View Full Version : Is anyone going to bother buying artificer when it comes out?

08-31-2011, 03:25 PM
Anyone? *Crickets*

08-31-2011, 03:28 PM
Many have posted they will and that its a non issue due to the TP they have.

For me even though its a weak protest I will wait till update 12 it will give me time to get the TR I was grinding out ready slowly get all her gear together and organized.

Simply put if they had given me the option to earn the class I wouldnt have minded paying up front so it would be a server wide unlock. But since its basically pay if you want it when released I have decided I can wait on it. By the time Update 12 rolls out I will make sure I know what I need to do to earn the Cannith favor and make it so :)

08-31-2011, 03:30 PM
I am already planning mine. Probably go with a Drow Elf, too. I started looking at the self-forging but the penalties in class needed attributes seem to negate the idea.

How about you?

08-31-2011, 03:30 PM
Anyone? *Crickets*

Sure... I have a job and plenty of money. This hobby is still cheaper than golf.

08-31-2011, 03:31 PM
No, and I'm considering not giving them any more money if they do decide to cheat me out of what I've already paid for, as a VIP.

08-31-2011, 03:33 PM
Not a chance its the princple of the thing and I had even cleared a slot for one but will fill it with something else now

08-31-2011, 03:33 PM
How about you?

Meh. Druid sounds more attractive for me to buy with TP than artificer, depending on what its cost will be, but even with druid...im not sure. Im actually quite satisfied with the basic classes I have available, although I could certainly do without FvS. Between saving TP for the next adventure pack or saving TP for the next class(Druid comes to mind) I think ill save TP for the next adventure pack.

08-31-2011, 03:34 PM
Got my GS Heavy Repeater ready, my Windhowler Bracers, extra TP from the summer boost, should be plenty for both Artificer and a TR Heart...I'm ready to go.

08-31-2011, 03:34 PM
As a premium player, I had always counted on having to pay for it. So yes, I will buy it.

I don't blame VIPs for feeling a little cheated, though.

08-31-2011, 03:34 PM

This game is cheaper than ps3 games, going to the movies 2 times over the month, going out to dinner for a family of 4...

So the few extra bucks I'll spend on Artificer is worth it.

08-31-2011, 03:44 PM
Nope, I can wait for the favor unlock. It's not like I'm chomping at the bit to play mega man. I played the original to death and the original is always the best.

08-31-2011, 03:46 PM
Nah, I was looking forward to building one for U11, now I'll just wait for the favor unlock. Hopefully by then the class will be debugged and nerfed so that I won't be disappointed anyway.

08-31-2011, 03:47 PM
Yes, 'cause I stopped paying a subscription nearly two years ago.

Come to the Premium side, where your money goes further. There hasn't been any "I" in VIP for a long time now.

08-31-2011, 03:48 PM
No Thank You


08-31-2011, 03:51 PM
Yes, 'cause I stopped paying a subscription nearly two years ago.

Come to the Premium side, where your money goes further. There hasn't been any "I" in VIP for a long time now.

I only subscribed...oh heck...probably 2 or so years BEFORE the game was re-rolled. For just a month anyways. It makes you wonder though: Since I've never paid for points or VIP after the game was re-rolled, would that really make me F2P with benefits or just plain P2P? Interesting thought indeed...

08-31-2011, 03:51 PM
il be buying it on my alternate account to make a buff bot, highly doubtful I will buy it on my main account - as I only need it to finish my completionist, and I can wait for the next update before doing my arty life on him anyways.

08-31-2011, 03:52 PM
Leaning toward waiting to unlock it, based on principle of VIP being hosed on this deal.

I wont be buying points to buy it, so if I do succumb, it will be due to grinding a TR through lots of favor (likely due to bravery bonus) to get more points added to the ones I already have.

08-31-2011, 04:01 PM
No. I'll just fire up my trusty ancient NES and play some megaman instead when the urge arises.

08-31-2011, 04:09 PM
Depends on how much it costs but I'll probably buy it over waiting.

08-31-2011, 04:11 PM
I have more than enough points, so might as well use them on something. I have a slot open and a name already picked out; plus a backup name just in case someone beats me to the first one. Looking forward to seeing how fast I can level from 1-20 with a class I have no idea how to play. Finally, something new!!!

08-31-2011, 04:12 PM
No, and I'm considering not giving them any more money if they do decide to cheat me out of what I've already paid for, as a VIP.

Heh, did you give them any money since FvS was released?

08-31-2011, 04:14 PM
Leaning toward waiting to unlock it, based on principle of VIP being hosed on this deal.

Am I missing something? How is VIP getting hosed on this deal?

