View Full Version : ddo store just ripped me off
08-25-2011, 09:17 PM
ddo store just took 570 turbine points and didnt give me my order.
i attempted to purchase red fens and vault of night = 960TP i added the DDODYD5 coupon = 912TP proceded to a red line saying purchase cannot be completed and dont close the store until purchase is complete... a nice oxy moron catch 22. i waited a while. so then i go back into the cart try redo the purchase as it hadnt taken any poinsts yet. purchase completes and im missing 570 points and didnt get the adventure packs
submitted a bug report
take notice this is an act of fraud. turbine ill give you a short period of grace to fix this before i persue further legal actions.
08-25-2011, 10:50 PM
ddo store just took 570 turbine points and didnt give me my order.
i attempted to purchase red fens and vault of night = 960TP i added the DDODYD5 coupon = 912TP proceded to a red line saying purchase cannot be completed and dont close the store until purchase is complete... a nice oxy moron catch 22. i waited a while. so then i go back into the cart try redo the purchase as it hadnt taken any poinsts yet. purchase completes and im missing 570 points and didnt get the adventure packs
submitted a bug report
take notice this is an act of fraud. turbine ill give you a short period of grace to fix this before i persue further legal actions.
Did you receive an email/receipt?
08-25-2011, 11:12 PM
same here.
this is utterly rediculous.
I spent 100 bucks on turbine points a few hours ago. I tryed to buy 6 +5 hearts, and shared bank 3. that failed and said try again. so i tryed again.....failed try again, so i try again. i went through this a few times and decided maybe the hearts arent really on i try to buy a crappy armor preview kit and that fails. then 2 minutes later IT ALL GOES THROUGH. luckily only one of the transactions that was worth over 7k TP went through along with the armor kit.
fast forward a few hours. Some freind decide to run IQ quests. I dont have the pack so i figure what the heck ill buy the pack and run with them. So i try to Buy IQ pack and House D pack, and shared bank 4 to get me over 1500 total so i can use the ddodyd15 code. Failed Try again. so i try again and it says all the used of the coupons are used up! I ONLY MADE 1 PURCHASE SO FAR!!!! ***?!
So i look at my purchase history
before i got the hearts, and after i spent 100bucks on TP i had 10066 Turbine points.
Purchased 6x +5 hearts and shared bank 4....cost:10366 or 7256 after ddodyd30
that took me down to 2810
next for some reason i was credited back 557 TP lol
then the 1 TP armor preveiw kit went though
that puts me at 3366 TP
Then i tried to buy:
IQ pack, Sentinels Pack, and shared bank 4....cost: 1516 or 1289 after ddodyd15
this took me down to 2077 (HOWEVER I DID NOT RECEIVE THE ORDER ITEMS)
then i was again for some reason credited back with 677 TP taking me to 2754 TP when i should be down to 1500 and have IQ pack, Sentinels Pack, shared bank and 3 more used of the DDODYDxx discount to use.
Get your stuff straight turbine this is unacceptable.
08-26-2011, 04:52 AM
take notice this is an act of fraud. turbine ill give you a short period of grace to fix this before i persue further legal actions.
It certainly sucks when things like this happen. It has happened to me as well.
However, it is not fraud unless Turbine has intentionally set up a system to accept people's money with no intention of giving them the items they pay for.
This is more along the lines of a computer error.
08-26-2011, 07:36 AM
its a good reason for turbine to start having 24 hour call in support
08-26-2011, 08:52 AM
no email receipt.
intentions have nothing to do with anything, maybe paving roads for hells.
effect of youre actions are paramount. the action of deception happend. the action of fraud happend. and its not the 1st time.
1st time last winter the store overcharged me 1piont on 2 acounts for a lowby adventure pack. i filed a bug report, checked forums to see if it was happening to others. didnt find anything. not a big deal i lost 2 points. just didnt want it to happen to others.
now the 2nd time. store takes 570 points and gives me nothing i orderd. thats fraud
i see a few post that its happening to others. turbine like all goverments, religions are just corperations doing business under UCC uniform commerciel code/admiralty law/roman cannon law. all of which are unlawful superimposing statuets and codes as laws. let he be deceived who will be, their motto.
dont let them screw you.
turbines lucky its the weekend. gives them a little time before i file in small claims. this is old info now inaccurate used to cost 25$ to file for a maximun of 7500$ in damages. the simple cost of atourneys makes it a loss for the corperations.
