest/Kensai Build - only 2 FTR lvls in so might fo Barb.

12-16-2011, 03:21 PM
OK the Character is a Warforged, 32 point build, +2 supreme tome, lvl 8 - 6Ranger/2Fighter.

Current Stats, STR 23, DEX 17, CON 19, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 10. Lawful Good Alignment.

""Feats"", Adamantine Body - Attack - Bow Strength - Defensive Fighting - Diehard - Exotic Weapon Proficency, Kopesh - Favored Enemy, Evil Outsider, Undead - Heroic Durability - Improved Two Weapon Fighting - Light Fortification - Many Shot - Martial Weapon Proficency, All - Oversized Two Weapon Fighting - Rapid Shot - Shield Proficency General - Simple Weapon Proficency, All - Sneak - Sunder - Toughness - Tower Shield Proficency - Trip - Two Weapon Fighting - Warforged Immunities - Weapon Focus, Slashing - Wild Empathy.

""Enhancements"", Fighter Haste Boost 1 - Fighter Critical Accuracy 1 - Fighter Strategy, Sunder 1, Trip 1 - Racial Toughness 1 & 2 - Improved Repair 1 - Ranger Energy of the Wild 1 - Ranger Dex 1 & 2 - Fighter Strength 1 - Fighter Toughness 1 - Warforged Constitution 1 - Warforged Construct Thinking - Warforged Damage Reduction 1 & 2 - Warforged Tactics 1.

Ive decicded I want this WF to be a Tempest/Kensai Build, more tweaked for Tanking as a WF, but still able to quickly cut down whatever is in his path. Also I dont want this build to be Item dependant, an if you do have to go that way do as lil item dependency as possible, I like my custom itemization choices. Opinions on gear welcomed though. I've read a few of the post talking about going 6 Barb and only 2 fighter. Not sure how i feel about giving up my Kensai but a Tempest/Rager doesnt sound bad either, someone plz help me.

I guess I Just need to know if this current character can be progressed into such a build and if so, what and how to do it starting next lvl up to lvl 20 details apprciated. An if this character needs enhancments rest or feats swapped w/e let me know, just tell me how to make him what I want and I'll do it!!! TY all for reading and double ty for those who think up builds for me, whoever makes the best build idea i'll be in their debt.

12-16-2011, 03:36 PM
You'll need at least 6 fighter levels for Kensai.

Feats: Adamantine Body(1), Khopesh(3), OTWF(F1), Toughness(6), WF:Slash(F2) - just a guess at the order/placement. No need to list the automatic ones, just the ones you chose. When you chose them would be good to know, too.

Stats: It would be best to list your stats based on your original distribution + level up points.

For example:

Str: 18 (base) + 2 (levels) + 2(tome) + 1 (fighter = 23
Dex: 15 (base) + 2 (tome) = 17
Con: 16 (base) + 2 (tome) + 1 (WF) = 19
Int: 8 (base) + 2 (tome) = 10
Wis: 12 (base) + 2 (tome) = 14
Cha: 8 (base) + 2 (tome)

Except that would make you a 38-point build... perhaps you are including some gear in there?

12-16-2011, 10:13 PM
Yeah i had some charisma boost i hadnt seen until later, also I reset my enhancments.

12-19-2011, 12:45 AM
Well, I'm not strong on pure-melee builds like this, but here goes.

Take 6 more ranger, 5 more fighter, and one last level of your choice - I'm partial to rogue for utility and backstabbing, but normally take that at level 1.

For Tempest2, you're gonna want to take Dodge and Mobility. For Kensai1, you still need Weapon Specialization.

Not sure that WF is the best race for this kind of build, though - it lacks racial weapon enhancements for a TWF build, and isn't as easy to heal as other races (12 Ranger gives you Cure Moderate).

Not that you need the absolute-best-maximum-efficiency to have fun, but you may want to consider researching a good build here on the forums, then starting over rather than trying to salvage an existing build. Multiclassing really needs to be planned out in advance before you even leave the boat.

12-19-2011, 09:24 AM
12 Ranger/7 fighter/1 rogue.

I played this build for quite a while (as an elf) and enjoyed it. 12 ranger gives you all your free feats and Tempest II, 7 fighter gives you 2 tiers of fighter STR enhancements and 3 tiers of toughness and haste boost. Rogue 1 gives you 1d6 + 3 sneak attack damage and full access to UMD. Like you, I didn't take rogue at level 1 but by cramming my skill points into UMD I was able to have it maxed. I just missed out on the trapping skills.

Optionally, you could take monk instead of rogue if you're not fussed over full UMD. Monk would give you an extra feat (extra Toughness if nothing else) and handwrap usage, plus other little perks.

To get the build, take your next level as rogue (monk), then your next five levels as fighter, then take ranger til cap. This delays your goodies from the ranger levels for a while, but lets you finish pretty well on your skills.

For feats, you'll have to have Dodge, Mobility and Spring Attack for the Tempest line. You'll also have to have Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization for Kensai. And of course you'll want Toughness, Improved Crit, Power Attack and Khopesh in there. That's 9 out of 11 feats taken. Good contenders for the last spots are more Toughness, OTWF or Improved Sunder. Adamantine Body is fairly useless after level 10 or so.

Enhancement-wise, take all the pre-reqs for Tempest and Kensai, then max out the lines for haste boost, toughness, and favored damage (maxed for your class split, I mean). Make sure to grab the first tier of ranger sprint boost and make absolutely sure to take at least the first level of WF healer's friend. Take the second tier if you can. Then extra points can go into stat boosts, tactics, etc.

Now, having said all that, let me add this: after playing the build to cap, and a while thereafter, I decided to LR it into a 15 ranger/4 fighter/1 rogue. The extra ranger levels gave me another favored enemy (and max favored damage enhancements) plus Cure Serious Wounds and Freedom of Movement. It cost me a tier each of STR, toughness and haste boost, but these really didn't change the way I played the toon. I also didn't have to dump so many AP into the Kensai pre-reqs. IMO, Kensai I isn't worth the cost for what it gives. I was much happier with my toon after this, but both builds are completely viable.

Regarding the Tempest/Berserker build, do a search for the "Badger," it's a great build and I see no reason it wouldn't work as a WF. Feats will be tighter than going Tempest/Kensai but you'll have more HP and damage output.