08-31-2011, 04:14 PM
Heh, did you give them any money since FvS was released?

Yes, and FvS did not cheat anyone out of anything. The comparison to Artificer is simply invalid.

08-31-2011, 04:16 PM
TP is a non issue, but I'll probably wait just the same as I imagine there will be "bugs" to work out that I dont want to deal with.:D

Besides, I'll probably grow bored with the game again by then anyway and stop playing again for a few months.

08-31-2011, 04:16 PM
Yes, and FvS did not cheat anyone out of anything. The comparison to Artificer is simply invalid.

Okay, I'm missing something... What is the deal with Artificer? Buy or unlock with favor, right? But the favor isn't available until Update 12, right?

Is there more?

How does this particularly screw VIP?

08-31-2011, 04:17 PM
As a VIP, I would, if I cared for the class.
I played on Llama for a bit, but as far as I can tell they're not that interesting. Incredibly powerful, due to silver weapons, of course - but sitting around single target buffing the rest of the raid on a repeated basis is not my idea of fun.
The rune arms as they are are fairly awful, and the pet is as dire as a hireling. There's just nothing inviting about the class for me.

Okay, I'm missing something... What is the deal with Artificer? Buy or unlock with favor, right? But the favor isn't available until Update 12, right?

Is there more?

How does this particularly screw VIP?

The exact wording of the VIP advertisements states that VIP recieve access to all premium races and classes. Artificer is not currently unlockable, so is currently premium, yet we do not get it free because it will be available through favor in the future.
It's not something I care about in particular. I know I bought fvs rather than unlocked it.

08-31-2011, 04:18 PM
Okay, I'm missing something... What is the deal with Artificer? Buy or unlock with favor, right? But the favor isn't available until Update 12, right?

Is there more?

How does this particularly screw VIP?

Maybe look through these:


(that's my attempt at saving this thread, godspeed)

08-31-2011, 04:20 PM
Heh, did you give them any money since FvS was released?

FvS is completly different then Artificer.

FvS was explicitely spelled out as being a favor unlock upon release. It was crystal clear that it was not part of the VIP package.

Artificer on the other hand is most certainly not a favor unlock upon release. It was not only not crystal clear that artificer was not going to be free to VIPs or unlockable by favor upon release, but the opposite was true when many people were renewing their 3 or 6 month subs that will fall within the release date of the update.

You see one everyone knew what their VIP subscription would cover and the other they were lead to believe something that turns out will not be true.

08-31-2011, 04:23 PM
Am I missing something? How is VIP getting hosed on this deal?

I think we can all pretty safely play this one blind and tell you that you missed something.

08-31-2011, 04:24 PM
Okay, I'm missing something... What is the deal with Artificer? Buy or unlock with favor, right? But the favor isn't available until Update 12, right?

Is there more?

How does this particularly screw VIP?

VIPs are specifically promised access to all classes that are not unlockable with favor. This is what we pay for. We will not be getting access to Artificer in U11, in spite of it not being unlockable with favor. Therefore, we aren't getting what we paid for.

08-31-2011, 04:24 PM
Yes, I have prepared myself with the gear too. GS Heavy Repeater, Wind Howlers, and TR wood, along with various lower level repeaters and such. I have had so much fun playing with this class on Lamannia that I decided to continue playing DDO instead of quitting.

08-31-2011, 04:26 PM
The exact wording of the VIP advertisements states that VIP recieve access to all premium races and classes.

But VIP has not received access to ALL premium races and classes since FvS came out...

So I fail to see how this is different...

08-31-2011, 04:26 PM
willing to buy it since its a "new class" not like fvs whos basically a cleric or was when it come out now they got different PrE.
if they had done another clone class like fvs is a clone of cleric then id skipped it.

do agree it should be unlockable by favor would also add someting to strive for which is never a bad thing some get a real kick out of favor hunting and right now there is no point.
agree vip by its very definition is a get everything if they have a monthly sub then not giving everything is odd.

08-31-2011, 04:29 PM
But VIP has not received access to ALL premium races and classes since FvS came out...

So I fail to see how this is different...

What do you mean?
The only things that had been added since FvS was half-elf and half-orc. They are Premium races. They are available free with a VIP sub.
ANd when FvS was announced the Favor required to get it actually existed.

Thudth, there's a million threads on this topic. Go read up on it and stop derailing this thread.

As far as the Artificer. I really don't know. It's a class I know nothing about. So I guess maybe, down the line.

08-31-2011, 04:30 PM
VIPs are specifically promised access to all classes that are not unlockable with favor. This is what we pay for. We will not be getting access to Artificer in U11, in spite of it not being unlockable with favor. Therefore, we aren't getting what we paid for.

