View Full Version : Made purchase, it took too many points

08-19-2011, 12:27 AM
I decided to celebrate the Quest Pack Sale by buying 5000 points. It went through, no problem (actually it crashed several times, but eventually it worked.) I went and queued up all the packs I wanted, namely:

Necropolis 1
Devil Assault
Phiarlin Carnival
Red Fens
Harbinger of Madness
Reign of Madness

and Warforged, which wasn't on sale. I put them all in my cart, hit complete... and it glitched and lost the cart.

Whatever, I think. I'll just try again. So I do, and it glitches again. I havent lost any points, so I figure maybe I'll try it one at a time. No biggie. I ring up Red Fens. It goes through. I ring up Phiarlin Carnival. It glitches.

It is at this point that I look at my points. I have 1444 points. I flip out.

I try closing DDO Store. Doesnt work. I try relogging. Doesnt work. I check to see if the packs were still available to buy... they arent! Okay, I figure. The sale went through.

But do the math. All that stuff together, with the discount, comes to 2715 points. I lost 3611. I dont even know HOW I lost that much. That's not even a round number!

I want those 896 points back. I want to be able to get the new pack and artificer when they come out, and I was hoping to get an Account Bank if I had enough left over. Thank you.

08-19-2011, 05:33 AM
I just had this happen to me as well, including the emptying cart thing. Bought 3bc and Reign of Madness.

Points before: 7097 (99.9% certain)
Order total: 880
Points after: 5857
Points sucked into Xoriat: 360

08-19-2011, 08:20 AM
I'd open a ticket here - http://support.turbine.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=24001&task=ticket to the DDO Account/Store Team and let them know what happened. As I recall, issues such as this have the points returned. Turbine can't process your request from this forum as far as I know.

08-19-2011, 08:23 AM
Sorry for the trouble.

Please file a ticket - we can't assist with account-level problems on the forums unfortunately.

Thank you!

08-19-2011, 08:26 AM
My account>your purchases 'view history'

Provide the order number and the point discrepencies to Turbine customer support.

08-19-2011, 10:02 AM
Thanks for the pointers guys, much appreciated. Ticket filed.

Looking at my purchase history, the error seems to be when the store bugs out during purchase and then tries to refund the items, and then drops one or more items during the process.

/whips the monkeys/