View Full Version : HoX fail last week, and almost this week...

10-24-2011, 05:05 PM
So, I'm healing HoX last week, and me and the other healer get bees almost immediately. Kind of our fault, but oh well. We also die at about the same time, but oh well. Usually, if one dies first, the other can raise, and no more bees. Or, you know, someone else can raise.

We stand around dead for like 5 minutes, and not a single other player has a raise clicky, none of the paladins can raise, the rogues etc. don't have raise scrolls. You get the point.

Next week. Same thing. Only this time we do have a raise, I make it without getting bees a second time. We finish. We did get skunked on the chest though. But we finished, one closer to 20 (though I need all three items for my healer still, the bracers, shield and necklace, for this build to be finished, so...).

Anyway, my point is twofold. First, EVERYONE should carry some way of raise dead by cap. A green steel clicky, double HP, double positive = EASY, plus everyone could use some extra HP on the cheap.

Scrolls for anyone with the UMD.

Paladin lay on hands extra ability.

Hell, farm Ghola Fan.

You get the point.

Second, and more disturbing point, since when, in HoX, does the arcane no cast Globe of Invulnerability anymore? I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, looking for it, and realized, way to late, it wasn't there... I must of looked like a freaking noob! Am I expected to let the arcane know I would like one in the middle just in case, or do I really just need to be seriously careful and stay away from HoX's breath? I mean, I know I shouldn't go flying into her face and all, but the last couple times I ran in, and before my screen registered her, I already had bees. I blame lag btw.

10-24-2011, 06:39 PM
Not to take away from your point, I agree that all capped toons should have some raise dead potential.....

In the same situation, I've survived one of two ways. One is simply Death Pact. Raise yourself. Obviously needs to be cast before you get bees. The other is that Radiant Servant Burst still works while you have bees. You can wait it out.

10-25-2011, 02:27 AM
Not to take away from your point, I agree that all capped toons should have some raise dead potential.....

In the same situation, I've survived one of two ways. One is simply Death Pact. Raise yourself. Obviously needs to be cast before you get bees. The other is that Radiant Servant Burst still works while you have bees. You can wait it out.

On a favored soul... no RS and at lvl 18 no room for death pact. I guess I should make room for it.

10-25-2011, 09:50 AM
On a favored soul... no RS and at lvl 18 no room for death pact. I guess I should make room for it.

Oooof... tough choice at that level. Mass Cure, Holy Aura, Mass Deathward and DeathPact are all good spells. I imagine if I only got 2, I'd go with the Mass Cure and Holy Aura.... Not sure though.

10-25-2011, 09:54 AM
Why not just have a caster, or person with umd use a globe?

10-25-2011, 10:03 AM
Everyone should have some way to raise, yes, even fighters and barbs. When you have the spare small and medium ingredients, make a tier 2 blunt double positive weapon. It's a good undead killer, along with being able to save the day in a pinch.

Globe is one of the main reasons I carry a Staff of Arcane Power on any character that is the right class, or has enough UMD (just 26, so even Clerics/Pali's can reach it easily enough) to use it and is lucky enough to pull one. UMD'ing the scrolls can be tough on non-full UMD classes, especially those underequipped (since that's who you'll mostly see in HoX) since it has a UMD check of 40.

10-25-2011, 10:06 AM
So, I'm healing HoX last week, and me and the other healer get bees almost immediately. Kind of our fault, but oh well. We also die at about the same time, but oh well. Usually, if one dies first, the other can raise, and no more bees. Or, you know, someone else can raise.

We stand around dead for like 5 minutes, and not a single other player has a raise clicky, none of the paladins can raise, the rogues etc. don't have raise scrolls. You get the point.

Next week. Same thing. Only this time we do have a raise, I make it without getting bees a second time. We finish. We did get skunked on the chest though. But we finished, one closer to 20 (though I need all three items for my healer still, the bracers, shield and necklace, for this build to be finished, so...).

Anyway, my point is twofold. First, EVERYONE should carry some way of raise dead by cap. A green steel clicky, double HP, double positive = EASY, plus everyone could use some extra HP on the cheap.

Scrolls for anyone with the UMD.

Paladin lay on hands extra ability.

Hell, farm Ghola Fan.

You get the point.

Second, and more disturbing point, since when, in HoX, does the arcane no cast Globe of Invulnerability anymore? I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, looking for it, and realized, way to late, it wasn't there... I must of looked like a freaking noob! Am I expected to let the arcane know I would like one in the middle just in case, or do I really just need to be seriously careful and stay away from HoX's breath? I mean, I know I shouldn't go flying into her face and all, but the last couple times I ran in, and before my screen registered her, I already had bees. I blame lag btw.

Isn't this like telling casters or healer they should have such and such a spell...just saying. I don't like to cast globe because it can uncharm the dogs if they run through it(this happens believe me). You need to be aware as a healer where the mama's back is at all times try to stay behind/side of her. Wait a bit before running in, make sure the tank has proper agro. Also you can get clickies with globe for yourself hehehe if you really feel the need to have one.

I like to carry these things for myself, but it doesn't mean everyone should it just means your awesome r.

10-25-2011, 11:05 AM
A few things I would like to say.

1 - Sounds like PUG. The place where new players are. If youre expecting much of a PUG, well, youre to blame. Its not reasonable to expect that every random group you join there will be someone that meet whatever your expectations are.

2 - Death Pact. 1k Plat. Its cheap. Not sure why you were not using it if it was a PUG.

3 - In this story of yours... you die... how many times? 2? 3? I understand dying once, but if you keep dying cause of bees, youre doing something wrong. Even if youre blessing the dogs, you shouldnt be taking bees.

4 - Sometimes things dont go as we expect. Specially on PUGs. At these times, I take a deep breath, remember that I am PUGging, and try to relax. Its something I recommend.

10-25-2011, 10:05 PM
Chances are I was on this raid, the initial fail fest. I was therefore one of the paladins who had just a couple days before just dumped all his ing's into a concordant opposition item and two tier 2 weapons.

There is nearly no room in most paladin builds for that lay on hands enhancement. I could snake it in with KotC, but at the cost of about 20% healing amp and one other AP. Sacrificing that 20% from Devotion III and IV makes I and II worthless btw. I doubt a DoS could even consider it.

Paladin Redemption I: Activate this ability and expend one use of Lay on Hands to raise the dead, returning your target to life at 10% health.
AP Cost: 4 Level: 9 Progression: 28 Requires: Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I, and one of Paladin Devotion II, or Paladin Heal II

It took a while to get that pug together. Someone, aka you, could of asked if anyone aside from the two cleric's had raise ability. But hey, no one's pointing fingers right?