08-18-2011, 06:03 PM
Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.09.02
DDO Character Planner Home Page (
Level 20 Lawful Good Warforged Male
(6 Paladin \ 2 Rogue \ 12 Sorcerer)
Hit Points: 294
Spell Points: 1282
BAB: 13\13\18\23
Fortitude: 24
Reflex: 21
Will: 23
Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats
(28 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Strength 14 14 14
Dexterity 10 10 10
Constitution 14 14 16
Intelligence 8 8 8
Wisdom 6 6 6
Charisma 16 21 24
Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Balance 0 0 4
Bluff 3 7 7
Concentration 6 24 24
Diplomacy 3 7 7
Disable Device n/a n/a n/a
Haggle 3 7 7
Heal -2 -2 -2
Hide 0 0 0
Intimidate 3 7 7
Jump 2 2 2
Listen -2 -2 -2
Move Silently 0 0 0
Open Lock n/a n/a n/a
Perform n/a n/a n/a
Repair -1 -1 -1
Search -1 -1 -1
Spot -2 -2 -2
Swim 2 2 2
Tumble n/a n/a n/a
Use Magic Device n/a 21 21
{\b {\ul Notable Equipment }} \par Supreme Tyrant +5 Green Steel Greatsword of Mineral
\par Armored Bracers of Repairing
\par Thamor's Ring
\par Warchanter's Band
\par Dragontouched Docent
\par Thamor's Belt
\par Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Weave Gloves of Positive
\par Striding Boots of Balance
\par Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Weave Cloak of Air
\par Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Necklace of Existential Stalemate
\par Minos Legens \par Visor of Concentration
\par Mysterious Bauble \par \par Level 1 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+4)
Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell
Feat: (Automatic) Attack
Feat: (Automatic) Composite Plating
Feat: (Automatic) Dismiss Charm
Feat: (Automatic) Heroic Durability
Feat: (Automatic) Light Fortification
Feat: (Automatic) Magical Training
Feat: (Automatic) Simple Weapon Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Sneak
Feat: (Automatic) Warforged Immunities
Spell (1): Acid Spray
Spell (1): Expeditious Retreat
Level 2 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Automatic) Defensive Fighting
Feat: (Automatic) Sunder
Feat: (Automatic) Trip
Spell (1): Shield
Level 3 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell
Spell (1): Repair Light Damage
Level 4 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Spell (2): Melf's Acid Arrow
Level 5 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Spell (2): Blur
Level 6 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Spell Focus: Conjuration
Spell (3): Acid Blast
Level 7 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Spell (2): Resist Energy
Spell (3): Displacement
Level 8 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Spell (4): Acid Rain
Level 9 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Spell (2): Lesser Death Aura
Spell (3): Haste
Spell (4): Stoneskin
Level 10 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Spell (5): Niac's Biting Cold
Level 11 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Spell (3): Rage
Spell (4): Death Aura
Spell (5): Protection From Elements
Level 12 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Mental Toughness
Spell (6): Reconstruct
Level 13 (Paladin)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Automatic) Aura of Good
Feat: (Automatic) Heavy Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Light Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency (ALL)
Feat: (Automatic) Medium Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Shield Proficiency (General)
Feat: (Automatic) Smite Evil
Level 14 (Paladin)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Automatic) Divine Grace
Feat: (Automatic) Lay on Hands
Level 15 (Paladin)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
Feat: (Automatic) Aura of Courage
Feat: (Automatic) Divine Health
Feat: (Automatic) Fear Immunity
Level 16 (Paladin)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Automatic) Turn Undead
Spell (1): Bless
Spell (1): Cure Light Wounds
Spell (1): Divine Favor
Spell (1): Lesser Restoration
Spell (1): Lionheart
Spell (1): Protection From Evil
Spell (1): Resistance
Spell (1): Seek Eternal Rest
Spell (1): Virtue
Level 17 (Paladin)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Level 18 (Paladin)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Feat: (Automatic) Remove Disease
Enhancement: Bladesworn Transformation
Enhancement: Follower of the Lord of Blades
Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Empowering I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Maximizing I
Enhancement: Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I
Enhancement: Paladin Hunter of the Dead I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Earth Savant I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Earth Savant II
Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting I
Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting II
Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting III
Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting IV
Enhancement: Deadly Acid I
Enhancement: Deadly Acid II
Enhancement: Deadly Acid III
Enhancement: Deadly Acid IV
Enhancement: Acid Manipulation I
Enhancement: Acid Manipulation II
Enhancement: Acid Manipulation III
Enhancement: Acid Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Acid Manipulation V
Enhancement: Acid Manipulation VI
Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma III
Enhancement: Paladin Toughness I
Enhancement: Paladin Toughness II
Enhancement: Paladin Extra Turning I
Enhancement: Paladin Improved Turning I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend II
Level 19 (Rogue)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+7)
Feat: (Automatic) Sneak Attack
Feat: (Automatic) Trapfinding
Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost I
Enhancement: Paladin Extra Smite Evil I
Enhancement: Paladin Extra Smite Evil II
Level 20 (Rogue)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Use Magic Device (+7)
Feat: (Automatic) Evasion
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II
I did all enhancements at lvl 18 so do enhancements normally and if do not match then reset at 18
PS use con str dex char and wis tomes to the highest extent (+2) or more if you decide to keep toon and not TR at any point that you decide
DDO Character Planner Home Page (
