View Full Version : Plague Winds

08-31-2011, 03:32 PM
Plague Winds

Average Playtime: Daily (mostly nights during the week and various times during the weekend) We are in several time zones, one of us is even in the Pacific, so the average playtime is based upon my EST perspective. Activity usually starts around 9pm EST into way early in the morning during the week with play-times being much more sporadic during the weekend.
Size: 6 active accounts currently with several characters per account
Raids We Do: Any
Raids per Week: Depends on need, but we haven't done a lot of guild raids since I have joined. This is something I hope to help change in time.
Raid Loot System: The loot you get is your loot, however, we are givers as well and usually bend over backwards to help a guild member in need, which includes sharing loot.
Leader: Preety
Website: http://my.ddo.com/guild-khyber-plague_winds/
Recruiting: Yes, but we do not do blind invites.
Info: We are quite an easy going guild filled with members of various play styles and are hoping to expand upon that, willing to do whatever is needed on a whim by any guild member. We strive to always look out for other guild mates and help them when in need. We play just about every day, forming up into a party, usually the first thing after greetings comes the question "Ok, so what are we doing?".

If you are looking for a guild that can be serious, but still have fun and like a laid back atmosphere, then come check us out in game. Send a tell, forum PM, or in game mail to Nyess (http://my.ddo.com/nytcrawlr/) (NytCrawlr), to the leader Preety (can be reached in game only), or to the successor Halfpints (can be reached in game only as well).