View Full Version : WTB essences

10-23-2011, 01:05 PM
So I've finished leveling my crafting to levels I'm comfortable with only to find out
I now need huge amounts of essences to make the stuff I actually want.:D

I'm mostly interested in lesser essences but will take greaters if people want to
part with them. My rates are 50 pp per lesser but only 250 per greater with
the caveat that if you want to sell 1000+ lessers I will pay 60 per one and for
sales of 200+ greaters I will pay 300 per one. I also have quite a few scrolls I
could trade and these follow with costs in lessers. (costs are always per copy)

1x kundarak warding shield: 2000
1x belt of the mroranon: 2000

2x unkor's cleaver: 1000
1x staff of innner sight: 2000

1x chimera's crown: 1000
1x deneith heavy chain: 1500
1x blademark docent: 1000

Red fens:
1x raven's sight: 1500
1x raven's talons: 1100
2x winter's wrath: 800
2x boots of the mire: 900

1x scorched bracers: 20000
1x hellfire crossbow: 1500
2x hellstroke greataxe: 1500
2x diabolist robe: 2000
1x timeblade: 1000
1x staff of nat gan: 1500

2x phiarlan spy dagger :900
3x fullplate of ringleader: 500
1x big top: 1000
3x illusionist robe: 1500
1x brimstone verge: 600
1x shimmering pendant: 1500
2x utility vest: 1200
1x antique greataxe: 22000

also trading larges
LDS : 5900
LSS: 2000
Shrap: 1500
arrow/chain: 1000
bone: 500

I'm not interested in selling the scrolls for plat unless the offer is really fairly good.
(i.e. If you're willing to pay the equivalent of 150 plat per essence we have deal since I can
just buy out lessers from the AH for that).
Thank you for reading,

10-26-2011, 10:01 AM
Some sold/bought but still looking. Also shameless bump.

10-27-2011, 03:02 AM
3x utility vest: 1200

Is that only lesser essences? coz i've got somewhere between the 1200 and 1500 greater essences lying around. I'd also like the noxious fang scroll... has a must-have, just because i can make it then :)

PM me, reply to this thread or contact me ingame (names in sig)

10-27-2011, 04:44 AM
PM sent

10-27-2011, 04:50 AM
PM sent

10-28-2011, 08:40 AM
PM sent

10-30-2011, 12:32 PM
More sold, some added, yet another shameless bump.

10-31-2011, 07:51 AM
Feedback- Good trade completed.