View Full Version : Crimson Eagles - Recruiting endgame raiders
09-26-2011, 02:37 AM
Lots has happened over the last few weeks and we have unfortunately lost some great players and great friends to the perils of Real Life.
So Crimson Eagles is opening recruitment again.
We are after established players that need a fun, end game home for the +10GMT time zone. End game raiding and epic quests/raids are the focus and new membership should already enjoy this content and be familiar with it.
* Multiple classes/characters is a must.
* Guild chat is not filtered so not flinching at all the random kinky Drow on Drow chat is a must.
* Females need not feel left out as we have 3 in guild and Stopwound hasn't logged on for 2 weeks so fear not!
* Real Life trumps DDO, random afk's happen a lot for various reasons. We also do not throw around blame for a wipe. We enjoy spectacular recoveries too :)
Ideal applicants would be someone who has run with us before and had fun, plays +10GMT evenings primarily and has experience with epic and raid end game. Impatient and srs bzns players won't fit in. We love a bit of grease but know when to stop (usually when our channel friends are getting mad).
Gear is what everyone farms, so as long as you contribute and are working to better you're characters, the gear will come. You can't farm attitude and fun.
Guild Leader: Felgor
Play time: Mostly +10GMT Afternoon/Evening
Content: Focus on Raids and Epic with lowbie spurts thrown in.
Open Spots: 4
Thank you for your time and possible interest.
09-26-2011, 09:19 AM
Good people and top notch officers
I miss Widow but :(
09-26-2011, 10:54 AM
Good people and top notch officers
I miss Widow but :(
Yea can't replace Janthana, Stop or Widow. Hopefully Jan and Widow come back when time permits.
It is what it is though.
10-09-2011, 06:06 PM
2 great additions, still after 2 more.
10-09-2011, 06:23 PM
Ah Felgor, love your sig :)
10-09-2011, 11:39 PM
Ah Felgor, love your sig :)
So true :D
Cove is over, more LoB and MA. I have 2 defenders that can hit the intim for normal, maybe 75% on Hard.
10-09-2011, 11:58 PM
Yea can't replace Janthana, Stop or Widow. Hopefully Jan and Widow come back...
Lol... I see what you did there! I wont tell Stop. I am sure he knows!
CE are a great bunch of people to run with. Join away peeps.
10-10-2011, 12:16 AM
Lol... I see what you did there! I wont tell Stop. I am sure he knows!
CE are a great bunch of people to run with. Join away peeps.
Nope I knew Stop would be back once in a while to say hi. He was back last night for a few hours. Probably back in a few more weeks to try and run LoB.
10-10-2011, 01:59 PM
Do I get an unofficial guild membership or an Ambassadorial spot?
I mean, really, how many of your guildie's backpacks do I have to ride along in?
10-10-2011, 07:44 PM
Do I get an unofficial guild membership or an Ambassadorial spot?
I mean, really, how many of your guildie's backpacks do I have to ride along in?
How about Crimson Eagles US Ambassador? Though only once you get Ferrum into the channel :)
10-10-2011, 07:58 PM
If I wasn't really happy being in Forgotten Souls I'd definitely switch to you guys... I've always enjoyed running with Crimson Eagles members :D
If you guys ever need to fill out a guild raid with another Barbarian feel free to give Talesen a tell. :)
11-06-2011, 11:44 AM
I was wondering if you guys were still recruiting Felgor. I'm looking for something new, and stainer pointed me your way.
Here's a quote from my LFG thread:
Looking for a guild that runs raids/epics regularly.
Not looking for anything too elitist, but then again I'm pretty sure those wouldn't be looking for me either
My toons are on my sig. I am on quite a bit, but I'm european, so looking at 2-3 am GMT being the latest.
Just figured it might be important to add the packs that I have. I believe I have most of the important stuff: Carnival, Fens, Sands, Gianthold, Necro 4, Vale, Amrath (soon to get Refuge).
I'd love if you could get back at me.
11-06-2011, 05:36 PM
I was wondering if you guys were still recruiting Felgor. I'm looking for something new, and stainer pointed me your way.
Here's a quote from my LFG thread:
I'd love if you could get back at me.
I'll try to contact you in game tonight for some runs. How does your playtime match up with +10GMT Afternoon/Evenings ? That is when we do most guild raids.
It would be great if you are looking at getting the new pack as we are running LoB/MA almost every night and pushing up to Epic (hard done just need more practice).
11-06-2011, 06:57 PM
How about Crimson Eagles US Ambassador? Though only once you get Ferrum into the channel :)
You want Ferr in the channel? I'll get him the info.
Yes, we'd love more CE folks gimping our website thanks! LOL
11-06-2011, 10:14 PM
You want Ferr in the channel? I'll get him the info.
Yes, we'd love more CE folks gimping our website thanks! LOL
Yea man I always forget to look for him, and half my toons are out of the fail chan now. I need someone else to start tanking LoB :)
11-07-2011, 08:48 PM
Recruitment currently closed, lookign at a couple of new members possibly.
Thanks everyone.
11-08-2011, 01:29 PM
Just remind the new recruits that they will be running with Draz occasionally. Warning them ahead of time will help lessen the shock of getting drazinyourpants™ brand products all over them.
11-10-2011, 01:50 AM
Hahaha yeah draz is everywhere, be prepared for the sticky rain he is sure to spew :rolleyes::eek::eek:
I'm somewhat back too due to U12... elite shroud, vod, hox, reaver, abbot let go! lol
11-15-2011, 02:14 PM
So I have a job now....I might be back on sporadically after I start getting paid.
Miss you guys!!! I actually wanna TR!!! :/
11-15-2011, 09:00 PM
So I have a job now....I might be back on sporadically and in between real dragon fights in Skyrim after I start getting paid.
Miss you guys!!! I actually wanna TR!!! :/
Fixed it for you.
11-16-2011, 03:23 AM
Fixed it for you.
Not getting Skyrim til all the little tricks are figured out. I like to play smarter, not harder.
Plus, I have Pokemon if I get bored. :3
Just need to start drawing a paycheck now >.>
11-23-2011, 12:11 AM
Look for me this weekend guys. I have the weekend off completely and I'll be resubbing for a bit :3
11-27-2011, 05:03 PM
Look for me this weekend guys. I have the weekend off completely and I'll be resubbing for a bit :3
Glad to see you back, even if I can't catch up with you properly for another week or so.
11-27-2011, 11:14 PM
Glad to see you back, even if I can't catch up with you properly for another week or so.
NP. I'm in lowbie land, relearning everything again :3
11-27-2011, 11:28 PM
NP. I'm in lowbie land, relearning everything again :3
I'm playing Skyrim and have a friend visiting this coming week so see you in a couple I guess.
11-28-2011, 12:57 AM
I'm playing Skyrim and have a friend visiting this coming week so see you in a couple I guess.
Fair enough. I'll prolly have my Arty nicely along by then so I can start flagging things :)
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