View Full Version : Mouse pointer and attack

10-29-2011, 09:16 AM

I have been playing DDO for a month or so, and there is a problem that is bugging me. My attack key is mapped to Q, but it seems that it wont work if my mouse is pointing on an object. I have to move the mouse away from the object, and then it works perfectly again.

I should clarify that, not pointing on an object in game, but rather pointing on a UI object (hotkey, map, others).

The same thing occasionally happens if the map window is opened.

Any ideas?

10-29-2011, 01:12 PM
You must have remapped your 'attack/interact' action to 'Q'. Looks like it doesn't quite work as it should when you point the cursor at something that can be interacted with, but not attacked. Unfortunately, setting the action of 'Q' button to 'attack', 'attack/orbit' or 'attack/steer' makes the 'Q' key behave the same way, so I can't help you. Bug reporting it and accepting the current state for now, seems to be the only way.

10-29-2011, 11:05 PM
It isn't Q. If you have your mouse over any part of the UI, even an invisible part like the map issue, attack is locked out. There is no way around it. In 2006, you could leave the mouse over the UI and still attack, but around 2007, they did a combat revamp that changed it. I don't know how many times I've charged into battle, then when things clear out, realize I haven't been swinging.

Since I use a game pad for most controls and I use the mouse for clicking on my hot bars and other UI elements, I run into this quite often. I've asked for the devs to change it for the last 5 years, but no luck. I think it was originally done to prevent an exploit where you kept inturrupting your attack by clicking on a hot barred command.  This meant that you kept repeating your faster first attack resulting in a significant attack speed increase.

Now the attack animations have been completely redone since that time and I don't even know if that would work anymore if they removed the lockout. But I hope that they could have come up with a less drastic fix sometime in the last 5 years. Try bug reporting it. Even if they consider it WAI, it will let them know that it's annoiying their customers and that they think it's a bug.

10-30-2011, 01:07 AM
Play in mouselook and you'll always have your cursor over what you're attacking, The T key toggles it on and off so it's easy to swap back and forth if you want to click on something else.

Mouselook is great for movement too (especially swimming) just hit W for forward and S for back and steer with the mouse. I remapped my target (monster) key to D since I have no other use for it. Also remapped attack to the right mouse button and chose the UI option to hold that key down to autoattack, takes very little time to get used to that setup and makes moving and fighting tons easier.

Also for me Q targets things like chests, switches, NPC's etc and E uses them so my left hand can do everything without wandering around the keyboard too much.

10-30-2011, 02:10 AM
This issue has been bothering me for years. Remove the UI attack lockout please.