View Full Version : Is this a troll, a scammer or someone with a head in the clouds in Auction house

09-10-2011, 06:58 PM
So, in trying to buy ingredients for crafting, I've tried to stick close to my guns that i'll buy a greater essence for approx 500pp. I know some people seem to go between 500 and 1,000, a few stray from that a bit.

But this guy (it HAS to be the same person, I mean ... unless there is some scam going on) keeps posting greater essences for approximately one MILLION pp each (or for max 5 greater essences - good, divine, mind, it's all over). it's the same number each time. and the auctions keep reappearing. Which means they are either a) wasting money posting these or b) did someone actually fall for one of these (maybe clicked this instead of "buyout" on the one above/below it? That's the only motivation I can think of because these are clearly so far out of range of everyone else, it's obviously someone who is scamming, is totally clueless (unlikely) or someone who is scamming.

Apologies if i missed any threads already about this.

I can't post the picture for some reason but basically the greater mind essences auctions go like this:

4 greater mind. 1,111,110 (open) 1,111,111 (buyout)
5 greater mind. 140 (open) 5,000 (buyout)
5 greater mind. 4,799 (open) 4,999 (buyout)
5 greater mind. 500 (open) 6,000 (buyout)

09-10-2011, 07:00 PM
I could see it being an easy and fast way to transfer a lot of cash between characters... at a substaintial loss... but that's how I'd do it if I had a lot to move...

09-10-2011, 08:30 PM
interesting. hadn't thought of that. just seems to be up a lot (all kinds of essences).

09-10-2011, 08:38 PM
I sometimes wonder if people do this to fish for the odd chance of someone making a missclick? it doesnt cost much to post and hey if someone does make the blunder whooohooooo 1million plat for something thats onlt worth 500 plat. ive miss clicked in the ah a couple of times being tired and distracted, but at least it only cost me 10's 1000's not millions.

09-10-2011, 08:40 PM
Yay for a 300k money gram!

09-10-2011, 09:14 PM
sometimes, people will put items in the auction house because they have run out of storage space.

they put a ridiculous price on things knowing they can get them back when they need them or they get loads of money. when the bank runs out of space, you can always let things float in the mail system for awhile

09-10-2011, 09:15 PM
Yall do realize that some people use the auction house as a temp storage area right???

They place items that they just dont have room for on the AH at insane prices so that no one will buy it and even if they do they have made soooooooo much on the sale they can just shrug it off. Not saying that this is what your seeing but its a possibality.

09-11-2011, 10:16 AM
Yes I had thought about that, but if the OP's example of 4 greater mind essences was indeed the actual deal... who would bother to store 4 greater mind essences this way? 400 maybe...

09-13-2011, 07:57 PM
All of the above.

09-17-2011, 07:34 PM
It's miss-click fishing or money transfer. I'd wager miss-click fishing based on the item used.

09-17-2011, 08:00 PM
Storage space. It's cheaper than mailing it to yourself, and buying more bank space.

09-18-2011, 03:51 AM
.....to me it looks like a scam, at least what I saw, item posted for say 50 over and over then 1million, then next item, 50 over and over and over, then 1 million.....I think because the first is cheap and I have just bought and bought and if your not careful, you will click on he 1 million one and lose........

09-18-2011, 05:13 AM
I'm probably get in trouble for letting out this traders secret but here's how it works:

Say your wondering if you should buy an item or not, for example a rocksplitter.
Now you wonder over to the auction list and filter out the rocksplitters.
Which one will you buy, they're all the same so your bound to go for the right price and in this case the right price is the lowest.
The traders who are making a sport out of it know this, so what they do is put up a price range of the same item and deliberately put silly high prices on most of them except one. That one has a price that seems totally out of range on the cheap side. Now what do you think you would do if you see that bargain just sitting there just waiting to be grabbed and it is that item you had on your wish list?

Right, you can't refuse yourself and you'll hit that buyout button and wind up paying the exact amount the seller was aiming for. It wasn't a bargain at all, the rest is just over priced.

I must add to this that with the new artificer class the demand for ingredients has gone up greatly!

09-18-2011, 05:17 AM
A scam or maybe somebody using AH to store items. With indecent prices there's about no chances somebody will buy it, so you have an almost free storage for 3 days... rinse/repeat, it's not as if the posting fee was making a dent into anybody's pile of plat.

09-18-2011, 06:13 AM
I'm probably get in trouble for letting out this traders secret but here's how it works:

Say your wondering if you should buy an item or not, for example a rocksplitter.
Now you wonder over to the auction list and filter out the rocksplitters.
Which one will you buy, they're all the same so your bound to go for the right price and in this case the right price is the lowest.
The traders who are making a sport out of it know this, so what they do is put up a price range of the same item and deliberately put silly high prices on most of them except one. That one has a price that seems totally out of range on the cheap side. Now what do you think you would do if you see that bargain just sitting there just waiting to be grabbed and it is that item you had on your wish list?

Right, you can't refuse yourself and you'll hit that buyout button and wind up paying the exact amount the seller was aiming for. It wasn't a bargain at all, the rest is just over priced.

I must add to this that with the new artificer class the demand for ingredients has gone up greatly!

Before I got totally sick of farming Muckbanes, I used to do this and it would work most of the time.

I'd post four or five Muckbanes on the auction house, with all but one listed at 500k to 600k plats. Then I would list the last one at 200k-300k plats. I'd say the cheaper one sold about 80% of the time.

09-18-2011, 06:34 AM
Before I got totally sick of farming Muckbanes, I used to do this and it would work most of the time.

I'd post four or five Muckbanes on the auction house, with all but one listed at 500k to 600k plats. Then I would list the last one at 200k-300k plats. I'd say the cheaper one sold about 80% of the time.

This is just wrong on so many levels, you could get a muckdoom for cheaper than your cheap muckbane...

or craft an ooze beater :P