View Full Version : Cleric I'm not a 'Battle Cleric'. Honest.

09-06-2011, 03:56 PM
Half-Orc 19C/1R TR

I have a Human 19C/1F (my first character), and wanted to TR him into another melee-cleric multiclass that I hadn't done before. Half-Orcs appear to have some really nice STR and Damage boosts, and decided to try 1 Ranger just because I've done 1 Fighter. I know I lose a feat and Haste Boost, but gain a small bit of SP and FEs, and I don't like to do the same-old-same-old each character. I also wanted good healing and enough SP through cap to heal raids. Once he hits cap, I've got a +1 LHW that I'll probably use to respec him to conventional caster-cleric like the guy in my sig (mainly because I like hitting spells like Destruction in Epics.) At around level 15-16 would use free feat swap to change FE Giant to FE Evil Outsider. Not sure about the melee feat selection - seems I'd want Improved Crit-Slashing in there, but not sure what I'd change. He's got GS Conc. Opp item, Torc, Bauble, a bunch of nice Falchions, and some nice ToD gear waiting for him as well.

Character Generated Using: DDO Character Generator (http://www.ddochargen.com)
Direct Link to Build: http://www.ddochargen.com/home.aspx?build=4041

Cleric 19 / Ranger 1
Male Half-Orc - Neutral Good
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Cleric (1)
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Stats at End of Level 20:
HP:467 SP:1809
STR:31(+10) DEX:18(+4) CON:24(+7) INT:16(+3) WIS:26(+8) CHA:20(+5)
__________________________________________________ ______________
Race Selected: Male Half-Orc
Alignment Selected: Neutral Good
Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 16, DEX: 10, CON: 16,
INT: 8, WIS: 16, CHA: 10
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +1 (1), Tumble +1 (1)
Feats Selected: Toughness
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Ranger (Cleric 1 / Ranger 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +1 (2), Concentration +3 (3)
Feats Selected: Favored Enemy (Giant)
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 2 / Ranger 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (4)
Feats Selected: Empower Healing Spell
Tomes Applied: STR: +1, DEX: +1, CON: +1, INT: +1,
WIS: +1, CHA: +1
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 3 / Ranger 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 18
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (5)
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 4 / Ranger 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (6)
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 5 / Ranger 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (7)
Feats Selected: Maximize Spell
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 6 / Ranger 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (8)
Tomes Applied: STR: +2, DEX: +2, CON: +2, INT: +2,
WIS: +2, CHA: +2
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 7 / Ranger 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 20
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (2.5), Concentration +1 (9)
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 8 / Ranger 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (3), Concentration +1 (10)
Feats Selected: Two-Handed Fighting
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Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 9 / Ranger 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +2 (12)
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 10 / Ranger 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +1 (4)
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 11 / Ranger 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 21
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +2 (14)
Feats Selected: Power Attack
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 12 / Ranger 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +1 (5)
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 13 / Ranger 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +2 (16)
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 14 / Ranger 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +2 (18)
Feats Selected: Extra Turning
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Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 15 / Ranger 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 22
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +1 (6)
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 16 / Ranger 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +2 (20)
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 17 / Ranger 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +1 (7)
Feats Selected: Quicken Spell
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 18 / Ranger 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +2 (22)
__________________________________________________ ______________

Class Selected: Cleric (Cleric 19 / Ranger 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 23
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +1 (8)
Equipment Mods Changed To: HP: 105, SP: 350,
STR: 6, DEX: 6, CON: 6, INT: 6, WIS: 6, CHA: 6
Enhancements Selected: Improved Heal I, Cleric Divine Vitality I,
Cleric Wisdom I, Cleric Life Magic I, Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery I,
Ranger Sprint Boost I, Racial Toughness I, Cleric Prayer of Life I,
Orcish Great Weapon Aptitude I, Cleric Life Magic II,
Improved Heal II, Orcish Melee Damage I, Orcish Strength I,
Cleric Wisdom II, Racial Toughness II, Cleric Improved Turning I,
Cleric Charisma I, Cleric Radiant Servant I, Cleric Charisma II,
Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I, Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery II,
Cleric Prayer of Life II, Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life II,
Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery III, Cleric Radiant Servant II,
Cleric Life Magic III, Cleric Prayer of Life III, Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life III,
Ranger Favored Damage I, Orcish Strength II, Orcish Power Attack I,
Orcish Melee Damage II, Cleric Smiting I, Cleric Prayer of Smiting I,
Cleric Prayer of Incredible Smiting I, Orcish Brute Fighting I,
Orcish Fury I, Cleric Energy of the Zealot I, Cleric Energy of the Zealot II,
Cleric Improved Spell Penetration I, Orcish Fury II,
Orcish Brute Fighting II, Cleric Extra Turning I

Stats at End of Level 20:
AC:14 FORT:20 REFL:12 WILL:19 BAB:+15/+15/+20/+25

Balance:12, Bluff:5, Concentration:29, Diplomacy:5,
Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:5, Heal:10, Hide:4, Intimidate:5,
Jump:10, Listen:8, Move Silently:4, Open Lock: n/a,
Perform: n/a, Repair:3, Search:3, Spot:8, Swim:10, Tumble:5, UMD: n/a