But it WILL BE unlockable with favor. Just like FvS.

And right now, Premiums are just as screwed as VIPs... They can't access the new class with favor either. So how is this a VIP issue?

08-31-2011, 04:30 PM
But VIP has not received access to ALL premium races and classes since FvS came out...

So I fail to see how this is different...


VIPs at this moment in time (and every moment in time since the store came out) had assess to every class and race in the game either through automatic unlock or favor unlock.

The classes and races that premium players had to spend TP on to play ARE the premium races and classes. That would mean horcs, helves, monk, and warforged.

08-31-2011, 04:31 PM
I'm not planning to buy it any time soon, but not for the reasons normally given. Artificer is going to be my reward for sticking with one character to 20 :)

Of course, I may fail my daily will save, and have yet another alt to start all over again, delaying 20 by more months ;)

08-31-2011, 04:32 PM
But it WILL BE unlockable with favor. Just like FvS.

And right now, Premiums are just as screwed as VIPs... They can't access the new class with favor either. So how is this a VIP issue?

It's not, no one should pay. Let the class rot until people have an option.

08-31-2011, 04:33 PM
But it WILL BE unlockable with favor. Just like FvS.

And right now, Premiums are just as screwed as VIPs... They can't access the new class with favor either. So how is this a VIP issue?

FvS was available with Favor from the beginning. Artificer will not be.

And it is not a solely VIP issue, but it does impact them more, because they would have an easier time, in general, of acquiring it through favor, if they so desire.

08-31-2011, 04:33 PM
What do you mean?
The only things that had been added since FvS was half-elf and half-orc. They are Premium races. They are available free with a VIP sub.
ANd when FvS was announced the Favor required to get it actually existed.

The point is, for quite some time there has been a class that VIPs didn't get for free... I'm not sure why this is such a shock to everyone...

Thudth, there's a million threads on this topic. Go read up on it and stop derailing this thread.

Yeah, I kind of avoided those... Sorry for derailing this thread... Is there anyone left who thinks of this as just a game? And not some crusade or moral cause?

What do you guys do for relaxation if the GAMES you play cause you this much stress?

08-31-2011, 04:34 PM
FvS was available with Favor from the beginning. Artificer will not be.

And it is not a solely VIP issue, but it does impact them more, because they would have an easier time, in general, of acquiring it through favor, if they so desire.

Gotcha... that makes sense... I'll stop derailing the thread...

08-31-2011, 04:36 PM
I'll be buying this on day one (VIP account).

Would I prefer it free? Yes.

Will I buy it anyway? Yes.

Did Turbine base their decision on the expectation that there would be a lot of people like me? Probably.

Was it the right decision? We shall see (I suspect economically, all things considered, that it was).

08-31-2011, 04:38 PM
The point is, for quite some time there has been a class that VIPs didn't get for free... I'm not sure why this such a shock to everyone...

What are you talking about? The FvS could be gotten for free right off the bat if you wanted to grind for it. It's how I got my first FvS. Later I bought it because I liked it enough to want it on all the servers.
I know the option will exist, but the point is it won't exist at the same time as the release.

Yeah, I kind of avoided those... Sorry for derailing this thread... Is there anyone left who thinks of this as just a game? And not some crusade or moral cause?

What do you guys do for relaxation if the GAMES you play cause you this much stress?

What does this have to do with anything? Other than trying to add gas to the fire?

08-31-2011, 04:38 PM
currently i have 2000 tp banked.none of them are going to artificer or a tr token. the arty i played during preveiw is not the arty of today.

08-31-2011, 04:43 PM
Okay, I'm missing something... What is the deal with Artificer? Buy or unlock with favor, right? But the favor isn't available until Update 12, right?

Is there more?

How does this particularly screw VIP?

Turbine set themselves up with this one Thurdh when they told us VIPs we do not wait for such benefits. Playing an Artificer when it is first released kinda seems like it would be a benefit that VIPs get no issue.

Making it a pay only even if we have a ton of points and have the ability to buy them instead of giving the unlock options like Fvs is a bad precedent to set. It makes me worry about any new classes they release now because if enough people just buy it instead of trying to earn it they could push Pay only classes period.

And to quell anyone from the argument of "support the game" I do support the game and probably would have given them money either way but the lack of communication the underhanded way they are still going about this with only using Cordovan's posts as an official statement instead of a thread when Artificers were previewed stinks. Did they think we had esp and knew they were giving us extra TP each month for the summer special to pay for this new class? Did they think they could just tell us the day before release "Oh by the way you cant unlock this with favor just yet but you dont mind buying right?"

