View Full Version : STAY AWAY from my german only lfm

09-08-2011, 03:46 PM
I can understand everyone is so much after tp and so...

BUT if a lfm is straight in german ..

WHY can´t you resist clicking on it?

Wyfinder is meant as a GERMAN server! If i want to play with multi languages i either join an english lfm on wayfinder or play on an english server.

I hate it, but the lesson today told me to get a german-check before i let ppl inside a group.

Those ppl i´m talking about are (in my point of view) quite aware that it is indeed a german lfm .. because they join the quest seconds after entering the group .. And once they are inside a quest i can´t kick them ..

So the only way left for me is - i´ll build up a stupid german sentance which no google translater will give you the correct answer to..
And ONLY those who can answer the question may join ...

How brute of a none reading-lfm community to force such strange behaviour from me

09-08-2011, 03:52 PM
i guess it would be "ach heul doch"

09-08-2011, 03:54 PM
besides your point ..
i´m still standing after what I wrote..

is it tooo much to ask for?
I do notice that ppl normaly don´t read the lfm .. but this kinda behaviour just ruins my fun of a "german server"

Whatever i´l get that check-box and will be fine .. never mind about crying out loud

09-08-2011, 04:08 PM
Aside from the fact that anyone posting they wanted an english only group would take a beating; don't select the quest from the list when you create the LFM, put what quest you are running in German in the comments section. If the person can't tell you what quest you are running...

09-08-2011, 04:29 PM
y good point!

i normaly write some german in the lfm and than select a quest
maybe it is smarter (for me) to just NOT select a quest

to your point with english lfm on wayfinder . . have u ever been there ?
there are normaly only english lfm so my "german only" does stick out a bit

09-08-2011, 04:41 PM
y good point!

i normaly write some german in the lfm and than select a quest
maybe it is smarter (for me) to just NOT select a quest

to your point with english lfm on wayfinder . . have u ever been there ?
there are normaly only english lfm so my "german only" does stick out a bit

I have not made a favor runner on Wayfiner yet. I was actually talking more about the forums.There have been threads before about people being able to speak English when hitting an LFM, and they typically do not end well.

09-08-2011, 04:43 PM
I have not made a favor runner on Wayfiner yet. I was actually talking more about the forums.There have been threads before about people being able to speak English when hitting an LFM, and they typically do not end well.

And you need to remember it seems like 40% of the people hitting low level lfms don't even own the content. Really, I think they just start clicking lfms until someone accepts.

09-08-2011, 04:46 PM
good point as well

09-08-2011, 04:47 PM
Welche Haus?
Bitte teilen.

09-08-2011, 05:20 PM
after trying out a bit ..
i did find some funny questions ...

Just because it makes me laugh .. here is one example - which i will of course not use

My question to you would be :
Wenn ich Dir einen Schenkel einer Lila Kuh anbieten würde, wass wäre es?

Your correct answer would be:

Now i got o failsave way to prtect my lfms :-)

Besides that feel free to click on any .. non german-checkbox requesting lfm from me and! enjoy your time on wayfinder

09-08-2011, 05:36 PM
I do not exclude anyone in general,
i just think when there are 10 lfms and only one is written in german .. and demanding german voice talking..
why would one join this group and streight jump into the quest ?

I think this is a strange behaviour and found a good way to deal with it (as you might see above)

Actually i do welcome any player on wayfinder .. with "german speaking only" you are not able to fill a tempest spine or so ... jet..
But i DO ALSO like the idea of a german only group and i would like to promote this idea , or maybe make ppl aware that there are indeed germans on a german server.

09-08-2011, 05:39 PM
Some people play on Wayfinder because it's a new server and they can play with other new players that don't have all twinked out toons. Also know that Wayfinder was built because there such a huge player base of German players, not because they (Turbine) wanted a "German Only" server. I play on Gallanda and we have a ton of German, Thai, Portuguese, Korean, French and Spanish speaking people as well as English. If you don't want to play with other language speaking players, that's your right. Remember that the comments section of the LFM Social Panel "bugs" sometimes and people can't read what you wrote. So, you may have to do a verbal or written screening. I speak some Korean, French and German so I enjoy the experience of late night Gallanda. I am glad that the people on Gallanda have a different perspective.

