View Full Version : Build Direction

09-03-2011, 10:52 AM
My current toon is an elf ranger/rogue/fighter, 3/2/2. My build intent, originally started as elven arcane archer, kensai 2 bow specialist. My original intent was to end up 6/2/12 in terms of levels, but now I'm starting to consider the idea of going ranger6/fighter2/rogue12, and get assassin 2 prestige. Dex is easily my strongest stat, and ranger would take care of the TWF feats I'd want. Currently spec'd for dual khopesh, but wondering if dumping it and swapping for finesse might be a better idea. Relevant stats are str 20, dex 26, con 14, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 14. Some guild buffs on all those stats except dex. Gear isn't very relevant to this discussion, only things I have I plan to keep a long time are my Silver Longbow and Charged Gauntlets. All the rest is going to be replaced as soon as I have appropriate levels and enough plat to buy such items, or, in the alternate, if able to craft or beg/bribe someone else to craft something for me.

Anyway, what would make this type of build more viable further down the road, never gotten a toon past level 15 before, so what works and what does not work at the highest levels is something I'm very ignorant about, so looking for advice to help me advance in a way that isn't just wasting time and effort.

09-03-2011, 11:15 AM
If you wanted Arcane Archer, you really should have gone pure ranger, in terms of TWF builds, it should be 12/6/2 with Ranger/Fighter/Rogue, if not 12/8 dropping rogue entirely

09-03-2011, 03:10 PM
Kensai II / Ranger 6 is a fabulous choice for an Arcane Archer, based on the elf or half-elf race. These races let you get the full Arcane Archer PrE just by virtue of your race.

You get all the feats in the world from having the free TWF and bow feats from Ranger as well as the 7 feats from having 12 levels in Fighter. This lets you be fully capable in melee and ranged, which is the right goal for being a truly useful contributer as an Arcane Archer.

You're already 2 levels of rogue. I strongly recommend sticking to your original plan: 12 Fighter / 6 Ranger / 2 Rogue! This is without even considering the complications of a mid-life makeover.