View Full Version : epic dungeon tokens

10-07-2011, 06:07 PM
Ok, I read the wiki, and I am still not clear on how you get these. (just deleted the post because I rambled, will stick to asking yes-no questions)

1. Can you get the tokens or fragments from doing epic quests for low level dungeons like carnival and Sentinals at like lvl 10? ( I am not really sure if epic dungeons can even be done ´at level´)

2. Can you get them(20 tokens) fairly easily by doing level 20 dungeons on elite?

From what I understand from reading so far, basically once you hit lvl 20, you just run 20 lvl 20 quests on elite and you should get 1 token per completion. Just curious if I can earn the 20 tokens prior to getting to level 20, and if not, how long appx it takes to get the 20 tokens.

10-07-2011, 06:08 PM
Ok, I read the wiki, and I am still not clear on how you get these. (just deleted the post because I rambled, will stick to asking yes-no questions)

1. Can you get the tokens or fragments from doing epic quests for low level dungeons like carnival and Sentinals at like lvl 10? ( I am not really sure if epic dungeons can even be done ´at level´)

2. Can you get them(20 tokens) fairly easily by doing level 20 dungeons on elite?

From what I understand from reading so far, basically once you hit lvl 20, you just run 20 lvl 20 quests on elite and you should get 1 token per completion. Just curious if I can earn the 20 tokens prior to getting to level 20, and if not, how long appx it takes to get the 20 tokens.

You only get epic tokens from epic-level quests. And all epic-level quests can only be done at level 20. Each epic you do will give you either a whole dungeon token or like 30-60 fragments, depending on the quest. Also, in epic quests all "candy bags" are replaced by one epic fragment, so it helps a little. Anyway, it takes a fair while to amass 20 or 30 whole tokens.

10-07-2011, 06:13 PM
thanks, that basically answers it. the wiki does have something about bosses on elite (CR25) also drop them, but that is basically post lvl 20 anyway.

10-07-2011, 06:15 PM
You only get epic tokens from epic-level quests. And all epic-level quests can only be done at level 20. Each epic you do will give you either a whole dungeon token or like 30-60 fragments, depending on the quest. Also, in epic quests all "candy bags" are replaced by one epic fragment, so it helps a little. Anyway, it takes a fair while to amass 20 or 30 whole tokens.

^^ This...

Epic tokens only come from Epic Difficulty... (so no on your Elite/at level thoughts) Epic Quests can only be run 1 time per day... So if you only run say Epic Big Top (you get a full token, and is fairly easy to complete, even post U11) It'll take you 20 days to acquire 20 tokens...

10-07-2011, 06:24 PM
^^ This...

Epic tokens only come from Epic Difficulty... (so no on your Elite/at level thoughts) Epic Quests can only be run 1 time per day... So if you only run say Epic Big Top (you get a full token, and is fairly easy to complete, even post U11) It'll take you 20 days to acquire 20 tokens...

Most people recommend that you run the house P series and the Red Fens series; both aren't terribly hard (for epics, anyway) and have some nice loot. You can run more than one epic a day, but you can't run the SAME quest on epic more than once a day.

10-07-2011, 06:30 PM
ok thanks.. so probably just a couple weeks of running 2-3 quests per night.

I am debating my next pak purchase.. it was between Sent and GH. GH is better because it fills the exp void a little better for leveling, but Sent has the epics, which I erroneously thought I could use to level and maybe pick up some dungeon tokens.

I am not much of a gear grinder, so TRing to a different playstyle is much more appealing than playing a long time at lvl 20.

10-07-2011, 06:32 PM
Epic Difficulty is really different from Elite, mobs are lvl 30-40 and have thousands of HP. Also they hit hard like 40-70, even archers.

10-07-2011, 06:41 PM
what was not said is Epic raids drop epic raid tokens.

they can be converted to regular tokens at the alter

you will have to also cruch fragments(100) in the alter.

I think it is possible to get 20 EDT in 4 days, but that is running everything Epic.

10-08-2011, 08:13 AM
Also note that Epic Dungeon Tokens/Raid Tokens/Token Fragments are bound to account. You can run the "easy" epics on multiple characters per day, and then pool the tokens and fragments together.

People do still run easier epics after they have everything they want from them because when you start using tokens to slot items, you can burn through 200+ in no time.

It's rare, but you can occasionally get Epic Token Fragments from mob kills in Elite Amrath. It's not a great source, because you may only end up with 1-3 fragments per run.

10-08-2011, 09:46 AM
there was bug in past sometimes causing epic ward appear in non epic quests, and theese mobs was sometimes dropping token fragments.
Now its fixed.

10-08-2011, 10:24 AM
there was bug in past sometimes causing epic ward appear in non epic quests, and theese mobs was sometimes dropping token fragments.
Now its fixed.

The Epic Ward bug is (mostly) gone, but even without it, Elite Amrath can still give token fragments rarely. The whole group night pulled one from a treasure bag in elite New Invasion just last night.

10-08-2011, 02:34 PM
ok thanks.. so probably just a couple weeks of running 2-3 quests per night.

I am debating my next pak purchase.. it was between Sent and GH. GH is better because it fills the exp void a little better for leveling, but Sent has the epics, which I erroneously thought I could use to level and maybe pick up some dungeon tokens.

I am not much of a gear grinder, so TRing to a different playstyle is much more appealing than playing a long time at lvl 20.

My advice? Don't buy Sands, get GH instead. GH fills a void in F2P content and makes it much easier to get to cap. It also gives some decent loot that will help you gear up for endgame, and is a good source of money through TOR scale farming, which is one of the most lucrative run in the game.

Yes, Sands has epic quests. OTOH, they're the toughest epics in the game, and are definitely not meant for new ungeared lvl 20s. If you try (assuming you can find groups) you'll just get frustrated.

Leave buying epic packs for when you hit cap, and start with the easy ones like Phiarlan Carnival, some of the ones from Vault of Night (VoN 1& 2) or some of the Red Fens ones.

10-08-2011, 02:38 PM
In fact, you can get epic token fragments from non epic content. I've got bags with fragments from the shadows of ToD, only 1 (wich is 1/100 token) but it's something XD

I've also seen fragments drop in the subterrane raids, but don't remember which one.