09-08-2011, 05:46 PM
*looms* Spielen nett in hier.

09-08-2011, 05:54 PM
And you need to remember it seems like 40% of the people hitting low level lfms don't even own the content. Really, I think they just start clicking lfms until someone accepts.

It's been a long while since I have either posted or hit an LFM on a lowbie. Against those kind of people there is no defense. In any language. :D

09-08-2011, 05:54 PM
Speaking of German language servers, has anyone made an Artificer named Claudia yet? Those Iron Companions do look kind of like German Shepards.

09-08-2011, 05:57 PM
You have a point and shouldn't listen to the flames. It's common decency, save mistakes, not to apply to a group that says german speakers if you aren't. On a german server at that.. (yeah you could argue)

I also think slowpokes have limited business in advertised zerg partys, and vise versa.

09-08-2011, 05:57 PM
Speaking of German language servers, has anyone made an Artificer named Claudia yet? Those Iron Companions do look kind of like German Shepards.


*looms* Spielen nett in hier.

I know I should know better than to correct the cube in german grammar.

There is not direct translation of "play nice in here." The message is transported best by "Benehmt euch." or "Seid brav.". :)

cubes are soooo huggable. http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/4787/cubehug.gif (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/594/cubehug.gif/)

09-08-2011, 05:58 PM
Anteil bitte

But the lack of reading a lfm isn't limited to Wayfinder, good luck with future lfm's.

09-08-2011, 08:00 PM
There are no groups to join on this server anyway, the place is almost dead. I would have thought you would take anyone you could get.

This server seams like some rich kid's personal playground to me.

09-09-2011, 06:11 AM
I don't think it's only about reading lfm

More about the annoyance that Wayfinder was announced as German server and people switched over there in the hope to find German as the default language in chat and lfm (while of course still being able to speak English if one player couldn't participate otherwise) only to find English as default like on all other servers.

09-09-2011, 07:20 AM
Easy math:
You are selective so you need more time for building up a party. Too many people just give a shovel on behavior so, take more time for selecting people, weil die Übersetzung der Suchmaschine sehr leicht entdeckt werden kann, wenn du einen Deutschtest verlangst.

Otherwise, just stay out of the quest, close to entrance, convert to raidgroup as soon as somebody joined and ask, ob er dich versteht. If not, kick him/her and blacklist.

Problem gelöst. ;)

09-09-2011, 07:27 AM

I know I should know better than to correct the cube in german grammar.

There is not direct translation of "play nice in here." The message is transported best by "Benehmt euch." or "Seid brav.". :)

cubes are soooo huggable. http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/4787/cubehug.gif (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/594/cubehug.gif/)

Schleimer :D

09-09-2011, 07:28 AM
You can get only german speaking people in your LFM when I get only english speaking people in my lfm.

09-30-2011, 04:29 AM
You can get only german speaking people in your LFM when I get only english speaking people in my lfm.

Oy,oy! To the OP and the quoted poster as well. While having rules for your own LFM is a commonly accepted thing, it is also commonly discouraged to start arguments and differentiate players based on language differences.

I have seen people bashed on english speaking servers for using german in chat. I havent seen this in Wayfinder so far when people spoke english. I would rather keep it that way. Lets not start the exclusivity war for our own languages.

Also more on the point of the OP, lot of players dont read LFMs, and its not exclusive to Wayfinder, you get it everywhere. Maybe they are new, and dont know there can be useful info in there. Maybe they get so happy after seeing an LFM up for the quest they wanted to do for a week now, they click right away without reading. Maybe they are just being lazy. All in all, you better get used to this, at least to a point where it wont bother you anymore, and thats a good start...:)

Mit frieundliche grusen


09-30-2011, 04:32 AM
nice necro.

09-30-2011, 05:14 AM
Aside from the fact that anyone posting they wanted an english only group would take a beating; don't select the quest from the list when you create the LFM, put what quest you are running in German in the comments section. If the person can't tell you what quest you are running...

