View Full Version : DCs for Critical Success of Cannith Cannon disabling

09-25-2011, 02:17 AM
I thought I might start a thread to keep up with the numbers for getting a critical success when disabling the cannith cannons. I'm curious though if the numbers apply ubiquitously based on difficulty (in other words, if it is, say, 60 on norm in Blown to Bits, is it also a 60 in Master Artificer on norm? ... ). The numbers don't seem to be too high by any means, but I thought it might be useful to have them recorded somewhere ... and I didn't see any other posts like this, but sorry if there is one.

Anyway, if anyone else wants to post their findings please do.

Master Artificer, normal - my lowest roll was a 62 (58+4), and that was enough to get a critical success.

Schemes of the enemy, hard - my lowest roll was a 63 (58+5) and that was NOT enough to get a critical success. Unfortunately my next lowest roll was a 72 (58+14), so we know it is somewhere between 63 and 72.

I'll post more as I play around in there.

09-25-2011, 02:56 AM
In Artificer Workshops, got critical success on 60 total (59+1)

In Master Artificer Hard, got critical success every time (on 3 cannons) with +64 mod, but don't remember die rolls.

09-25-2011, 12:57 PM
Schemes of the Enemy, elite: no critical success on a 76 (68+8), but did get one on a 77 (68+9) ... so for elite, the magic number seems to be 77. I'm curious now to see if this is the same on another quest in the arc on elite ...