If they felt this was a legitimate business angle why not make the announcement they were pay to play even temporarily from the get go? Its the shady stuff thats got me up in arms finding out about this via Memnir's thread and twitter and not even from Turbine officials is a slap in the face. Lack of communication is just another nick in Turbine's armor and this hidden cash grab tactic is tarnish to add to that.

Edit and to the whole "walk away" comment I just might when my money runs out for this sub in Oct since I pay up front in good faith for a product I enjoyed.

08-31-2011, 04:47 PM
Probably. :(

I don't even like Artificers! But I want to make one and try them out. And I doubt I will have the patience to wait six months. :(

it really depends on how much they are going to cost!

My second account has spare TPs. But I have named items on my mian account that I would like to equip one with....

Not sure yet how I am going to approach this issue. :(

08-31-2011, 04:48 PM
I'm still somewhat undecided about this. My original intent was to purchase the class to unlock it for all servers. However because of the sore treatment VIP customers are receiving from Turbin this issue I probably will wait to purchase a class if at all.

08-31-2011, 04:53 PM
If I had the points, I prolly would. But considering how many alts I have to work on, I'll just play them until I can favor unlock them.

08-31-2011, 04:54 PM
Probably. :(

I don't even like Artificers! But I want to make one and try them out. And I doubt I will have the patience to wait six months. :(

it really depends on how much they are going to cost!

My second account has spare TPs. But I have named items on my mian account that I would like to equip one with....

Not sure yet how I am going to approach this issue. :(

Play on lamannia to test them out? O.o Too bad you missed out on 10x exp for that week or two.

08-31-2011, 04:54 PM
not buying but not cause of cost , just not interested , at all.
Would I buy if it interested me , probably. Heck I just bought FvS on a whim so maybe an arti somewhere down the line worst part is my monk probably has over/around 2K favor , just too lazy to farm the rest.

but like someone said, still cheaper than golf, and you can enjoy DDO way more often/longer.

a couple bucks isn't going to get in the way of me getting to play how I want, that is why I bought monk from the get go.

08-31-2011, 04:55 PM
I will be using Turbine Points to get Artificers (which is not a major deal with the Turbine Points I rake in and do nothing with over several reincarnated characters). Besides, I've already committed to starting up the Diaries of a True Reincarnate (Artificer), so in that sense I pigeon-holed myself into doing so. :p

08-31-2011, 04:55 PM
Not a chance its the princple of the thing and I had even cleared a slot for one but will fill it with something else now

Exactly, its not that I don't have the TP from my monthly sub already available (don't know since amount isn't posted); but not only will I not pay for it out of the principle of the thing - I very well may not even end up paying for the extra character slot to house one unless they change their business model.

... but wow, am I glad I'm not a completionist person. Suddenly losing my feat - AND not being able to even pursue getting it back unless I buy it or wait for X months? Wow. Game over.

08-31-2011, 04:56 PM
I'm ViP til October. Don't know what status I'll enjoy after that. But no matter what, I'll wait to unlock Arti with favor. It really has very little to do with TP, or my account status. I just don't feel strongly enough about playing them that I want to spend my very limited funds on them.

08-31-2011, 04:59 PM
The point is, for quite some time there has been a class that VIPs didn't get for free... I'm not sure why this is such a shock to everyone...

Yeah, I kind of avoided those... Sorry for derailing this thread... Is there anyone left who thinks of this as just a game? And not some crusade or moral cause?

What do you guys do for relaxation if the GAMES you play cause you this much stress?

What class do VIPs not get for free? I have never paid TP for any class. I have every class on my account; and every new class that has been released I have made the day it was released.

08-31-2011, 05:00 PM
I'll buy them when I have the spare money to toss at them.
I really enjoy the class, and I'm super-lazy at acquiring favor. I'm not happy with how they went about this whole situation, but I'm not angry about it. I think it's yet anther bad choice from the upper echelons at Turbine in a string of bad choices from the upper echelons at Turbine. But, I play the game to have fun and I have found Artificers to be a fun class to play. So, when I can I'll pick em up.

08-31-2011, 05:01 PM
I will not be buying Artificers. Ever.

They can be unlocked with Favor, and I am a cheap but persistent bastard (400 favor until FvS). I will be buying the packs needed for House C favor (on sale) so its not like I wont be indirectly paying for Arti.

08-31-2011, 05:02 PM
Exactly, its not that I don't have the TP from my monthly sub already available...

This is why it doesn't bother me so much. I get points every month on my subscription as part of the VIP perk so why not use that same perk to buy the class when it comes out? Still depends on the cost tho because if it's too much I can wait 2-3 more months and high costs can surpass the point value per month IMO.

... but wow, am I glad I'm not a completionist person. Suddenly losing my feat - AND not being able to even pursue getting it back unless I buy it or wait for X months? Wow. Game over.

