View Full Version : Advices for a TR dps-build

10-01-2011, 12:58 PM
Hi everyone,
I was thinnking about TR'ing my rogue (first TR for him) and i would like some imputs to start exploring the multiclassed-toons universe.
I would like to keep using my sneak attack skills from past life, but i need advices from more experienced players. My thougth is about a human assassin 12/ kensai 6/ monk 2 twf double longsword build, but it sure has some weakness points. My fisrt doubt is: all the people goes for TA while multiclassing a rogue: why? should i go for TA instead of assassin?
Is that a really noobish build?
As i said, i'm new at multiclassing so please give me advices on stats, feats, skills etc :)
Thanks in advance.

10-01-2011, 01:52 PM
Basically nothing beats rogue dps... Tring a rogue into another rogue is a real good choice anyway :) Maybe you were dext based and you want to try some REAL dps, so just go rogue 20, either half orc (max str) or human (damage boost + extra feat), with 18 to 20 in strenght, 15 to dext for TWF, and rest in constitution :) If you got extra points intelligence is fine but tomes can totally balance that (ok human got +2 int than half orc ;) ).

Well i would definitely advise you to go for 20 rogue strenght based, enjoy your gear and your skills. Dext based rogue and str based rogue dont play the same at all. If you were already a badass str rogue, then just TR in a badassĀ² str rogue :D

10-02-2011, 05:09 PM
That toon was dex based on first life, but since it's a character I rarely use, I wanted to try out a split build instead of a single-class build (got 4 other toons with no multiclass) .. That said, could it be a fun choice? I just tryied to plan it with the program, taking your advice for initial stats and half-orc race; what came out from that was a lvl 20 Thief acrobat II/kensei I/monk with around 500 hp (counting gfl, toughness item, gs item, +6 const) and str 44 (20 base + 5advancement, +2 fighter, +2 half-orc, +3 tome, + 7 item, + 1 exceptional, +2 exceptional, +2 sun stance, didnt count yugo pots, rage spell nor madstone), with dumped int,wis and cha and so no trapsmith skills at all (not enough points for that).

10-02-2011, 07:37 PM
Can be fun to play, but let's face it, your dps will suck.
Str rogue has nothing to do with dext rogue, and tbh a rogue that can't do traps is sad :(
If you really want a split... hum
13 rogue 6 barbarian 1 fighter is very funny.
12 ranger 7 rogue 1 barb or 1 fighter too.
Since these builds may lack of feats, i would prolly advise human or dwarf (with dwarven axes), obviously str based.
If you actually dont care about traps, 12 ranger 6 barb 2 fighter (or rogue actually for traps or W/E) can do wonder (see my signature for complete build).
Basically, with the main idea of dealing really good, even VERY good dps, and just shiny as soon as you got access to sneak attacks.

And to answer a question i didnt notice in your first post, i wont say using longswords is newbish, but sucks a wee ^^

10-24-2011, 11:36 PM
lets say you were heading for completionist:
