View Full Version : Having a hard time with changing text contrast.

12-11-2011, 09:49 AM
Any skins out there that make the background of the chat box darker?

12-19-2011, 04:12 PM
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SkinName Name="chatbox"></SkinName>

<!-- chatbox background -->
<Mapping ArtAssetID="box_ebdark_center" FileName="box_ebdark_center.tga"/>


1. Copy the quoted text into a text file and name it SkinDefinition.xml (be sure you aren't naming it SkinDefinition.xml.txt !!)
2. Create a 512x512 black tga file named box_ebdark_center.tga (paint.net is free and easy to use for this purpose)
3. Put both files in your "my documents" folder under Dungeons & Dragons Online/ui/skins/chatbox (you will probably have to create the ui/skins/chatbox folders)
4. Start the game and select chatbox as your skin.
5. Enjoy.

Note: instructions are for copy/pasting purposes. You can name the files and skin differently as long as the art asset ID is left alone and you correct the skin/filename in the xml.

12-19-2011, 04:14 PM
Also, if you understood the above, you can now poach stuff from other skins as well. As long as you match up the appropriate filenames to the appropriate art asset, it'll work.

12-29-2011, 08:01 PM
Thanks for posting, but this didn't work for me. <<edited out>>.

I use Info Blue. I changed the box_eb_dark_60_center.tga, box_eb_dark_75_center.tga, box_eb_dark_75_center_01.tga files and added one called box_eb_dark_center.tga. Darkening them doesn't do anything I can see. I was succesful in changing the background on the adventure compendium though, so I'm confused why I can't get the chat boxes.

<<Edited in. I can successfully change the chat box background in FadeToBlack skin, but not Info Blue. /shrug>>

stay hard

12-30-2011, 08:04 AM
Any skins out there that make the background of the chat box darker?

Problem is, most skins use the default background for the chatboxes. Horrible horrible horrible. Not only is it too transparent, it has a complex texture similar to a watermark. Causes way too much eye strain. Only thing about changing it that irks me is I waited too long to do it. My eyes hurt just thinking about it.

I use Blackey's Info Blue. I had to add language in the setup file:
<Mapping ArtAssetID="box_ebdark_center" FileName="box_ebdark_center.tga"></Mapping>
I don't know if it matters, but I added that in order just below pre-existing
<Mapping ArtAssetID="box_ebdark_center" FileName="box_ebdark_center.tga"></Mapping>
Because I don't know how to make the background from scratch, I borrowed the file with the same name (box_ebdark_center.tga) from another ui skin called Fade2BlackEpic. I simply copied and pasted it. I then opened it for editing and darkened it with the color/contrast editing functions and saved it.

I also darkened Backley's Info Blue adventure compendium background.

If this doesn't help, shoot me a PM.

stay hard