09-06-2011, 07:06 PM
the build looks good, strange with the 1 ranger though, personally, id take 1 or 2 fighter for the xtra feats and haste boost, which is a huge dps boost, and you should still have a decent sp pool, around 1800-2000, this would work especially well with the torc and other gear you listed. ive seen a couple of high end raiders running around with this build..i can link of them: http://my.ddo.com/character/khyber/casin/

also look at Groan-1 build, hes on khyber, but hes also a fvs with ALOT of past lives. talk about an insane battle-caster lol

09-06-2011, 07:13 PM
I am incapable of understanding why you opted for ranger.
Don't fix what's not broken..

09-06-2011, 07:47 PM
I am incapable of understanding why you opted for ranger.
Don't fix what's not broken..

LOL. Mainly because I saw a discussion a while back where someone else was talking about taking a single Ranger splash on a Cleric, and I've been thinking about it ever since. I'm fully aware of the drawbacks, but I like to experiment and see how a build like this might work out. I've done Pure Cleric, and 19C/1F, so time for something a tiny bit different, but not so different that he can't still perform his hjealing properly.

(Given the number of "You can heal, right?" questions my 19C/1F gets, I can't imagine what THIS guy will get, if he gets accepted at all ;) )

09-07-2011, 04:16 PM
What about a barb splash instead of rgr? You gain +10% base run speed while keeping Sprint Boost, some extra HPs, +1 barb PA enh (which stacks nicely w/HO PA enhs), and a single use of Rage just for amusement's sake. just too angry to heal you right now!" Sometimes you need to make people sweat a bit so they appreciate you more. ;)]

I'd also dump-stat DEX and either (A) bump up CHA to 12 so you can get Divine Might I w/+2 CHA tome or (B) dump-stat CHA as well so you can max WIS. Probably dump THF & Extra Turning to add IC Slash & Empower (or maybe Heighten). Also, the usual advice is to go True Neutral or maybe Chaotic Neutral rather than Good; or if you must be good, I'd go Chaotic Good to use True Chaos weapons as well as Pure Good. Finally, nothing says you can't add a ftr lvl or two for the extra feat(s) as well, though that does lower your SP and aura heals.

09-07-2011, 04:35 PM
For what it's worth. I try to make strange and different characters because for every poorly made 2 monk/ 18 wiz with less than 225 hitpoints sometimes you hit gold. I also like annoying people who get agro over my not using one of the 3 accepted builds. It's your game, not theirs. Do what you like. If you need someone to run with holla at me and we shall conquer the world MWAhaha-choke - sorry, almond.

I still want to make a halfling Wonk, and by billygoat one day I will.

PS - I also noted that the reason you decided on taking ranger was because you "had done 1 Fighter" already and didn't want to make a same-old-same-old character, then saw the responses where apparently they glossed over you wanting to be different and LOL'd. Well played, Sir/Ma'am/Flower

09-07-2011, 04:39 PM
I'd also dump-stat DEX and either (A) bump up CHA to 12 so you can get Divine Might I w/+2 CHA tome or (B) dump-stat CHA as well so you can max WIS...

I'd either bump Cha up to 15 to get DM3 with a +3 tome, or dump Cha entirely.

The build looks like it's more focused on melee than casting, so Wisdom can be dumped as low as you're willing to risk a Disjunction - I'd say 14 should be sufficient, although a risk taker would start with 10 :D

The amount of spell points gained from raising wisdom on a cleric is surprisingly low. I'd only invest significantly in Wisdom if I was planning on landing succeed-or-fizzle spells.

09-07-2011, 04:52 PM
What about a barb splash instead of rgr? You gain +10% base run speed while keeping Sprint Boost, some extra HPs, +1 barb PA enh (which stacks nicely w/HO PA enhs), and a single use of Rage just for amusement's sake. just too angry to heal you right now!" Sometimes you need to make people sweat a bit so they appreciate you more. ;)]

Hmmm.... Barb splash... "HULK-SMASH!!! Then I hjeal u"... I'll have to definitely look into that. Barbarian is a class I haven't had any experience with, so it fits in with "not the same thing I've done before"

Thanks for the suggestion!

09-07-2011, 05:35 PM
Half-Orc 19C/1R TR
Abilities Raised: STR: 16, DEX: 10, CON: 16,
INT: 8, WIS: 16, CHA: 10

Why start with a 16 Wis, and buy Wis enhancements? All your level-ups are going to Str. Your end-game Wis isn't high enough for reliable DCs anyway. Moving those build points and enhancement points elsewhere might be more effective. E.g., droping starting Wis only to 14, you could get an extra turn and an extra skill point every level, by dropping them into Cha and Int. Or raise starting Str by 2. And you could quite reasonably drop starting Wis even further; as long as you have a Wis of 19 by the time you reach Clr17. But your +2 tome and ConcOpp item take care of 8 of that 19.