View Full Version : AA monk/fighter

11-12-2011, 04:44 PM
I want make a monk/kensai AA but i dont know if i can use any of special attacks of monk with a bow


11-12-2011, 04:46 PM
I want make a monk/kensai AA but i dont know if i can use any of special attacks of monk with a bow


You can't. But that doesn't mean one isn't workable. There's been a few threads out on these builds, but more are using monk/ranger/fighter builds.

11-13-2011, 09:02 PM
I want make a monk/kensai AA but i dont know if i can use any of special attacks of monk with a bow


10,000 stars works with bows as long as you have the zen archery feat. Most people take ranger because you have to have SP to imbue your arrows, anyway, and 6 ranger gives both ranged and TWF feats. You could probably squeeze kensei in with some variation of 8/6/6 build, but I think that 12 monk/6 ranger/2 fighter is a better split.

11-13-2011, 09:52 PM
Possible variations on the idea:
12 monk / 6 ranger / 2 fighter (best split by a decent margin)
12 ranger / 6 monk / 2 fighter (decent as well with the lower starting dexterity score)
12 fighter / 7 monk / 1 wizard (reasonable but not optimal)
8 fighter / 6 monk / 6 ranger (reasonable but not optimal)
18 monk / 1 fighter / 1 wizard (tier 4 stances, not much else going for this)

Overall, I'd definitely suggest that either of the first 2 options are decent and can give you a feel for the relative strengths and weaknesses that the theme has to offer.

11-14-2011, 05:45 PM
The big thing about 12 monk is the tier 3 stances, which give you either +1 crit on 19-20 (earth) or passive ki gen (water); having decent unarmed dps isn't a bad thing, either.