08-26-2011, 10:00 AM
i see this thread has been moved. for what reasons?
08-26-2011, 10:25 AM
take notice this is an act of fraud. turbine ill give you a
short period of grace to fix this before i persue further legal actions.
a) You are complaining on a public form, try calling customer service?
B) People like to helping others who are polite; just because your situation sucks doesn't give you an excuse to act like you are. A manager or customer service rep is much MUCH more likely to go above and beyond to help someone who is complaining but treats them nicely and with respect. Keep this in mind when you call customer service :)
08-26-2011, 10:26 AM
i see this thread has been moved. for what reasons?
This thread has been moved to a place where the proper folks can see it. It should be noted that we are not able to provide support for these kind of issues through the forums; to get this resolved you will need to either file a support ticket through HERE (, or call customer service (Contact Account Support via telephone at: 1-781-407-4020 Noon-8:45pm EDT Monday-Friday.)
08-26-2011, 10:26 AM
i see this thread has been moved. for what reasons?
It was moved to Account Management Assistane. Seems on par for what you are looking for, don't you think?
When you see faulty charges on your credit card, you don't sit and fume and email them threatening instant lawsuits do you? No, you call them and see what's going on. Give Turbine a call and chat with a rep. I'm sure they will be more than willing to help you.
08-26-2011, 10:29 AM
its a good reason for turbine to start having 24 hour call in support
I sincerely doubt there are enough complaints to fund one or two reps to sit there during off hours. People can call during regular business hours like most companies have.
08-26-2011, 10:31 AM
now the 2nd time. store takes 570 points and gives me nothing i orderd. thats fraud
Define: Fraud
1. Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
I'm fairly certain this is not the case since I know plenty of people this has not happened to. Instead of talking on the forums where they are unable to assist, calling the Customer Service line will give better results.
08-26-2011, 10:55 AM
I sincerely doubt there are enough complaints to fund one or two reps to sit there during off hours. People can call during regular business hours like most companies have.
With the amount of international customers who USE the ddostore, regardless of complaints, its perfectly reasonable to provide 24 hour support to something we are paying money for. thats nothing to say that probably peak play times are on the weekend too for which there is no support for the ddostore available.
and most companies who give a rats tail about customer service DO have 24 hour support.
Cable goes out? you can call 24 hours a day.
Need a tow truck? 24 hours....
08-26-2011, 10:58 AM
With the amount of international customers who USE the ddostore, regardless of complaints, its perfectly reasonable to provide 24 hour support to something we are paying money for. thats nothing to say that probably peak play times are on the weekend too for which there is no support for the ddostore available.
and most companies who give a rats tail about customer service DO have 24 hour support.
Cable goes out? you can call 24 hours a day.
Need a tow truck? 24 hours....
The question that we need to ask is "Are there enough complaints/problems to provide that service?"
08-26-2011, 11:00 AM
thanks cordovan. just wanted to know why. thanks for the help. customer service is a tough job, im not trying to make it harder.
artekes i hope[currency for those who have none] turbine fixes this openly so i can openly thank and praise them for it.
turbine management has come a long way from how bad it was. in the past turbine called me a racist permabaned me, blocked my ip, just to cover up their mistakes. all reinstated under different management.
appreciate the history artekes. i want ddo to be great, more players the better. i rather be playing. im not out to get turbine. yet i repeatedly get the turbine shaft.
08-26-2011, 11:07 AM
thanks cordovan. just wanted to know why. thanks for the help. customer service is a tough job, im not trying to make it harder.
artekes i hope[currency for those who have none] turbine fixes this openly so i can openly thank and praise them for it.
turbine management has come a long way from how bad it was. in the past turbine called me a racist permabaned me, blocked my ip, just to cover up their mistakes. all reinstated under different management.
appreciate the history artekes. i want ddo to be great, more players the better. i rather be playing. im not out to get turbine. yet i repeatedly get the turbine shaft.
OP: You should of started with this post rather than the original post.
Just saying!v:D
P.S. I personally have had in game issues, store issues, ban issues. All of which were mistakes. And all of which were resolved by using the customer service system that turbine setup. And none of which I started out by using words like fraud. :rolleyes: Just saying!