Nvm, necro, just noticed.

10-05-2011, 06:57 PM
In all honesty i dont believe language should be a barier. Ive played with German speaking toons and we hardly say anything. There is no need to if the party follows the lead and all stick together on the same minimap. You may here "stop trap" or "ambush" but thats about it.

I appreciate the fact that you want to quest with fellow German speaking players. I never click on a LFM advertised in German out of respect. But honestly people dont limit your selves. We are all hard core Wayfinder players. Ive been on the server since day1 and have no intention of leaving. My guildies all are hard core Wayfinder players and have no intention of leaving.

I am finding the low population a godsend in ways, because when i do find people to quest with they are usualy of the highest Quality.

What we are actualy doing is forming a core of players and guilds that will be the founders of Wayfinder. Lets all do it as a team and try to make playing for visiting players, whether favour running or planing on staying, as pleasant as possible for them so they may just decide to stay as did i and help to ensure the long term survivability of this server.


Guild leader Hunters of Wayfinder

10-05-2011, 07:10 PM
So what you are suggesting is that German speakers shouldn't be allowed on what you call the "english" servers, or at least not LFMs in english, right?

10-05-2011, 07:25 PM
Reminds me of those guys saying that the Chinese should not be able to talk in general chat because it's an English server.

I quickly squelched them after telling them off.

10-05-2011, 07:46 PM
Entshuldigen sie bitte, konen sie mir sagen wo das "Den of the Kobold Brothers" ist?

10-05-2011, 08:14 PM
Attitudes like this tempt me to do annoying things test people if you wish but i am sure Germans are a minority on said server nothing against Germany or Germans by the way love both

10-06-2011, 06:48 AM
nice necro.

20 days.. Hardly a "Nice" Necro, if a true necro at all.

10-06-2011, 07:05 AM
20 days.. Hardly a "Nice" Necro, if a true necro at all.

Yeah, wanted to say the same, L2N people....:)

11-09-2011, 04:58 PM
I see a little irony here. "keep out of my german-only group!" is in stark contrast to schnell's shroud raid group, in which the USA players were chastised for choosing a time for the raid that wasn't friendly to Europeans. we're on wayfinder - we're not leaving. but the upside is that some of us are good players. Our education system does not require a foreign language for graduation and oftentimes do not offer us the opportunity to take foreign language classes until high school; and for this I apologize profusely. while some players don't read the LFM's others are hoping that you'll accept them despite your harshly worded lfm's because 1) members of your party are on our friends' lists and we know that they are quality players and 2) there are often NO OTHER GROUPS on wayfinder.

When keeper and devourer were merged with Ghallanda, we opened our arms to our european brothers and sisters (who were very far behind the US players [as they didn't receive game updates for a while before the merger]).

in short; don't be so freaking elitist; you're german, not french! :P

but in all honesty, we just want to play too.


11-11-2011, 03:15 AM
tbh id rather take 10 idiots in my party, none understanding the other, but all well working in group and quest w/o a word than getting 5man on board who share my language and therefore think they have to chatter all the time, or -even worse- expect me to give gameplay education :P

not that there would be many out there sharing my very bavarian dialect ^^

11-29-2011, 07:50 AM
...not that there would be many out there sharing my very bavarian dialect ^^

There is nothing to misunderstand about beer and schweinshaxen, and you Bavarians only talk about these things anyway...:)


