View Full Version : The Squirrel Brigade-LFM

08-19-2011, 06:01 AM
Howdy. I would like to take this time to let it be known the The Squirrel Brigade, a level 32 guild, is looking for 3 more members.

We are a small, mature, casual guild that likes to have fun consisting of myself, my brother and my son. We are looking for like minded individuals to join us. When we quest we sometimes duo them and sometimes PUG it out but always we have fun. So far we haven't raided much as a guild or completed any epics but who knows what the future will bring. Our play times vary from early morning to afternoons to late night all on EST but when we play it is usually for a few hours.

Currently we have some new characters that are level 13 & 14 that we are running around with though we have plenty at all levels. If you feel like this might interest you then feel free to PM me here or send a tell/mail in game to Teynon.

Feel free to ask any questions that you may have and I will answer them when I can.:)