This is the part to which I object. I don't think it's fair to force completionists for wait a few month or buy their feat back. The expectation that those players would lose the feat when new classes comes out was set up front but being forced to buy it back while on a VIP account or do without is a bit nasty.

08-31-2011, 05:04 PM
I'll buy them when I have the spare money to toss at them.
I really enjoy the class, and I'm super-lazy at acquiring favor. I'm not happy with how they went about this whole situation, but I'm not angry about it. I think it's yet anther bad choice from the upper echelons at Turbine in a string of bad choices from the upper echelons at Turbine. But, I play the game to have fun and I have found Artificers to be a fun class to play. So, when I can I'll pick em up.

I can't say it any better than this...

08-31-2011, 05:09 PM
I will be purchasing them for account unlock as well.

08-31-2011, 05:11 PM
I won't. I'm a premium player, so I'm not even going to get smacked by the failure to include Artificer in the VIP package, but I'm not going to be buying it anyway.

If Turbine had hireling AI that was helpful insted of brain dead, then I'd be happy to have the puppy.

If Turbine had ranged DPS reasonably well balanced and mostly bug free-ish, then I'd be happy to have a Crossbow as a primary weapon.

If Turbine had made a capstone that was actually worth having (Wand DCs are going to be pathetic even with the capstone because of a lack of Item/Feat/Enhancement DC boosts and there aren't any offensive Wands that are actually worth using aside from Web), then I might be interested in running a pure Artificer.

I'm thoroughly unimpressed with Artificers so far. Traps + Buffs + Blade Barrier doesn't make a complete class.

08-31-2011, 05:19 PM
Nope. Turbine had it’s chance to make money off of me during this update.

08-31-2011, 05:25 PM
Really depends on the cost in relation to what turbine points I get monthly. That and I'll probably wait until a discount coupon comes out or something.

08-31-2011, 05:26 PM
I don't buy any premium addition unless it's on sale, so until that time. No.

I wonder which will come first, class on sale, adventure pack on sale or U12 for the combination of getting it as a favor reward ...

What class do VIPs not get for free? I have never paid TP for any class. I have every class on my account; and every new class that has been released I have made the day it was released.Um, FvS aren't free for VIP's either. That's a class right?

08-31-2011, 05:31 PM
Um, FvS aren't free for VIP's either. That's a class right?There is a small difference, however...

Many players had the Favor to get FvS when they were released. Day one. Just like buying it from the Store. That will not be an option with Artificers. In order to gain Artificers the same way you gain FvS, via Favor, you will need to wait at least one Update cycle. I say that only because Jerry was kind enough to remind us that development plans change.

Like I said, it's a small difference - but it is a factor why some folks are upset.

08-31-2011, 05:34 PM
Have my geared laid out and a character ready for a TR.

I remember long ago the many many threads saying "would you dish out an extra $5 a month for more: content, events, crafting, classes, races, devs, etc." Many people used to hop on the bandwagon and say, "Oh heck yes! I love this game and would be fine paying a little more if we got more stuff!" Matter of fact, I said that, too. Time to put my money where my mouth was, so to speak. I will happily dish out an extra few dollars to my favorite game.

Turbine may make some business decisions that I don't always agree with as a consumer, but all in all I have been happy with their product. I hope so, seeing as I've been playing here pretty much non-stop since March '06.

My opinion may be skewed by the fact that I chose to switch to the premium payment plan quite awhile ago. Financially it was a better decision for me, since I planned on playing for years to come. It takes a long time to make the investment worth it, but for long time DDO players it can work out to be better for the wallet. This coming from a premium player with 15 characters, all content owned and a full capacity shared bank.

I don't see the payment plans as Very Important Player vs. Premium Player. I see it more as Lease (with a couple little perks) vs Own.

08-31-2011, 05:35 PM
There is a small difference, however...
Yes, I understand the difference. I wouldn't say farming out 2500+ favor as a 'free' automatic granting of the class to VIP's.

08-31-2011, 05:37 PM
Yes, I understand the difference. I wouldn't say farming out 2500+ favor as a 'free' automatic granting of the class to VIP's.

Umm, considering how long we had to wait for FvS, "farming" favor was quite quick for some. I got it right off the bat, between when they announced it and when it was released I had plenty of time to get the Favor.

08-31-2011, 05:41 PM
I don't see the payment plans as Very Important Player vs. Premium Player. I see it more as Lease (with a couple little perks) vs Own.

I see it as Rent while paying monthly -vs- Rent while paying al la carte.

Own is a myth. When Turbine turns the lights off on the last server, we both walk away with nothing tangible.

