11-22-2011, 07:28 AM
This is my concept build for 3th TR
2 past life ranger (mayby 3 if this build will have no crushing opinions)
it should works quite good
- of course this is Xbow build with maxed INT
- 2-3 past life Ranger for xbow damage
- Artificer Battle Engineer and Rogue Mechanic for better xbow usage
- very good skils (DD, serch, open, jump ett)
- evasion
- good elemental resistances 4-6 from ranger past life +2 from monk enchantment
- arti spells with maxed (for 12 lev electrical and repair)
- WF selfhealing
- improvwed precise shot
- power attack with WF enchantment
- zerg module (dodge, mobility, shot on the run) - mayby change this to 3xtoughnes :D
- is monk feat (deflect arrows) worth of taking - i can change someting if it is really good
- zerg module - mayby change this for toughnesx3 but then power attack enchantment could be bad idea
- mayby some enchantment changes (can takie WF contition I,II ett)
now i play arti/rouge/ranger halfling (TR build for next ranger past) there is stealth attack module with halfling guile and cunning - it works perfect especialy with bluff :D but this wont work on WF :(
pls. give me some advice for this build
Level 20 Lawful Good Warforged Male
(2 Monk / 6 Rogue / 12 Artificer)
Hit Points: 298
Spell Points: 674
BAB: 14/14/19/24
Fortitude: 13
Reflex: 16
Will: 12
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(36 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20)
Strength 12 14
Dexterity 16 19
Constitution 16 18
Intelligence 18 28
Wisdom 6 8
Charisma 6 8
Tomes Used
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
+3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 13
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20)
Balance 7 22
Bluff 2 15
Concentration 3 27
Disable Device 8 36
Haggle 2 21
Hide 7 22
Jump 5 20
Move Silently 7 22
Open Lock 7 31
Repair 4 14
Search 8 34
Spot 2 24
Swim 1 2
Tumble 7 8
Use Magic Device 2 22
Level 1 (Rogue)
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Ranger
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Ranger
Feat: (Selected) Point Blank Shot
Level 2 (Artificer)
Level 3 (Artificer)
Feat: (Selected) Rapid Shot
Level 4 (Rogue)
Level 5 (Artificer)
Level 6 (Artificer)
Feat: (Selected) Precise Shot
Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Weapon Focus: Rangged Weapons
Level 7 (Artificer)
Level 8 (Artificer)
Level 9 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Level 10 (Rogue)
Level 11 (Rogue)
Level 12 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons
Level 13 (Artificer)
Level 14 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Dodge
Level 15 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Mobility
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Level 16 (Artificer)
Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Improved Precise Shot
Level 17 (Artificer)
Level 18 (Artificer)
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Level 19 (Artificer)
Level 20 (Artificer)
Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Shot on the Run
Enhancement: Artificer Damage Boost I
Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I
Enhancement: Artificer Crossbow Damage I
Enhancement: Artificer Improved Rune Arm Use I
Enhancement: Improved Disable Device I
Enhancement: Improved Open Lock I
Enhancement: Charged Spellcasting I
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation I
Enhancement: Artificer Intelligence I
Enhancement: Rogue Improved Trap Sense I
Enhancement: Artificer Damage Boost II
Enhancement: Artificer Crossbow Attack I
Enhancement: Artificer Improved Rune Arm Use II
Enhancement: Artificer Battle Engineer I
Enhancement: Artificer Rune Arm Overcharge I
Enhancement: Rogue Acid Trap Lore I
Enhancement: Improved Disable Device II
Enhancement: Improved Open Lock II
Enhancement: Deadly Shocks I
Enhancement: Artificer Intelligence II
Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Rogue Mechanic I
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training II
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation II
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation III
Enhancement: Repair Manipulation I
Enhancement: Repair Manipulation II
Enhancement: Artificer Crossbow Attack II
Enhancement: Artificer Crossbow Damage II
Enhancement: Artificer Improved Rune Arm Use III
Enhancement: Way of the Clever Monkey I
Enhancement: Charged Spellcasting II
Enhancement: Reconstructive Spellcasting I
Enhancement: Reconstructive Spellcasting II
Enhancement: Deadly Shocks II
Enhancement: Deadly Shocks III
Enhancement: Mighty Reconstruction I
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation V
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation VI
Enhancement: Repair Manipulation III
Enhancement: Repair Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Repair Manipulation V
Enhancement: Repair Manipulation VI
Enhancement: Artificer Intelligence III
