View Full Version : 1 Mnk / 7 Rogue / 12 Fighter: Repeater

08-29-2011, 03:53 AM

In light of the U11 Repeater changes, how would a 1 Mnk / 7 Rogue / 12 Fighter Repeater spec work out? Kensai II on Repeater of course, and 6+ Rogue for Mechanic I. Good DEX good INT and all level ups in INT.

Is it gimp?
Would it work well?
Any feats I should really have?


08-29-2011, 04:01 AM
I'd say no. The best thing about Kensai II is the Power Surge which adds +8 strength. However, this does nothing for your repeater.

I'd look at 6 ranger, 7 rogue, 13 rogue, 7 artificer, 14 artificer, 20 artificer, 20 rogue for inspiration.

Deepwood Sniper II is being released in U12 (it better be anyway) so that might be interesting then.