01-19-2012, 03:32 PM
Just my 2cp, but I'm from the USA, along with my wife. We play on Wayfinder, but came originally from Thelanis. There was a lot of drama on our old server, **** we just flat out didn't want to deal with anymore, considering we're paying for a game - a game, with the purpose being to enjoy ourselves! - that we love. DDO is incredible! The world, the stories, the quests and characters and people behind the toons. Everything comes together to make it a game we all love - and if we didn't, why would we be here? Needless to say, we came over to Wayfinder for a fresh start, and w found it. New server, new players, new guilds. Even the veteran players from other servers are new players to us, since we don't know them. We started a guild, got it to lvl 20, and then we found an incredible guild full of incredible players, and were lucky enough to be invited to join them. We've got Americans, Germans, Australians, and even an Asian - albeit, he's German, but hey, he lives in Asia! :P We all get along great! What's the big deal? When I have an lfm up, if someone hits it, and they're of a class I need, I accept them, no matter what language they speak. If the language barrier gets in the way, I watch them, how they play for a few minutes. If they're good at what they do, I keep them around. If they suck, I finish the quest then politely leave the group when quest is done. Simple manners. I'm not saying I'm the best gamer. No one is the best gamer. No one knows everything, or the language issue wouldn't be a problem. But I know the role of whatever toon I'm playing, and I know the quests I'm doing well enough that I could group with 5 other people I couldn't understand whatsoever and still be successful in my job.

Real point is, the lfm thing, that's how I do it. I don't care if anyone agrees with me or not. It's my group, it's my choice. If someone wants to make their group with their own rules, that's their choice. Stop complaining at them. If the group says 'german only', then that's the group leader's decision. You don't have to like it. And if you don't, in fact, Turbine gave you a great tool to get around it. The 'lfm window'. Make your own group with your own rules, and leave the other group alone. Duh. I pay for VIP status because I love this game, and want to enjoy it. I'm not the only one. I'm not going to waste my time playing with people I don't enjoy playing with. My squelch list is insanely long in game, filled 90% by ninja-inviters, 6% by people who say casters shouldn't be required to carry haste as a standard spell, and 4% by elitists who won't let me join their group because I don't speak German. But the way I see it, their loss, because I'm a good enough gamer to have been helpful to their group. But also, not one single person ruins my day, because I find my own groups that I do enjoy. If I can't find one, I make one. If I can't make one, I use hirelings. If I can't do that, well... I have books to read! :P

Anywho, do what you want, do whatever makes you happy. But if all you have time to do is be so angry at someone else for running their group the way they want to, then you should go find a reality television show to vent your frustration on. Leave group leaders alone if you don't agree with them. Common courtesy.

~ Llantis Al'Durran the Thief
~ Superiority Complex of Wayfinder

02-24-2012, 12:43 PM
Yesterday i watched a tutorial in german, could translate some words to english, but my software is in spanish... but I made what I wanted.... can I group with you? LOL , just kidding ;)

I've just logged in Wayfinder once and it was just curiosity, didn't join any group. But I think that sometimes the language is a barrier, I see it in the server I play. Some people just don't understand english (or maybe they're shy because can't speak it as native people XD "could be") But you are in group with them and there's a moment when you lose contact with them, they don't answer to you so you're not sure if they understand what we'll do, until you start the quest, then you find out if the player was paying attention, but just not answering, or if he/she didn't understood a thing, or knows the quest but just don't speak. In the best case you can end the quest with a nice result, but I think it could be a little desperating, not only for the people that doesn't receive an answer from the one who doesn't speak, but the other one who doesn't understand or barely catch a thing.

I once was kicked out from a group, we were going to do The Pit, the leader were one of those guys who just doesn't talk. We were ready to enter quest when he dismissed me without any reason apparently, LFM was just a common one with the name of the quest and lvls and we were a balanced party just needed one more.

I sent him a tell asking why did he do that and he just said: Too many people"... For the Pit??? we were 5 I know the quest and what it has to be done... then I found out that most of the people in the group were portuguese speakers. :P

But when I see a LFM in another language or looking for people who can speak another language different than mine... I just don't join ;)

03-01-2012, 01:49 PM
There are no groups to join on this server anyway, the place is almost dead. I would have thought you would take anyone you could get.

This server seams like some rich kid's personal playground to me.

dead? mh heard of timezones? may be a connection there.

06-26-2012, 11:26 AM
Listen Germany, you have to learn how to share please. I entered Wayfinder not knowing it was a german speaking server and I am sure that most of the other 50,000 English speaking players here did the same thing. The only indication that this is a German server is (DE), and 99.9% of the English speaking patrons do not recognize that as pertaining to your prestigious Germanic server.