08-31-2011, 05:44 PM
Heh. I've got 15 hours of studio classes and a formidable BFA committee looking me square in the eye, and I'm gonna have to come up with a better answer as to why I painted something purple than, "because I ran out of blue". So no, I'm gonna wait until U12 when I might actually have the time to play.

It ain't always about the money. :)

08-31-2011, 05:51 PM
Own is a myth. When Turbine turns the lights off on the last server, we both walk away with nothing tangible.
This is so true, yet almost nobody realizes it. The whole rent/own analogy is a farce.

08-31-2011, 06:06 PM
Sure... I have a job and plenty of money. This hobby is still cheaper than golf.

Cheaper than diving too...

3-dive single day out at outer GBR in AU is min $120 with your own gear. Turtles, sharks and all the rest...

Hmmm... Can an artificier have a turtle pet? Or maybe an auto-looting monkey with a built-in huge loot bag?

I'd pay extra for the monkey! :)

08-31-2011, 06:07 PM
Simply put if they had given me the option to earn the class I wouldnt have minded paying up front so it would be a server wide unlock. But since its basically pay if you want it when released I have decided I can wait on it. ...

Exactly. This situation definitively helps suppress the whole notion of impulse buying. I can save up the TP on my subscription to afford the relevant packs and such when I cancel the sub and then I can skip the packs that I already know I never run...since that's over 10k (out-of-the-air estimate based on account upgrades I did buy already on my subscription)

This does, however, make me wish I'd paid more attention to my premium account...need to get a few of them to around 17, at least, I have everything available on that one. (excepting the last couple of extra shared bank spaces)

08-31-2011, 06:08 PM
Umm, considering how long we had to wait for FvS, "farming" favor was quite quick for some. I got it right off the bat, between when they announced it and when it was released I had plenty of time to get the Favor.Yes but you were also playing an almost full 2 years before P2P/VIP was introduced.

08-31-2011, 06:10 PM
Yes but you were also playing an almost full 2 years before P2P/VIP was introduced.

And now I've been playing 2 years since P2P/VIP was announced. What's your point?

08-31-2011, 06:16 PM
Sure... I have a job and plenty of money. This hobby is still cheaper than golf.

I agree, my only reason for not buying it is not that Turbine should not charge, I think they should...but from what I have seen I am not interested in it.

DDO is SOOOO much cheaper than golf....the cost is not the issue for me at all.



08-31-2011, 06:35 PM
I can't play on Lamania (my computer does't like the client for some reason), so I haven't been able to play around with the new Artificer class. From what I've read, though, it sounds like exactly what I was looking for to make the type of character I originally wanted when I first started playing DDO, so I'm pretty excited to see it.

That said, no, I won't buy it with TPs when it is released in U11. Judging from past experiences, Artificer will be buggy and won't be balanced well vs. the existing classes. So I'll wait 'till at least after the first round of bug patches and tweaks to their abilities (beef this one up, nerf this other one). Waiting for U12 and the ability to unlock via favor sounds like a safe benchmark, and'll save me some TPs to spend on other stuff.

I don't like the situation it's being released under in relation to VIPs, though. I don't feel as strongly about it as others seem to, but I have been debating whether to continue my own VIP subscription when it comes due in October, and this pushes me closer to "no".

08-31-2011, 06:38 PM
though I had much fun on Lamannia playing one, I will be waiting til I can unlock it to make one.

I have a few TRs that I need to grind out, just sort of waiting for Update 11 for the extra bonus XP and raised first time completion bonuses.

08-31-2011, 07:02 PM
DDO is SOOOO much cheaper than golf....the cost is not the issue for me at all.

Golf, movie tickets, PS3 or other high tech console-system games, you name it, its probably more expensive. I do agree though that DDO is relatively cheap; you could probably do a lot more if you dump $50.00 worth of points, especially if you get stuff on sale. That's enough to keep you covered for a few updates worth of stuff.

I don't buy any premium addition unless it's on sale, so until that time. No.

I wonder which will come first, class on sale, adventure pack on sale or U12 for the combination of getting it as a favor reward ...

Um, FvS aren't free for VIP's either. That's a class right?

Knowing me, I probably wont get the adventure pack right away unless its cheap. Even so, I've got my eyes set on Gianthold; plus not to mention if I want to have a hope in battor to unlock artificer, I must buy TWO, not one adventure packs. I have a hunch that the total cost of the adventure pack will be about equal to buying gianthold at regular price. It's a debate that I myself must find the answer to.

