View Full Version : Fighter Need TR advice for a Pally

11-02-2011, 09:28 AM
I am a level 20 human, pure kensai 3 fighter. I am just waiting to get a few things before I tr( madstones and a conn opp cloak). I want to tr into a thf pally but know little about them so I am looking for some guidance. I am going to list things I already have that will be useful for my characters future life. I would also like to know exactly what the fighter past life is in simple terms. I didn't really understand it as written on ddo wiki

Things I already have: ESOS, EAG, Min2 GA, Epic Gloves of the claw, Epic Bracers of the claw, full set of banked +2 tomes, unbound +4 charisma tome from ice games, carnifex, maelstrom, triple neg gs goggles, trp pos gs maul, 45 hp cloak, lit 2 helm with full shock and lightning guards, finger necklace, bloodstone and just about everything else I would need to tr a melee and level up quickly. My toon's name is Sorrowanddoo in case anyone wanted to myddo it.

11-02-2011, 03:36 PM
I am a level 20 human, pure kensai 3 fighter. I am just waiting to get a few things before I tr( madstones and a conn opp cloak). I want to tr into a thf pally but know little about them so I am looking for some guidance. I am going to list things I already have that will be useful for my characters future life. I would also like to know exactly what the fighter past life is in simple terms. I didn't really understand it as written on ddo wiki

Things I already have: ESOS, EAG, Min2 GA, Epic Gloves of the claw, Epic Bracers of the claw, full set of banked +2 tomes, unbound +4 charisma tome from ice games, carnifex, maelstrom, triple neg gs goggles, trp pos gs maul, 45 hp cloak, lit 2 helm with full shock and lightning guards, finger necklace, bloodstone and just about everything else I would need to tr a melee and level up quickly. My toon's name is Sorrowanddoo in case anyone wanted to myddo it.

You're golden. Do a Warforged paladin with 17 str, 16 con, 16 cha and 1 point in intelligence, wisdom or dexterity, doesn't matter which. Eat the +4 tome ASAP. You'll qualify for DMIV. Alternatively, drop cha to 14(save six points) and max strength(3 spent) 1 more on wisdom/intelligence/dexterity(4 spent) and the last 2 on constitution. You'll only get DMIII, but that's enough for most people.

If you're stoked to save that +4 tome for third life, than the +2 cha tome will, with base cha 16, get you 18 and DMIII. I actually prefer this option. However, if you're only doing one pally life, than you may as well do the +4 tome here.

The only items you'll need for this build are Docents, as everything else you have works nicely. Consider trying to get a second, non-epic Sword of Shadows. It's a great weapon to use until you get your green steel axe back. Make a healing amp DT docent if you haven't, and farm some twink gear from Chrono. The Charged Gauntlets in particular are a massive DPS boost for a low level toon, and I still use them all the way to level 20 on most of my characters.

11-02-2011, 05:39 PM
Yea I have a full abishi set and am gonna wait until I get a second sos. Forgot that. This will be a 34 pt tr. Thanks for your suggestions.