View Full Version : Gord the Rogue, Oerth & Gygax

09-29-2011, 09:00 AM
E. Gary Gygax wrote 10 (?) books about Gord the Rogue, from Greyhawk.

Gord was an orphan living on the streets, as he became a talented thief, he left his humble beginnings to explore the world & have all kinds of adventures, troubles & heroics that eventually made him a renowned celebrity in Greyhawk.

Gord appears in the Greyhawk Folios and is a similar character to Fritz Leibers "Mouser" from Lankhmar.

For a look into the original campaign setting, and the world of Greyhawk, Id recommend seeking these books out & giving them a try.

09-29-2011, 09:13 AM
Actually the series of books wasn't too bad until the last couple when I think you totally just blew it off to get it overwith. The last few books were published during the time when Gary was forced out of TSR, so I got the feeling that he tanked the ending on purpose.

Grayhawk as a setting, IMHO, was less impressive. It was the original official setting, Personally I always liked several of their alternate settings better, with Forgotten Realms in the lead. Al Quadem (sp?) wasn't bad either.

09-29-2011, 09:19 AM
Actually the series of books wasn't too bad until the last couple when I think you totally just blew it off to get it overwith. The last few books were published during the time when Gary was forced out of TSR, so I got the feeling that he tanked the ending on purpose.

Grayhawk as a setting, IMHO, was less impressive. It was the original official setting, Personally I always liked several of their alternate settings better, with Forgotten Realms in the lead. Al Quadem (sp?) wasn't bad either.

I got the same feeling about how he ended it all. Good point.

As for Forgotten Realms , when is that game coming out Turbine? It's been in the rumor mill for 3 years now, and haven't heard a rumble about it for over a year! ;)

09-29-2011, 09:20 AM
With the magic of Litigation, it's like Gord never existed.

09-29-2011, 09:21 AM
Agree about the ending as well - which was a disappointment.
Tharzidun was a cool concept and needed a better defeat then being locked in a pocket universe with Entropy.
The rest of the books were quite good, in particular the first.

09-29-2011, 09:25 AM
With the magic of Litigation, it's like Gord never existed.

Now THAT'S funny! :D

Agree about the ending as well - which was a disappointment.
Tharzidun was a cool concept and needed a better defeat then being locked in a pocket universe with Entropy.
The rest of the books were quite good, in particular the first.

09-29-2011, 09:43 AM

09-29-2011, 09:50 AM
Agree about the ending as well - which was a disappointment.
Tharzidun was a cool concept and needed a better defeat then being locked in a pocket universe with Entropy.
The rest of the books were quite good, in particular the first.

Sea of Death - I think that was my favorite. My brother just ran us through a PnP version of the encounter that took place in the underground Suel city.

The result was a disaster, but it was still pretty cool.

09-29-2011, 09:54 AM
I got the same feeling about how he ended it all. Good point.

As for Forgotten Realms , when is that game coming out Turbine? It's been in the rumor mill for 3 years now, and haven't heard a rumble about it for over a year! ;)

Turbine has nothing to do with the coming better they were forgotten realms game which is going to bite big time

09-29-2011, 10:03 AM

Love these books - just got done with the series again.

Adventures of Gord, Chert, Curley are some of my favorite of all time as they are pure DnD created by the original DM.

The cast of characters, large and small, is amazing to read about. Melf, Ombi, Bigby, the list goes on...

09-29-2011, 10:17 AM
Some of my favorites for sure. I've read the series at least four times over the years.

I always thought that these would make a good basis for a TV series.