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack II
2 past life ranger (mayby 3 if this build will have no crushing opinions)
it should works quite good
- of course this is Xbow build with maxed INT
- 2-3 past life Ranger for xbow damage
- Artificer Battle Engineer and Rogue Mechanic for better xbow usage
- very good skils (DD, serch, open, jump ett)
- evasion
- good elemental resistances 4-6 from ranger past life +2 from monk enchantment
- arti spells with maxed (for 12 lev electrical and repair)
- WF selfhealing
- improvwed precise shot
- power attack with WF enchantment
- zerg module (dodge, mobility, shot on the run) - mayby change this to 3xtoughnes :D
- is monk feat (deflect arrows) worth of taking - i can change someting if it is really good
- zerg module - mayby change this for toughnesx3 but then power attack enchantment could be bad idea
- mayby some enchantment changes (can takie WF contition I,II ett)
now i play arti/rouge/ranger halfling (TR build for next ranger past) there is stealth attack module with halfling guile and cunning - it works perfect especialy with bluff :D but this wont work on WF :(
pls. give me some advice for this build
Level 20 Lawful Good Warforged Male
(2 Monk / 6 Rogue / 12 Artificer)
Hit Points: 298
Spell Points: 674
BAB: 14/14/19/24
Fortitude: 13
Reflex: 16
Will: 12
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(36 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20)
Strength 12 14
Dexterity 16 19
Constitution 16 18
Intelligence 18 28
Wisdom 6 8
Charisma 6 8
Tomes Used
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
+3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 13
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20)
Balance 7 22
Bluff 2 15
Concentration 3 27
Disable Device 8 36
Haggle 2 21
Hide 7 22
Jump 5 20
Move Silently 7 22
Open Lock 7 31
Repair 4 14
Search 8 34
Spot 2 24
Swim 1 2
Tumble 7 8
Use Magic Device 2 22
Level 1 (Rogue)
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Ranger
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Ranger
Feat: (Selected) Point Blank Shot
Level 2 (Artificer)
Level 3 (Artificer)
Feat: (Selected) Rapid Shot
Level 4 (Rogue)
Level 5 (Artificer)
Level 6 (Artificer)
Feat: (Selected) Precise Shot
Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Weapon Focus: Rangged Weapons
Level 7 (Artificer)
Level 8 (Artificer)
Level 9 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Level 10 (Rogue)
Level 11 (Rogue)
Level 12 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons
Level 13 (Artificer)
Level 14 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Dodge
Level 15 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Mobility
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Level 16 (Artificer)
Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Improved Precise Shot
Level 17 (Artificer)
Level 18 (Artificer)
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Level 19 (Artificer)
Level 20 (Artificer)
Feat: (Artificer Bonus) Shot on the Run
Enhancement: Artificer Damage Boost I
Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I
Enhancement: Artificer Crossbow Damage I
Enhancement: Artificer Improved Rune Arm Use I
Enhancement: Improved Disable Device I
Enhancement: Improved Open Lock I
Enhancement: Charged Spellcasting I
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation I
Enhancement: Artificer Intelligence I
Enhancement: Rogue Improved Trap Sense I
Enhancement: Artificer Damage Boost II
Enhancement: Artificer Crossbow Attack I
Enhancement: Artificer Improved Rune Arm Use II
Enhancement: Artificer Battle Engineer I
Enhancement: Artificer Rune Arm Overcharge I
Enhancement: Rogue Acid Trap Lore I
Enhancement: Improved Disable Device II
Enhancement: Improved Open Lock II
Enhancement: Deadly Shocks I
Enhancement: Artificer Intelligence II
Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Rogue Mechanic I
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training II
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation II
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation III
Enhancement: Repair Manipulation I
Enhancement: Repair Manipulation II
Enhancement: Artificer Crossbow Attack II
Enhancement: Artificer Crossbow Damage II
Enhancement: Artificer Improved Rune Arm Use III
Enhancement: Way of the Clever Monkey I
Enhancement: Charged Spellcasting II
Enhancement: Reconstructive Spellcasting I
Enhancement: Reconstructive Spellcasting II
Enhancement: Deadly Shocks II
Enhancement: Deadly Shocks III
Enhancement: Mighty Reconstruction I
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation V
Enhancement: Storm Manipulation VI
Enhancement: Repair Manipulation III
Enhancement: Repair Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Repair Manipulation V
Enhancement: Repair Manipulation VI
Enhancement: Artificer Intelligence III
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack II