View Full Version : Templar

09-13-2011, 11:21 PM
Templar are a mixed bunch of guys and girls who like to have a laugh whilst running end-game content. We're not actively recruiting, but we always have room for more like-minded people to join our ranks.

If you had to give us a DDO alignment, Chaotic Neutral would best describe our nature - I'd go so far to say as we are the most un-PC guild on the server.

People that will like us:
Not many.
Those with (extremely) thick skins.
Those with an irreverent sense of humor.
Those who are end-gamers and enjoy running quests/epics/raids for the challenge/loot.

What you will get as a guildy:
A nice airship and TS3 server to chat with us.
Auto-inclusion into Templar runs, regardless of what gimp toon you decide to bring
Guildies who you can rely on to have your back
Jokes made at your expense at every opportunity
Never having to say sorry for poking fun at a guildy :P

If you're interested in joining Templar, there's no set method other than to get to know us and accept us for who we are - a bunch of pranksters who also happen to have awesome toons.

09-25-2011, 06:31 AM
1. Do you like end-game raiding?
2. Do you giggle a little when someone throws grease right before a spike trap?
3. Do you have at least 1 capped toon that has more hp than Tempys Lorben?
4. Do you cry when the meanie heads are mean to you?

If you answered YES to all but question 4, then Templar might be the guild for you. To apply, send me PM or a /tell in-game and we'll discuss if you're the right fit for us/we're the right fit for you.

May the lord of trolls grease your path to mad loots.

09-25-2011, 12:42 PM
Sent in game mail to Soaked.

09-26-2011, 09:51 AM
Great posts Soaked. Especially the OP.

Templar is the place where you tell your mate to **** off just because you like him! Well... Except when you say it to Vyrn :D

09-26-2011, 04:36 PM
Great posts Soaked. Especially the OP.

Templar is the place where you tell your mate to **** off just because you like him! Well... Except when you say it to Vyrn :D

Aw, snarfle :(

09-26-2011, 04:40 PM
That's my wifes toon's name! Anyway, cool name.

09-30-2011, 10:05 PM
Welcome to the lair of trolls, Altern. Hope you enjoy the ride!

09-30-2011, 11:01 PM
I had a great time running Lord of Blades with you guys the other night on my bard Gildus. Always neat to see how the pros do, and it's even better when the pros are fun.

10-01-2011, 04:06 AM
I heard those guys are big meanie heads. Especially that Zecks fellow.

I also hear they have a Canadian infection...

On a somewhat (but not really) more serious note: All Templar members are required to show their buttons upon login or face the horror of Hellcloud's jersey accent :(.


10-01-2011, 05:03 AM
We are indeed, big meanie heads. We're also elitist jerks who have no skill because all our toons have more 450 hp <_<... apparently I didn't read the memo where it stated that to be a skilled player, you have to dump con...

Anyways, still recruiting - PMs to me, here or in-game.

10-02-2011, 07:37 AM
Big welcome to Nizzen and Mitalia! Good to see more Aussies in guild :P

As always, if you're interested in joining Templar, PM me here or in-game.

10-05-2011, 05:30 PM
Big welcome to Nizzen and Mitalia! Good to see more Aussies in guild :P

Yes Welcome .... suckers ....... K now has competition for the best Hyena laugh muhahahahha

What I wanna know is how to get out .... Meanies to all in guild ..... extreme meanies to those that leave aahhhhhh


10-05-2011, 06:41 PM
Yes Welcome .... suckers ....... K now has competition for the best Hyena laugh muhahahahha

What I wanna know is how to get out .... Meanies to all in guild ..... extreme meanies to those that leave aahhhhhh


I heard this guild was the laughing stock of cannith /laugh, haters gonna hate.

10-05-2011, 08:01 PM
I heard this guild was the laughing stock of cannith /laugh, haters gonna hate.

I heard it was the snarfling stock of cannith. /snarfle.

10-05-2011, 08:19 PM
I heard it was the snarfling stock of cannith. /snarfle.

That's... true. A lot of people snarfle at us. I wonder why :D

10-05-2011, 11:47 PM
That's... true. A lot of people snarfle at us. I wonder why :D

That's because some members of our guild seem to keep accepting bads into elite amrath/epics, insisting that "it will be fun" (in a very high pitched voice). When said bads keep dying after being farted on by a mob, we tend to laugh... over voice chat. Very loudly... You're right, I have NO IDEA why people snarfle at us so much! <_<

10-07-2011, 02:03 PM
Send me a tell sometimes...

1. Do you like end-game raiding?

2. Do you giggle a little when someone throws grease right before a spike trap?
I giggled when i saw #2, then laughed out loud when i read the post.

3. Do you have at least 1 capped toon that has more hp than Tempys Lorben?
...... Sure

4. Do you cry when the meanie heads are mean to you?

If you answered YES to all but question 4, then Templar might be the guild for you. To apply, send me PM or a /tell in-game and we'll discuss if you're the right fit for us/we're the right fit for you.

May the lord of trolls grease your path to mad loots.

10-07-2011, 07:59 PM

10-09-2011, 09:58 PM
Sent a PM to you, kjohnson1990.

Most ninja guild ever =? Templar!

10-25-2011, 05:14 PM
I heard this guild was the laughing stock of cannith /laugh, haters gonna hate.


whats up mate? its been a while!

11-03-2011, 11:25 PM
I'm currently taking a break from DDO - Templar are still a great bunch of guys n gals to hang with, so if you're interested in joining, refer to the OP, but send tells to any Templar you see online, ingame. We'll work out the details from there.

Have fun all.

01-02-2012, 08:49 PM
Templar are ramping things up in 2012 with the aim of a full guild run, no-pot, eLOB in our sights. This means we'll be running a lot of other raids/epics on the side in order to gear up for the occasion. If you want to be a part of this madness, and you feel you have what it takes to be a Templar, then hit me up on forums or in-game.

Check out the OP for details of who we are and how we do.

01-09-2012, 07:34 PM
So I was minding my own business the other day, standing at the mailbox in harbour when I get a tell:
"I hope you're sending a guild invite to xxx (named withheld)."

Actually, I was sending some majors to a guildy to repay him for a run. The tell was from a person I had never partied with before, nor had any form of acquaintance. So my response was:
"What for?"

Long story short I refused to invite xxx, to which I get a response along the lines of:
"You are bunch of big fat meanie pinhead elitist pigs. This is why I refuse to run with you. You're just ****ants. I'll make it my life's work to make sure no one on server will ever party with you again etc etc ad hominem"

Just seems a bit silly if you're trying to get your friend into a guild you apparently loathe from the get-go and then proceed to be offended when you get turned down.

So let's clear up any confusion about Templar and our recruiting policy:
1. Templar is not your local open-access YMCA or friendly society.
2. Templar will recruit who we want, when we want to, and on our terms.
3. Threatening to blacklist Templar is like a dog refusing eat the scraps thrown from its master's table - it won't make a difference to us, but you'll just end up hungry.

01-10-2012, 07:20 PM
So I was minding my own business the other day, standing at the mailbox in harbour when I get a tell:
"I hope you're sending a guild invite to xxx (named withheld)."

Actually, I was sending some majors to a guildy to repay him for a run. The tell was from a person I had never partied with before, nor had any form of acquaintance. So my response was:
"What for?"

Long story short I refused to invite xxx, to which I get a response along the lines of:
"You are bunch of big fat meanie pinhead elitist pigs. This is why I refuse to run with you. You're just ****ants. I'll make it my life's work to make sure no one on server will ever party with you again etc etc ad hominem"

Just seems a bit silly if you're trying to get your friend into a guild you apparently loathe from the get-go and then proceed to be offended when you get turned down.

So let's clear up any confusion about Templar and our recruiting policy:
1. Templar is not your local open-access YMCA or friendly society.
2. Templar will recruit who we want, when we want to, and on our terms.
3. Threatening to blacklist Templar is like a dog refusing eat the scraps thrown from its master's table - it won't make a difference to us, but you'll just end up hungry.


01-12-2012, 01:29 AM
So let's clear up any confusion about Templar and our recruiting policy:
1. Templar is not your local open-access YMCA or friendly society.
2. Templar will recruit who we want, when we want to, and on our terms.
3. Threatening to blacklist Templar is like a dog refusing eat the scraps thrown from its master's table - it won't make a difference to us, but you'll just end up hungry.

#3 is #awesome.

01-12-2012, 06:39 AM
#3 is #awesome.

Yea...that's one of the more perfect sentances ever written.

01-15-2012, 01:11 AM
Templar is back in action! You don't get much better then these guys ^_^

01-24-2012, 04:52 AM
LOL, risen, your comments on all those Cannith drama threads gave me a good chuckle :P

Was good having you in on that epic LOB run - lookin' forward to seeing more of you in our runs :D

07-07-2012, 06:53 PM
Still looking for a new B.O.M.B. squad to tame the new epic levels and content with look for us in game or pm with interest only THANKS!