You can probobly spot and English speaking character from just his name alone, just like I can spot a German player based on his or her name....so ignore us. And whats the deal with you guys putting Von in almost every character that you Germans generate. If there were an emote to slap people silly, I would use it on all you Vons.

06-26-2012, 11:39 AM
after trying out a bit ..
i did find some funny questions ...

Just because it makes me laugh .. here is one example - which i will of course not use

My question to you would be :
Wenn ich Dir einen Schenkel einer Lila Kuh anbieten würde, wass wäre es?

Your correct answer would be:

Now i got o failsave way to prtect my lfms :-)

Besides that feel free to click on any .. non german-checkbox requesting lfm from me and! enjoy your time on wayfinder

Correct answer should be more like

Und was hat dies mit dem Spiel zu tun?

06-26-2012, 11:39 AM
Listen Germany, you have to learn how to share please. I entered Wayfinder not knowing it was a german speaking server and I am sure that most of the other 50,000 English speaking players here did the same thing. The only indication that this is a German server is (DE), and 99.9% of the English speaking patrons do not recognize that as pertaining to your prestigious Germanic server.

You can probobly spot and English speaking character from just his name alone, just like I can spot a German player based on his or her name....so ignore us. And whats the deal with you guys putting Von in almost every character that you Germans generate. If there were an emote to slap people silly, I would use it on all you Vons.

/necro for that? :confused:

06-26-2012, 11:50 AM
And whats the deal with you guys putting Von in almost every character that you Germans generate. If there were an emote to slap people silly, I would use it on all you Vons.
Wieso stört dich das denn? Und was hat das mit diesem Thema zu tun?

Can an admin please close this stupid thread?

06-26-2012, 11:54 AM

06-26-2012, 11:58 AM
Listen Germany, you have to learn how to share please. I entered Wayfinder not knowing it was a german speaking server and I am sure that most of the other 50,000 English speaking players here did the same thing. The only indication that this is a German server is (DE), and 99.9% of the English speaking patrons do not recognize that as pertaining to your prestigious Germanic server.

You can probobly spot and English speaking character from just his name alone, just like I can spot a German player based on his or her name....so ignore us. And whats the deal with you guys putting Von in almost every character that you Germans generate. If there were an emote to slap people silly, I would use it on all you Vons.

What kind of trolling trickery is this?

06-26-2012, 12:19 PM
Listen Germany, you have to learn how to share please. I entered Wayfinder not knowing it was a german speaking server and I am sure that most of the other 50,000 English speaking players here did the same thing. The only indication that this is a German server is (DE), and 99.9% of the English speaking patrons do not recognize that as pertaining to your prestigious Germanic server.
Not true. Anyone who has been playing the game for a year knew that Wayfinder was a German server. So there goes your 99% pretty quick.
The (DE) is also a dead giveaway to anyone with a bit of education.
People go there to favour farm and so I understand the OP's frustration.

anyway, this is a necro thread and Wayfinder is a dead server if you take its population into account.

06-28-2012, 09:44 PM
Geez there is some nasty ppl.

Why res this thread after 6 months to have a go at an entire race. All the people ive met on here have been fantastic except for one, and he wansn't even european let alone german. the times i have played with a german group they were all kind enough to chat in english for me.

so thankyou to all the germans i have played with. you are fantastic, fun and friendly.

fin* hunters of wayfinder.

07-26-2013, 12:54 AM
I can understand everyone is so much after tp and so...

BUT if a lfm is straight in german ..

WHY can´t you resist clicking on it?

Wyfinder is meant as a GERMAN server! If i want to play with multi languages i either join an english lfm on wayfinder or play on an english server.

I hate it, but the lesson today told me to get a german-check before i let ppl inside a group.

Those ppl i´m talking about are (in my point of view) quite aware that it is indeed a german lfm .. because they join the quest seconds after entering the group .. And once they are inside a quest i can´t kick them ..

So the only way left for me is - i´ll build up a stupid german sentance which no google translater will give you the correct answer to..
And ONLY those who can answer the question may join ...