And no, FvS isn't free for VIP's either. It's very wierd if you ask me; every class except this and the future artificers is unlocked. When I look at the benefits of VIP and look at this, I feel...betrayed, perhaps? Can't quite describe it. But its better than artificer because here, FvS can be unlocked today with the right favor. For artificer, you have to wait a few months in order for the opportunity to present itself.

Oh, and for those of us eager to unlock it with favor than buying it: The best thing to do right now is to get on Lamannia and know how the runs play out. That way, as soon as its released, you'll know who, what, where, and when to do things in the raid.

This is why it doesn't bother me so much. I get points every month on my subscription as part of the VIP perk so why not use that same perk to buy the class when it comes out? Still depends on the cost tho because if it's too much I can wait 2-3 more months and high costs can surpass the point value per month IMO.

This is the part to which I object. I don't think it's fair to force completionists for wait a few month or buy their feat back. The expectation that those players would lose the feat when new classes comes out was set up front but being forced to buy it back while on a VIP account or do without is a bit nasty.

If you ask me, I say its a slap to VIP's and a kick in the face with some teeth knocked out to completionists. VIP's don't get the free unlock despite their pitiful benefits, and completionists actually LOSE something, which is sad.

08-31-2011, 07:56 PM
I won't be buying it as I need those points so much more for the full conversion of my account over to premuim. I was already working on doing that before this put the icing on my cake. I'll probably switch back and forth occasionally between being vip and premuim making income from me more sporadic and not a cetainty at all, which to be honest no ones income to turbine ever really is. I think I'll call this payment plan my "Turbine's paid to please" plan. As long as I think I am getting my money's worth I'll pay, and when I don't, I won't. Either way it will not have any effect on me or my game once the full conversion is done and other than a very very small amount of money not coming in will continue to have no effect on turbine either.

If you ever decide to change your plan from vip to premuim I'd highly suggest you don't do it spur of the moment like I did. Boy does that hurt. Ungood took the time to write "A Guide to Converting from VIP to Premuim" and I'd look it over before doing the change.

09-01-2011, 10:19 AM
To squelch the uproar of VIPs, I would make Artificer unlockable at the exact full favor of U11 pack.
This way if one manages to run all quests AND raids on Elite - they get the unlock.
If one is unable to achieve maximum favor with U11 pack alone - they can wait for U12 pack to get the missing favor.

09-01-2011, 10:25 AM
Judging from past experiences, Artificer will be buggy and won't be balanced well vs. the existing classes.

hehe, yeah, this is my only concern. Honestly, Artificer doesn't really look all that strong, and I wonder what other problems will be uncovered...so expect my moderate rage post in a month when I ***** about paying for Artificer just to beta test it more, hehe.

To squelch the uproar of VIPs, I would make Artificer unlockable at the exact full favor of U11 pack.
This way if one manages to run all quests AND raids on Elite - they get the unlock.
If one is unable to achieve maximum favor with U11 pack alone - they can wait for U12 pack to get the missing favor.

Highly amusing! VIPs, we've heard your complaints, Artificers will be unlockable in U11 at 3600 Favor!

09-01-2011, 10:28 AM
To squelch the uproar of VIPs, I would make Artificer unlockable at the exact full favor of U11 pack.
This way if one manages to run all quests AND raids on Elite - they get the unlock.
If one is unable to achieve maximum favor with U11 pack alone - they can wait for U12 pack to get the missing favor.

That would be a very reasonable compromise, one I'd be entirely satisfied by.

Highly amusing! VIPs, we've heard your complaints, Artificers will be unlockable in U11 at 3600 Favor!

This would, I think, be excessive. A matter of upholding the letter of the promise, but not really the spirit. It would still set a precedent that VIP doesn't give as much benefit as we thought. If the requirements for the favor unlock is excessive, then what am I paying for?

09-01-2011, 10:30 AM
I'm VIP, and if I were suitably interested then I would buy it, turns out I'm having fun with other classes now and this doesn't appeal.

This game saves me money I would spend at the pub, or on more 'ahem' expensive internet hobbies (not the xxx kind btw) so I'd happily part with some cash if I thought I'd enjoy it.

I'm gathering more on more ideas from folks who view DDO in the same way as any other subscription or pay monthly facility. Philosophical/ethical thread to follow some day.

09-01-2011, 10:46 AM
The wife might buy it but honestly I enjoy my clerics and flavored souls more.

09-01-2011, 12:49 PM
We have to pay for them? I just went VIP when we got the I11 announcement because I didn't want to have to pay for this stuff anymore... I am baffled.

09-01-2011, 12:52 PM
We have to pay for them? I just went VIP when we got the I11 announcement because I didn't want to have to pay for this stuff anymore... I am baffled.

Don't spend any of the points you've just earned...you might need all but 5 of them to buy artificer!

