View Full Version : EPIC- NPC rewards = EPIC fail

10-24-2011, 06:15 PM
i started doing epic claws on my own and what dissapoint me, is the end reward by NPC is the same kind as if i done the quest normal, i mean not even a set piece of the vulkor, 900 plat worth loot, big fail there.

10-24-2011, 06:25 PM
This is WAI...the end rewards don't scale up. Meh after a dozen runs you get over it and won't care.

10-24-2011, 06:31 PM
i started doing epic claws on my own and what dissapoint me, is the end reward by NPC is the same kind as if i done the quest normal, i mean not even a set piece of the vulkor, 900 plat worth loot, big fail there.

The end reward is for the base quest, not for the level you do it on. The loot on the end reward list is random, and on occasion you will get nothing named in the list, it's not a big deal. If you wanted the base item to make epic, you might try running the quest on normal or even casual for the completion until you get what you want, unless it's a raid there is no timer. Really, getting the normal loot generation is nothing to cry about.

10-24-2011, 06:47 PM
JUST a big fail, i mean if the NPC end reward doesnt give u motivation to actually do the quest its no wonder so few even bother runing epics, or they just settle with runing the same over and over, i mean toss at least IQ base value item there, i know invs scrolls are cheap ..but cmon...

10-24-2011, 07:10 PM
You don't run epics for some BS end reward. You run them for the pieces required to craft your epic items (and to purchase TR tokens) which are found in the quests.

10-24-2011, 07:25 PM
Its not a BS reward if by selling it i can repurchase all the invs scrolls i used, even some heal scrolls as well, even a mnemo pot would be nice anything but 900 plat worth loot. at least that epic i can run on my own daily, soon as i get the tokens for the cristal i need ill leave that *EPIC* quest with their *EPIC* fail end rewards behind.
Until then is rant on.

10-24-2011, 07:34 PM
Does it make you feel any better that end rewards are actually based on doing the quest on HARD, not normal? heh.

10-24-2011, 08:03 PM
really? And how many lifes did it took u to find that out?
oh wait!... lets wait for next life..k,
u r suposed to get a bit wiser after a new life innit?

10-24-2011, 10:39 PM
This is WAI...the end rewards don't scale up. Meh after a dozen runs you get over it and won't care.

I've done more epics then I care to mention, and I still care that the end rewards are ****..

Not WAI.

10-25-2011, 01:05 AM
Granted , Epics are not run for the quest giver end reward.

When I ran my very first Epic quest, I was also taken back with the reward table , considering it was an epic quest.

I would think that if the loot tables scale based on normal/hard/elite runs..... then logic would follow that epic would aswell.

Not to say they need epic stuff... but some mem pots, +3 weapons at least, etc...

10-25-2011, 01:54 AM
JUST a big fail, i mean if the NPC end reward doesnt give u motivation to actually do the quest its no wonder so few even bother runing epics, or they just settle with runing the same over and over, i mean toss at least IQ base value item there, i know invs scrolls are cheap ..but cmon...

If you're disappointed in the Epics currently in the game, just wait until you see the quests in the next update. I haven't ran the quests for a while on Lammania so maybe things have changed, however when I ran them there was no End Reward from a NPC. Additionally, there were no chests in the quests. Instead you get only collectibles (used to get turn-in items) depending on how well you did in the quest, similar to the Cove. Oh, sure there's some gold on the ground from busting barrels, but being timed quests, who will have time to collect?

10-25-2011, 02:36 AM
Not WAI.

Maybe you should look up the definition of that term, because you're not using it right.

WAI = Working As Intended.

WAI != Working As Shade Wants It To.

Since before day 1 of release, quest givers have neither known nor cared what difficulty you ran the quest at. This has always been true, and quite likely always will be true.

It's also such a non-big-deal, I can't figure out why anyone even cares. Whatever you get is going to be trash loot. Actually, in many quests that potential end reward can be a lot BETTER than a level 20 piece of trash loot. You can get ioun stones from Carnival end rewards. VoN end rewards can drop large bags. This wouldn't happen if the loot table was scaled up to 20+. It would be another +5 crippling bastard sword of halfling bane.

If the end reward of epics bothers you so much, then go into the Vale, kill 1 rare, and loot their chest. Ta-da, you've now gotten exactly the same junk item as you would have if the quest giver gave two squirts of stale urine about your quest difficulty.

10-25-2011, 02:37 AM
This is WAI...the end rewards don't scale up.