Level 20 Lawful Good Warforged Male
(6 Paladin \ 2 Rogue \ 12 Sorcerer)
Hit Points: 294
Spell Points: 1282
BAB: 13\13\18\23
Fortitude: 24
Reflex: 21
Will: 23
Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats
(28 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Strength 14 14 14
Dexterity 10 10 10
Constitution 14 14 16
Intelligence 8 8 8
Wisdom 6 6 6
Charisma 16 21 24
Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Balance 0 0 4
Bluff 3 7 7
Concentration 6 24 24
Diplomacy 3 7 7
Disable Device n/a n/a n/a
Haggle 3 7 7
Heal -2 -2 -2
Hide 0 0 0
Intimidate 3 7 7
Jump 2 2 2
Listen -2 -2 -2
Move Silently 0 0 0
Open Lock n/a n/a n/a
Perform n/a n/a n/a
Repair -1 -1 -1
Search -1 -1 -1
Spot -2 -2 -2
Swim 2 2 2
Tumble n/a n/a n/a
Use Magic Device n/a 21 21
{\b {\ul Notable Equipment }} \par Supreme Tyrant +5 Green Steel Greatsword of Mineral
\par Armored Bracers of Repairing
\par Thamor's Ring
\par Warchanter's Band
\par Dragontouched Docent
\par Thamor's Belt
\par Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Weave Gloves of Positive
\par Striding Boots of Balance
\par Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Weave Cloak of Air
\par Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Necklace of Existential Stalemate
\par Minos Legens \par Visor of Concentration
\par Mysterious Bauble \par \par Level 1 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+4)
Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell
Feat: (Automatic) Attack
Feat: (Automatic) Composite Plating
Feat: (Automatic) Dismiss Charm
Feat: (Automatic) Heroic Durability
Feat: (Automatic) Light Fortification
Feat: (Automatic) Magical Training
Feat: (Automatic) Simple Weapon Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Sneak
Feat: (Automatic) Warforged Immunities
Spell (1): Acid Spray
Spell (1): Expeditious Retreat
Level 2 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Automatic) Defensive Fighting
Feat: (Automatic) Sunder
Feat: (Automatic) Trip
Spell (1): Shield
Level 3 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell
Spell (1): Repair Light Damage
Level 4 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Spell (2): Melf's Acid Arrow
Level 5 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Spell (2): Blur
Level 6 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Spell Focus: Conjuration
Spell (3): Acid Blast
Level 7 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Spell (2): Resist Energy
Spell (3): Displacement
Level 8 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Spell (4): Acid Rain
Level 9 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Spell (2): Lesser Death Aura
Spell (3): Haste
Spell (4): Stoneskin
Level 10 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Spell (5): Niac's Biting Cold
Level 11 (Sorcerer)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Spell (3): Rage
Spell (4): Death Aura
Spell (5): Protection From Elements
Level 12 (Sorcerer)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Mental Toughness
Spell (6): Reconstruct
Level 13 (Paladin)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Automatic) Aura of Good
Feat: (Automatic) Heavy Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Light Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency (ALL)
Feat: (Automatic) Medium Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Shield Proficiency (General)
Feat: (Automatic) Smite Evil
Level 14 (Paladin)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Automatic) Divine Grace
Feat: (Automatic) Lay on Hands
Level 15 (Paladin)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
Feat: (Automatic) Aura of Courage
Feat: (Automatic) Divine Health
Feat: (Automatic) Fear Immunity
Level 16 (Paladin)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Automatic) Turn Undead
Spell (1): Bless
Spell (1): Cure Light Wounds
Spell (1): Divine Favor
Spell (1): Lesser Restoration
Spell (1): Lionheart
Spell (1): Protection From Evil
Spell (1): Resistance
Spell (1): Seek Eternal Rest
Spell (1): Virtue
Level 17 (Paladin)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Level 18 (Paladin)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Feat: (Automatic) Remove Disease
Enhancement: Bladesworn Transformation
Enhancement: Follower of the Lord of Blades
Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Empowering I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Improved Maximizing I
Enhancement: Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I
Enhancement: Paladin Hunter of the Dead I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Earth Savant I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Earth Savant II
Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting I
Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting II
Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting III
Enhancement: Corrosive Spellcasting IV
Enhancement: Deadly Acid I
Enhancement: Deadly Acid II
Enhancement: Deadly Acid III
Enhancement: Deadly Acid IV
Enhancement: Acid Manipulation I
Enhancement: Acid Manipulation II
Enhancement: Acid Manipulation III
Enhancement: Acid Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Acid Manipulation V
Enhancement: Acid Manipulation VI
Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Energy of the Dragonblooded III
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma I
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma II
Enhancement: Sorcerer Charisma III
Enhancement: Paladin Toughness I
Enhancement: Paladin Toughness II
Enhancement: Paladin Extra Turning I
Enhancement: Paladin Improved Turning I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend II
Level 19 (Rogue)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+7)
Feat: (Automatic) Sneak Attack
Feat: (Automatic) Trapfinding
Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost I
Enhancement: Paladin Extra Smite Evil I
Enhancement: Paladin Extra Smite Evil II
Level 20 (Rogue)
Ability Raise: CHA
Skill: Use Magic Device (+7)
Feat: (Automatic) Evasion
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II
I did all enhancements at lvl 18 so do enhancements normally and if do not match then reset at 18
PS use con str dex char and wis tomes to the highest extent (+2) or more if you decide to keep toon and not TR at any point that you decide