How brute of a none reading-lfm community to force such strange behaviour from me

when i first started game i had no idea wayfinder was meant for german players but i found out quickly that non german speaking people were not welcome. I have no clue why non german speaking people have joined your server and i feel for you. funny thing is you could post ZERG Bring your own heals and someone will join with no healing pots no scrolls no spells and die within 1 min of quest and blame it on a bard or druid ect because they didn't get any heals from other players.

some people tend to not care what you put in your lfm.

if they joined by accident like me I guess the real question is why haven't they left if they are not welcome?

07-26-2013, 01:37 AM
Wayfinder must be getting more popular this thread has gotten a double necro

07-26-2013, 02:05 AM
Wayfinder must be getting more popular this thread has gotten a double necro

is it really considered a necro when you reply to a post on page 1 of 3? even replying to page 2 or 3 really a necro? thought you had to get past page 10 for it to be a real necro.

07-26-2013, 02:06 AM
is it really considered a necro when you reply to a post on page 1 of 3? even replying to page 2 or 3 really a necro? thought you had to get past page 10 for it to be a real necro.

The op is 09-08-2011, 08:46 PM

07-26-2013, 03:56 AM
is it really considered a necro

Your post is 13 months after the last post. So... emphatically yes.

07-26-2013, 04:38 AM
Drive a stake through the heart, cut off the head and stuff it with garlic, then burn it all.

07-26-2013, 11:54 AM
The op is 09-08-2011, 08:46 PM
the post above mine says 07-26-2013, 06:37 AM
the post above his says 07-26-2013, 05:54 AM which is also one of my posts
the post above my first post says 06-29-2012, 02:44 AM and was on page 1 how is this a Necro still confused?

If I see something NEW to ME and I want to reply to it I see no harm. its not like I am on page 68 and trying to start drama it was on Page 1 for heaven sakes. I do not consider anything on page 1 a necro that is just crazy talk I am sorry. i wouldn't be on this part of forums at all but someone told me that this server isn't a German server anymore and I find posts like this.

07-27-2013, 02:38 AM
the post above mine says 07-26-2013, 06:37 AM
the post above his says 07-26-2013, 05:54 AM which is also one of my posts
the post above my first post says 06-29-2012, 02:44 AM and was on page 1 how is this a Necro still confused?

If I see something NEW to ME and I want to reply to it I see no harm. its not like I am on page 68 and trying to start drama it was on Page 1 for heaven sakes. I do not consider anything on page 1 a necro that is just crazy talk I am sorry. i wouldn't be on this part of forums at all but someone told me that this server isn't a German server anymore and I find posts like this.

Wow just wow, 13 months, it's a dead archived thread that you brought back to life, it's the definition of necro. Accept it, or keep trolling, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt in that you're just ignorant atm.

07-27-2013, 02:46 AM
the post above mine says 07-26-2013, 06:37 AM
the post above his says 07-26-2013, 05:54 AM which is also one of my posts
the post above my first post says 06-29-2012, 02:44 AM and was on page 1 how is this a Necro still confused?

If I see something NEW to ME and I want to reply to it I see no harm. its not like I am on page 68 and trying to start drama it was on Page 1 for heaven sakes. I do not consider anything on page 1 a necro that is just crazy talk I am sorry. i wouldn't be on this part of forums at all but someone told me that this server isn't a German server anymore and I find posts like this.

So, you find a post about German only lfm's from a time BEFORE Wayfinder was officially made a general server, and you feel compelled to resurrect it? Okay, fine. Do as you will, but to deny that you necroed this thread because it had only one page is to deny reality. Your first post is almost 13 months after the obituary. Besides, this thread was already on Page 3 before you rezzed it, so there goes that premise. ;)

07-27-2013, 08:13 PM
So, you find a post about German only lfm's from a time BEFORE Wayfinder was officially made a general server, and you feel compelled to resurrect it? Okay, fine. Do as you will, but to deny that you necroed this thread because it had only one page is to deny reality. Your first post is almost 13 months after the obituary. Besides, this thread was already on Page 3 before you rezzed it, so there goes that premise. ;)

lol didn't see the post above mine was 2012 ok ok its been a long time i see that now wow. still page 1 I am sorry i didn't check date before I replied to post. I think all other servers if u check dates on page 1 all will be way less than a year old.

