View Full Version : Help requested reviving an old toon

08-29-2011, 11:56 AM
I have an old toon that I'd like to revive, but can't seem to figure out a way to make it viable and enjoyable to play in DDO's current (or upcoming) form.

The toon was created before cap was 20 and back when WOP's (wounding of puncturing)were all the rage.

32 point build
Race: Halfling
Alignment: Lawful Good
Current class breakdown: 12 ranger 3 paladin 1 monk
Tomes availabe: a few +1's

Back in the day dex toons were the flavor. Today they aren't, and watching this toon attempt to DPS is painful for me. I'd be most grateful if anyone could help me rework this toon and make it more enjoyable.

Please note: I don't want you to tell me to go 12 fighter or any such thing. I just want to have this toon reach 20 (that's 4 more levels) and be enjoyable to play while doing so. I'm not opposed to spending the TP's to change out the 3 pally levels or the 1 monk level, but I'd rather not if I don't have to.

08-29-2011, 12:00 PM
Do you have, or can you afford, a Lesser or Greater Heart?

08-29-2011, 12:02 PM
Do you have, or can you afford, a Lesser or Greater Heart?

Yes I can afford the lesser and greater.

08-29-2011, 01:31 PM
LOL, after wracking my brain I guess I shouldn't be surprised at nobody posting any ideas yet.

08-29-2011, 01:47 PM
First thing that comes to my mind is buying a +5 Lesser Heart of Wood and swapping out the non-ranger levels for fighter levels, and take the last 4 levels as fighter.

Tempest2/Kensei1, STR based. I don't have the planner on this computer, and don't have the time to write out the build, but someone'll probably come along with a build like that. A quick search didn't show many anything to link to, but someone with a bit more time might be able to find something.

Hope this helps!

08-29-2011, 02:08 PM
First thing that comes to my mind is buying a +5 Lesser Heart of Wood and swapping out the non-ranger levels for fighter levels, and take the last 4 levels as fighter.

Tempest2/Kensei1, STR based. I don't have the planner on this computer, and don't have the time to write out the build, but someone'll probably come along with a build like that. A quick search didn't show many anything to link to, but someone with a bit more time might be able to find something.

Hope this helps!

Yes, I'd thought about swapping out the pally levels for ftr. Starting with a max str.

16+5 levels +2 ftr+6 item+2 tempest +1 tome=32 str (short term)
Swaping and add a +7item +3tome +3 exceptional +2 madstone +2 yugoh=42 (long term)

Had thought about 16 str 15 dex 14 con 8 int 13 wis 8 cha

It will hit harder but I'm not sure it's all that much better than 12str 18 dex 14 con 11 int 12 wis 11 cha and keeping the current pally levels.

08-29-2011, 02:28 PM
What about picking up one of the paladin prestiges? You could go 12 ranger 6 paladin 2 monk if you didn't want to use a lesser +1. Preferred option might be to lesser off the monk level and go 14 ranger 6 paladin. 14th level ranger would get 1 4th level spell (FoM). 6 paladin could go kotc for a small dps boost or hotd for a bit of healing amp and would get 2 level 1 spells to choose from (likely one of which would be divine favor). You'd also have exalted smite, lay on hands, divine sacrifice, and divine might as options. You would want to be sure to get a 14 charisma between initial stats and tomes to qualify for divine might 1. Something like 16 str, 14 con, and cha 14 - leaving 4 points left to invest into dex (reflex save), int (skill points), or con/cha (bump one to 16).

08-29-2011, 03:30 PM
The cheapest option would be rgr 12 / pally 6 / monk; might even be able to do it without LRing if your base stats are OK (apart from being Finesse-based).