View Full Version : Amicus

11-02-2011, 12:49 PM
Amicus is a guild founded by two veteran players on the ethos of a small, tight-knit community. Our ethic is to primarily quest together as a guild and therefore succeed – and fail - as a guild.

If you log in, get your ship buffs and check the LFM panel then Amicus is not the guild for you. If you play every other weekend and can take or leave DDO then Amicus is not for you. If you want to belong to a large guild of players and don't really care to get to know them as long as they fill your parties from time to time then Amicus is not for you.

If, however, you play 3 to 4 evenings a week in a European time zone and like to use voice chat then maybe Amicus is for you. If you like the idea of being in a guild of no more than 6 to 10 players where you know everyone's name and all their alts – or you like to say “See you tomorrow” to your guildees and be pretty sure they'll be there for the next adventure perhaps you should get in touch.

We wouldn’t characterise ourselves as zergers but let us just say that a lengthy levelling process has lost it's appeal. We like to make the best of our toons at endgame and enjoy a good TR rush to 20. Raids, epics and other high level quests are all part of our plan.

If you'd like to try Amicus, whether you're unguilded or currently in another guild, then let us know and come run with us for a while. We are recruiting a small number of players to swell our ranks to six right now and we'll hold there and see how things progress. We don't need you to be highly geared, or massively experienced – we just want a social gaming experience for this place where we spend so much – too much – of our time.

Sideways and Grimrall.

11-14-2011, 04:29 AM
Well we've hit 20 and have our first ship - all our own hard work :)

Still looking for those players out there who are focussed on camerarderie and enjoyable gameplay. If you'd like to get to know us and maybe join us just send us a shout.

Sideways and Grimrall.

02-02-2012, 04:59 AM
As we move towards epic levels and more questing goodness Amicus is still looking for members, those brave few who can make friends as well as toons.

Come run a quest or two.


04-06-2012, 06:22 AM
Hi Boys!

As a past Guildy of Side and Grim I wish you both the best of luck.

I hark back to the days when we all knew each other and ran together.

Once again best of luck and above all else HAVE FUN!