It's a bug they don't bother fixing, doesn't make it wai.

10-25-2011, 12:38 PM
Yea, i read about it on the test server threads, i think ill be fine the challenge system like gathering ing the same way as runing Reign of madnes to get upgrades.
As for the loot being scaled, i mean u dont even get renown from the crappy NPC reward since it scale as a lv 10 quest, i just want a 9k base value item, because it will mean ill get at least 1 mnemo pot from the NPC in the end, and even if it is trash looot itll be my trash loot, a +4 to +5 trash loot i can get and be motivated, it could mean many good combos for robes, mithral, scepters etc.
Getting a very low end reward from runing a challenging quest its discouraging and like i said ill run claw till i get my crystal.

10-25-2011, 12:55 PM
This is WAI...the end rewards don't scale up. Meh after a dozen runs you get over it and won't care.

I still care.

10-25-2011, 01:10 PM
Its not a BS reward if by selling it i can repurchase all the invs scrolls i used, even some heal scrolls as well, even a mnemo pot would be nice anything but 900 plat worth loot. at least that epic i can run on my own daily, soon as i get the tokens for the cristal i need ill leave that *EPIC* quest with their *EPIC* fail end rewards behind.
Until then is rant on.

If you are running epics then you are capped. If you are capped and you are having money issues then you have other problems. Even on a 6 CHA barbarian with no haggle item you should have more than enough plat to buy any pot/scroll you need in stacks of 100.

Survey says...

/rant fail

10-25-2011, 02:39 PM
Did i say i have money problems.. no i didnt say that, my complaint is about the quality of the loot the NPC end reward give u after completing the quest.
Next time try to read the entire thread before posting.
U can do that right?
I mean even barbies can read, if not i can mail u a INT +6 item so u can read and post accordingly.

10-25-2011, 04:22 PM
Annoying as it is that quest end rewards suck, I would like to see the in quest chests give up something other than masterwork daggers. If they can add seals, shards and scrolls to loot tables then is there any reason the other items that drop in the chests have to be garbage?

10-25-2011, 05:33 PM
So if you don't care about the reward and only about the tokens in the epic chest you wouldn't mind if all the "normal" quests in the epic quest dropped not epic loot+seals(because we have to get them)?
I know that some wouldn't really care about that either, still it would be stupid, but so is doing an epic quest and getting epic chest loot inside it and then getting +3 dagger in the end reward list.
It then feels like Epic difficulty is not one of the intended ways of running a quest, but just a "stitch-on" addition.

10-25-2011, 05:52 PM
Can't tell if trolling...

10-25-2011, 06:24 PM
I dont really get ur repply badbuy is it aimed at me?
When i started this thread it wasnt about getting seals or the quality of chests loot, it was about the low quality the NPC end reward gave, i mean getting as choice a blur wand(20charge), a helm of focus +1, boot of sping +3, etc it doesnt feel right, at least a 9k base value item would be fine since after that value u can get some unexpected random loot.

10-25-2011, 06:59 PM
I agree with you. I meant that the innapropriate rewards for epics make them feel like they were not the "intended way of playing" which is not right.
The other thing was aimed at people that say that the end reward being not apropriate is not important. I was saying that they concentrate on the epic end chest and find the current reward ok, but they wouldn't like it if for example the chests inside the quest started giving out items similar to the jumk in the end reward. Because it wouldn't make sence. But so does the current end rewards with +3 daggers for an Epic Snitch.

11-11-2011, 10:52 AM
personaly i run epic to get shards seals and scrolls!not end rewards!

11-11-2011, 11:08 AM
This is WAI...the end rewards don't scale up. Meh after a dozen runs you get over it and won't care.

Epic rewards for epic runs!
I still care, I want my scaled end loot.

11-11-2011, 11:20 AM
Epic rewards for epic runs!
I still care, I want my scaled end loot.

well if i got a shard of the bracers of the claw for a end reward i guess i wouldnt complain.i dought that will ever happen but!

11-11-2011, 11:24 AM
really? And how many lifes did it took u to find that out?
oh wait!... lets wait for next life..k,
u r suposed to get a bit wiser after a new life innit?

Did i say i have money problems.. no i didnt say that, my complaint is about the quality of the loot the NPC end reward give u after completing the quest.
Next time try to read the entire thread before posting.
U can do that right?
I mean even barbies can read, if not i can mail u a INT +6 item so u can read and post accordingly.

Looks like you got more problems.
With attitude perhaps.