08-26-2011, 11:13 AM
OP: You should of started with this post rather than the original post.
Just saying!v:D
^^This. On top of that just as an FYI, "most" customer service departments will completely stop working on an issue the moment a customer mentions litigation. Think of it this way; technically they have a lot less to lose in small claims than you do, considering they already have a legal department.
08-26-2011, 11:49 AM
^^This. On top of that just as an FYI, "most" customer service departments will completely stop working on an issue the moment a customer mentions litigation. Think of it this way; technically they have a lot less to lose in small claims than you do, considering they already have a legal department.
This. The OP would be wise to consider not mentioning any legalities when he/she calls. They will shut you down completely if you do mention lawsuits and the like.
08-26-2011, 12:26 PM
a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual
If there's an issue, contact turbine and they'll resolve it. Don't come to the forums and attempt to be a keyboard lawyer because you're failing at it so far.
A phone call would have resolved this issue immediately.
turbines lucky its the weekend. gives them a little time before i file in small claims. this is old info now inaccurate used to cost 25$ to file for a maximun of 7500$ in damages. the simple cost of atourneys makes it a loss for the corperations.
Wow, now you're just being a jerk. Get over yourself.
Also as a note, corporations have lawyers either on staff or on retainer. There is no "loss" to them in having them laugh at you.
08-26-2011, 12:35 PM
This happened to me at the first purchase I made with Turbine, about 6 months ago.
Sent in a ticket and 2 days later everything was corrected. Works much better than threatening in the forum with lawsuits. Made me chuckle actually. ;)
Luckely my +5 hearts did arrive. Now just for the artificer to come out so that I have something to use em for!
Have a good game!
08-26-2011, 03:52 PM
Hey guys, if you do run into an issue with the Store, you will want to contact the Account Management Team directly. If its after phone hours, you can always submit a ticket to them and they will get to them as quickly as they can, though you will want to give them a couple of business days. They will do what they can to help.
08-26-2011, 06:00 PM
thanks davoyd. thats the spirit. there are no problems only solutions. a shining example of go fix the problem.
08-29-2011, 06:10 AM
apparently the massachusetts BBB is more incompetent than turbine inc rofl
08-29-2011, 01:33 PM
Why are you still perpetuating this thread instead of just making a phone call and having the issue fixed?
Or has the issue been fixed and you just want to continue to complain?
09-04-2011, 12:43 PM
Why are you still perpetuating this thread instead of just making a phone call and having the issue fixed?
Or has the issue been fixed and you just want to continue to complain?
i dont need or use a phone so i dont pay for a useless service. ironicly i do have a prepaid international phone card somewhwere. left by a friend whos property i managed while in asia. should i rip them off to conviently solve my problem? id gladly suffer an eternal infinity of tortures deaths first. thats called having a shred of dignity and some principals.
why should i have to repeatedly go through the hassle and expense of long distance phone calls for their repeated fraudulant behavior?
its been well over 6 months maybe a year on 2 acts of fraud for 2 turbine points lol. going on 2 weeks of fraud of 570 turbine points red fens and von.
technicly turbine can take all my points close my account and tell me to enjoy shaft if they want.
msericka why do you so staunchly support turbines repeatedly fraudulant behavior in taking 572 turbine points red fens and von from me?
09-23-2011, 01:21 AM
dear davoid please review and reply
review of purchase on 08/25/2011 at 09:18pm
purchase = vault of night + red fens on sale 20% added DIY 5%
adventure pack normal price 20%discount total DIY5% total
vault of night 750 -150 600 -30 570
red fens 450 -90 360 -18 342
total 1200 -240 960 -48 912
questions for davoid
1 did the DDO store make an error in delivering this purchase order?
2 why are you giving me a 342 point partial refund? the cost of red fens at purchase
3 how many points will red fens now cost me? 450?
4 why cant you just give me what i purchased ?
5 why does the solution to the DDO store error now cost me an extra 108 points to get red fens?
09-23-2011, 03:24 PM
As Cordovan said, we are not able to assist with account specific issues in the forums. If you have a question or feedback about an answer you received, then you will want to respond to the email with your questions or feedback.
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