(Im guessing it's 995 to buy artificer when its released...however, I did hear rumors that it may be a bit cheaper, so odds are, ill probably be wrong.)

09-01-2011, 01:43 PM
I'll buy it, cause I had fun on Lammania and want the unlock for entire account, just like I wanted fvs on all servers and so although i was like 20 favor from favor unlock I still bought it. But I think it's sucky that the favor for unlock won't be here with update 11.

09-01-2011, 02:27 PM
Honestly, if it's relatively cheap (<$20.00 worth of TP), I might grab it.

That's less than it costs to take my girl out for a night, and I'm not hurting financially, so....

Otherwise, I won't bother.

It doesn't look all that great and I'm not happy with the way that Turbine went about it, so I wouldn't fork out a LOT of money for it.

09-01-2011, 02:33 PM
I wants it. I wants it NAO!

09-01-2011, 02:47 PM
Yes, will probably buy it. The class sounds like fun and this is my hobby.

09-01-2011, 02:51 PM
Highly amusing! VIPs, we've heard your complaints, Artificers will be unlockable in U11 at 3600 Favor!

Why 3,600? Why not make it the Tier I House C favor reward and make the Marks into Tier II? It would standardize the ability to purchase marks with the Silver Flame and Yugoloth marks.

09-01-2011, 03:49 PM
im gonna let everyone else blow their tp on em, and then I'll judge em based on group tiers. And if they have something going for them in the range of fun like the monk did then i'll wait till they go on sale.

As for buying outright hell no.

09-01-2011, 03:54 PM
Anyone? *Crickets*

I was absolutely going to, but since it's going to be unlockable with the packs i would've bought anyway, and there's a ton of arti gear useable much much lower than the level at which you can farm for it all the way up, I'm going to keep leveling one of my many many alts and get that stuff first.

09-01-2011, 04:01 PM
I'll buy it when I"m ready to TR someone into it...
Hopefully, with how little I play, I can unlock it from favor before then.
I was just going to buy it, but I'm protesting now with all you VIPs :p

09-01-2011, 04:02 PM

09-01-2011, 05:46 PM
I'll earn Artificer with favour, and in the meantime TR one of my characters and use the influx of level 1-19 people levelling up new Artificers to easily power-level my TR.

5 artificers pew-pew-pewing, and me eating popcorn. Fantastic.

09-01-2011, 06:54 PM
I'll earn Artificer with favour, and in the meantime TR one of my characters and use the influx of level 1-19 people levelling up new Artificers to easily power-level my TR.

5 artificers pew-pew-pewing, and me eating popcorn. Fantastic.

I shall only group with fellow Artificers to kaibosh such manipulations!

09-01-2011, 07:09 PM

09-02-2011, 07:53 AM
I shall only group with fellow Artificers to kaibosh such manipulations!

Lol :)

What if my TR is a Bard, would that change things Rimble? ;)

09-02-2011, 07:56 AM
What if my TR is a Bard, would that change things Rimble? ;)

Play your songs then shut up and eat your popcorn.

09-13-2011, 03:21 AM
my real problem is how they advertise going VIP gives access to all adventure packs, races, and classes*

*Terms and Conditions may apply

Terms and conditions doesn't sound like all except artificer/FvS.

I feel cheated, I was considering just using my $30 to get TP instead of VIP and it seems like it would've been a better choice, now I have to wait a few months for U12 to play artificer, it's bull.

09-13-2011, 03:26 AM

09-14-2011, 06:02 AM
Since paying for a vip account costs about the same (if not a little more) as an account on WoW, i think its ridiculous charging already paying customers for using a class. I mean if the class is game content and a vip account advertises "unlimited access" then every class in the game should be available IMHO. I won't be buying the class and also wont be renewing my vip account (whats the point when new content will be unavailable to me). I have money that's not the problem, the problem is i bought 3 months vip account and now i find out new content isn't available to me. Scandalous.

Its actually put me off the game a bit.

09-14-2011, 06:19 AM
Boycotting until restitution made.

NOT holding breath.

Not renewing vip (paid for a year in Jan.)

Seriously disappointed in turbine and feeling like Cypher from the matrix, why oh why didnt I take the BLUE pill??

09-14-2011, 06:24 AM
sure... I Have A Job And Plenty Of Money. This Hobby Is Still Cheaper Than Golf.


09-14-2011, 06:42 AM
Bought it. Love it! Having lots of fun.

09-14-2011, 06:57 AM
Sure... I have a job and plenty of money. This hobby is still cheaper than golf.

Cheaper than golf isn't a good yard stick considering how expensive golf is.
Maybe the advertisement for vip accounts should be changed to "unlimited access, apart from new content".