View Full Version : Help with German phrases for grouping

09-09-2011, 11:56 AM
I'll be honest, my german is terrible. Three years of learning it at school many years ago has disappeared from my memory. But all the same I would like to try to group with german speaking players without making them feel obliged to translate for me. I don't use voice often as it is and tend to just type occasionally. And from playing with english players I know it's possible to not say or type a word in a whole quest and still complete fine if you're familiar with what's going on.

But in the interests of being social, any help with phrases in german that would assist some integration would be brilliant. I'm thinking of typical phrases and wondering what the german equivalent is. Things like 'be right there', 'on my way', "who has the voice?' and 'don't kill the puppies'. Even the german equivalent of 'lol'. And so on ... you get the idea =)

09-09-2011, 12:06 PM
'be right there' => ' bin gleich da'

'on my way' => 'auf dem Weg'

"who has the voice?' ? is this a usual phrase on your home server ? What does it mean ? Asking for voicechat/speakers/leadership/voice of the master/something else ? Translation depends obviously.

'don't kill the puppies' =>' nicht die Welpen töten'

'lol' => 'laut lachen' has no German common abbreviation. Internetslang tends to be only availible in English as it has evolved in an English environment and taken over by foreign speakers unchanged. You could also use emoticons.

09-09-2011, 12:07 PM

This worksish.

Same amount of class time here. I know my vocabulary is horrid. I still have the sentence structure down sort of , and that was near 20 years ago. I know I can speak it better than I read/type it. With that my english typing sucks, and I am a native english speaker :)

09-09-2011, 06:10 PM
If Who has the Voice is referring to VoN5, a "Wer hat die Stimme von Haywire", or a "Wer hat die Voice of Haywire" will work.

lol = lol
cool = cool

09-09-2011, 06:20 PM
Thanks so far =)

Any commonly used phrases would be helpful and any abbreviations too. Trying to think of more. How about:

'I'm at the quest entrance'

'Stepping in'

'FO' (finish out)

(I'd use a translator but my experience in french chat rooms for example showed me that often there will be slang phrases or particular phrases/abbreviations that flummox online translators)

09-09-2011, 06:23 PM
I have a evil cat = Ich habe eine böse Katze

09-09-2011, 06:31 PM
I can't think of slang phrases for these, so here's what I'd say in german:

"Ich bin am Quest-Eingang"
"Ich komm jetzt rein" (Stepping in right now.)

and I'd actually stick to FO/recall, but I'm playing this game with an english client with english speaking people right not. Adding FO to the german glossary, though.

09-09-2011, 06:39 PM
Other useful phrases

Which house is the quest in? -> Ist deine Schwester hubsch?
We should get a Cleric. -> Ich bin so betrunken.
Heals centered on [Player name] -> [Player name] kann nicht kämpfen seinen Weg aus einer nassen Papiertüte.

09-10-2011, 07:09 AM
gloopygloop is joking. Don't use his phases, just to make sure as humor is difficult on the web.

Also the last one has a slightly strange grammar and the u in the first sentence should be an ü. Those little things give away a non-native speaker.

On a slightly more serious note :

If you use translators and have pproblems with letters ö,ä,ü and ß, replace them as follows :

ä->ae, ö -> oe, ü -> ue and ß -> ss.

thus was the practice when machines (like typewriters) missing those letters where still quite common.

09-10-2011, 03:58 PM
gloopygloop is joking. Don't use his phases, just to make sure as humor is difficult on the web.
This .

The actual translations for this are:

Which house is the quest in? -> Ich werde diese Schallplatte nicht kaufen, sie ist zerkratzt.
We should get a Cleric. -> Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voller Aale.
Heals centered on [Player name] -> Wenn ich sagen würde, dass [Player name] einen wunderbaren Körper hat, würdest du es mir übel nehmen?

cf. here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akbflkF_1zY).

09-13-2011, 01:48 PM
This .

The actual translations for this are:

Which house is the quest in? -> Ich werde diese Schallplatte nicht kaufen, sie ist zerkratzt.
We should get a Cleric. -> Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voller Aale.
Heals centered on [Player name] -> Wenn ich sagen würde, dass [Player name] einen wunderbaren Körper hat, würdest du es mir übel nehmen?

cf. here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akbflkF_1zY).

Watt bist Du fuer ne fiese Charakter !?! :D

09-13-2011, 01:55 PM
Watt bist Du fuer ne fiese Charakter !?! :D
So just for reference: The things I wrote are not the actual german translations, but rather the german translations of the english phrases of the "Hungarian Phrasebook" sketch I linked. Sigh.