07-27-2013, 09:16 PM
lol didn't see the post above mine was 2012 ok ok its been a long time i see that now wow. still page 1 I am sorry i didn't check date before I replied to post. I think all other servers if u check dates on page 1 all will be way less than a year old.

np. I wouldn't be surprised to find a lot of old threads that never made it past page one, two, or three. Sometimes there just isn't that much to say. lol

08-09-2013, 01:11 AM
This post should be locked.

08-09-2013, 02:19 AM
sight, i was told that Wayfinder was a Euro server...
And england is still in Europe...
such petty bickering...
Thats why i avoided Wayfinder like the plague even though i'm from Europe.

After many other MMO's and their "Euro" servers,
i had enough of Italian Ego tripping, Franco/german WW2 (cold war like) attitude, the lazy attitude of going into a private channel instead of changing the chat into a tower of babel, the screaming of racism when you politely ask people to take it to a private channel and the list goes on and on.

I felt ashamed of being a Eurogamer in a ***Enlish*** based game.
So many Euro counties are translating everything (and loosing so much of the performance), tv/radio/internet etc.
Yes for your own culture but please remove your head from your**** and join the rest of the World Wide community instead of hidding in your clossed shell of like minded peeps.

noobs are noobs no mater the language, you can't filter those out by exluding the entire
non german speaking community.

btw... with the changes all the newer players will get wayfinder as their first choice anyway.... no mater their origin.

08-09-2013, 10:51 AM
OP has a point, Wayfinder was designed to be a German language server.

Where OP has it wrong is that Wayfinder did not attract a large enough population and was converted to just another server. In fact, it became the default recommended server for new players.

The result is that Wayfinder is no longer a German language server. (And, to be honest, it was never in Germany anyway, being run out of the US right along with all the other servers.)

So, Wayfinder is just another English language server where non-English speakers can and will be found.

OP is making more out of this than they need to and the result is a thread that is increasingly jingoistic. Personally, I'm of the opinion that Turbine is an American company operated out of the United States. English is the lingua franca of the game just as it is the lingua franca of the business world.

People might prefer that this were different but it is not. Thus, the only language that should be expected from all group members is English -- not because I am American but because it is a game developed and operated out of the US. Were it made and run from Germany I'd expect the lingua franca to be German. Same for China, Russia, where ever -- if developed and hosted there then that language should reasonably be expected as the only standard.

But, OP's point about Wayfinder as a German server is incorrect. Thus the entire argument is false since it is based on the assertion that Wayfinder is intended for Germans only.

08-09-2013, 11:15 AM
OP has a point, Wayfinder was designed to be a German language server.

Where OP has it wrong is that Wayfinder did not attract a large enough population and was converted to just another server. In fact, it became the default recommended server for new players.

But, OP's point about Wayfinder as a German server is incorrect. Thus the entire argument is false since it is based on the assertion that Wayfinder is intended for Germans only.

Take a look at the date on the OP's Post - 2 Years ago!

This thread has been Necroed somewhere down the line!

And the Default Recommended Server still doesn't work properly - Many people have noted on these forums how G-Land seems to have that bonus atm.
Plus it's only a recent change anyway {in the last coupla months!}.

The biggest problem with Wayfinder was that when it came out a load of us went over there to farm 100-400 Favour!
95% went straight back to their own servers within a week!
And the few New German Speakers Wayfinder got found themselves firstly amongst a group of veterans Zerging Low Level quests for the Favour
And then...
Utterly Alone!

08-09-2013, 11:34 AM
Would it be offensive if it said "English Only"?


Anyways...... HOLY NECRO!!!

PS. why give the one guy who who used to play on Wayfinder grief?

08-09-2013, 11:47 AM
PS. why give the one guy who who used to play on Wayfinder grief?

It's the internet, that pretty much explains it I think =P