View Full Version : The powercurve in the game is related to healing

12-08-2011, 10:21 AM
The game takes 2 huge power jumps as you level to cap. At level 1-10, a healer without a crit will generally heal between 12 to 30 at low levels to 40 to 90 around level 9.

A level 12 cleric or FavS can consistently heal one person for over 350 hp of damage. The developers know this and therefore the mobs know this. At level 17 clerics and level 18 FavS can heal a raid party for 400 each or a total healing to the party of over 5000 hp. A really geared cleric with the eardweller could hit 10,000 hp total healing. Most of that will be overheal though. Again the developers know this and therefore the mobs know this. Finally at level 20, the melees should have enough hp or survivability to make the wait times between the mass heals less of an issue ( though it never goes away).

What i am telling you is the damage you will get hit is related to the ability of healers to fix it. So in gianthold you will see a big ramp up in mobs. Also the upper level raids and quests you will see another rampup around level 17 quests.

Healing is the counterspell for damage and it does not rise linearly. The game really changes at these points so be prepared for it.

12-08-2011, 10:58 AM
This is an astute observation.

12-08-2011, 11:04 AM
The game takes 2 huge power jumps as you level to cap. At level 1-10, a healer without a crit will generally heal between 12 to 30 at low levels to 40 to 90 around level 9.

A level 12 cleric or FavS can consistently heal one person for over 350 hp of damage. The developers know this and therefore the mobs know this. At level 17 clerics and level 18 FavS can heal a raid party for 400 each or a total healing to the party of over 5000 hp. A really geared cleric with the eardweller could hit 10,000 hp total healing. Most of that will be overheal though. Again the developers know this and therefore the mobs know this. Finally at level 20, the melees should have enough hp or survivability to make the wait times between the mass heals less of an issue ( though it never goes away).

What i am telling you is the damage you will get hit is related to the ability of healers to fix it. So in gianthold you will see a big ramp up in mobs. Also the upper level raids and quests you will see another rampup around level 17 quests.

Healing is the counterspell for damage and it does not rise linearly. The game really changes at these points so be prepared for it.

there is another reason for the jump in difficulty. for months the game was capped at lvl10, by the time new content and a cap rise came out most lvl10's had brilliant gear, so the new content had to be a challenge. then for months the cap was lvl12, once again the players took the time to get the very best gear for their levels, and once again the new content had to raise the bar. this happened again at lvl14 but the biggest jump was when the player base was stuck at lvl16 with the shroud to run over and over.

after months of running the shroud the lvl16 characters all had multiple greensteel items and the power of such a well geared toon is very similar to a lvl20 with basic gear. the cap rise to lvl20 with amrath as the new content was the biggest leap up in difficulty the game has probably ever seen.

12-08-2011, 11:20 AM
after months of running the shroud the lvl16 characters all had multiple greensteel items and the power of such a well geared toon is very similar to a lvl20 with basic gear. the cap rise to lvl20 with amrath as the new content was the biggest leap up in difficulty the game has probably ever seen.

Although this has since been tempered somewhat by IQ and the Madness Chain - Amrath is still much more of a jump than these two chains. Cannith seems to span the divide - on normal Cannith is pretty average. On Elite it can be very rough on the unprepared.