View Full Version : Thanks for killing PvP? (Pls sign)
08-13-2011, 06:43 PM
'Let's give everyone 10.000 hp and let's put a timer in there so you can't be killed for 10 seconds'.
Take away all the hardcore player mechanics what makes this game so immensely good and start putting in Call of Duty type systems of HP gain and the like, yes good for the general masses who only have a level 5 Toon.
But what a way to treat all the hardcore players who played for years and what a way to treat the people who actually do think pvp right now is fine as it is, people who worked hard to get that 500+ HP to avoid a slayer and etc.
Why not make a separate instance instead, of changing the whole system.
Everyone who has worked very hard on his build, on all servers for pvp is basically cast out by Turbine now.
Cause you just made ANY cleric who can heal or anyone with good fast heals and hp an unstoppable, unbeatable character.
Or am I the one who is misinformed and i'm just over-reacting?
I highly doubt that with such a huge huge change.
Just my 2 cents!
'Let's give everyone 10.000 hp and let's put a timer in there so you can't be killed for 10 seconds'.
Take away all the hardcore player mechanics what makes this game so immensely good and start putting in Call of Duty type systems of HP gain and the like, yes good for the general masses who only have a level 5 Toon.
But what a way to treat all the hardcore players who played for years and what a way to treat the people who actually do think pvp right now is fine as it is, people who worked hard to get that 500+ HP to avoid a slayer and etc.
Why not make a separate instance instead, of changing the whole system.
Everyone who has worked very hard on his build, on all servers for pvp is basically cast out by Turbine now.
Cause you just made ANY cleric who can heal or anyone with good fast heals and hp an unstoppable, unbeatable character.
Or am I the one who is misinformed and i'm just over-reacting?
I highly doubt that with such a huge huge change.
Just my 2 cents!
My thoughts:
They changed this to prevent 1-shotting, but characters who put effort in getting high hp, saves, etc rarely get 1-shotted. The only spells which well built characters routinely get one shotted on is heat death and divine punishment Tier 3 crits.
10x HP is just way too much. 2x HP is still way too much.
This is actually a good change for people who just like to test damage and likes melee vs melee
Suggested alternatives:
There is a large unbalance between healing characters and non-healing characters. Add some pvp only ability or feat that grants the ability to heal yourself (only in pvp). This feat should not make non-healers just as effective as those who can heal themselves without it, but it should somewhat close.
Durations of spells like irresistible dance should be drastically reduced in pvp. 30+ seconds is way more than enough time to be killed and actually serves as harassment in many cases. This goes for some bard abilities but it shouldn't be removed from pvp because thats all a bard really has.
(Any changes should only be PVP only and not EVER affect PVE)
08-14-2011, 12:57 PM
(I can't) gank n00bz lolololol
08-14-2011, 12:58 PM
PvP was alive to begin with? :confused:
08-14-2011, 01:01 PM
While I am not a PvPer myself and find it extremely silly to begin with, I do understand there is a small playerbase who does care about PvP and does not like this change.
I think if they were to multiply everyones HP by 10x it wouldnt be that bad, because everyone gets the same advantage in terms of HP.
If everyone just starts out with 10,000 HP that dosent really make much sence...
Either way, I dont really care and will let the PvP community worry about this one, I am more worried about the other content :D
08-14-2011, 01:05 PM
Who gives a rat's you know what about pvp? A very small percentage of players actually actually activly participate in it anyway. My only irritation is that they put time into pvp that could have went elsewhere. A total waste of my monthly subscribtion dollars if you ask me.
08-14-2011, 01:14 PM
Thanks Turbine for working on issues that effect what 1% of your players? I know they shouldn't be ignored by you , now think maybs you can get back to working on the game 99% of us are paying you for (in 1 way or another)?
:: Disclaimer ::
Percentages shown are completely made up and should not be taken as facts although probably close.
No PvP'ers were harmed in this post.
08-14-2011, 01:16 PM
I'll sign when pvp looks like this. (
08-14-2011, 01:16 PM
No PvP'ers were harmed in this post.
that's most unfortunate.
Edit; i would like to point out that while i do some pvping, it's mostly due to not having nothing else to do at the time. The fact that there is ANY form of pvp in ddo at all is good enough for me.
08-14-2011, 01:25 PM
I'll state this again - The Brawling pits are not PvP, there a place where people can attack each other (usually its where people pick on each other) most waiting to "Backstab" someone, much like a bar brawl.
I use the brawling pits only to check my defences, Usually there are enough of each different class hanging out in the pit to accommodate my tests.
Of course this implementation Turbine is putting into DDO will infact kill this for me.
Turbine has implemented more PvPish stuff through Duals, PvP instance and Capture the Flag {See the guy standing next to the Brawling pit}
08-14-2011, 01:27 PM
I always give PvP'ers a hard time BUT if there was a server with "WORLD" PvP I'd be all over it, maybe put some originally unclaimed Guild Halls out in the slayer zones with banners we could raise so everyone can see whos the baddest MoFo's on the hill atm I imagine if done right I would spend sleepless (but not boozeless) nights holding down the fort lol. I think it would be a blast. And just think Turbine Im sure you could work out a way to sell us stuff (ddo store guild banners and such) meh just an idea sounds fun to me and I think would get a much larger player base then current PvP in the bar /snore I can walk down the street for the real thing :P
08-14-2011, 01:27 PM
Who gives a rat's you know what about pvp? A very small percentage of players actually actually activly participate in it anyway. My only irritation is that they put time into pvp that could have went elsewhere. A total waste of my monthly subscribtion dollars if you ask me.
Only a small % play epics and most never will, so Turb should stop wasting time on end game.
Because adding hitpoints to pvp could have been used to release Druids instead?
08-14-2011, 01:27 PM
Whining about changes that make pvp worse when it's already completely messed up due to being an afterthought to the dev team and of no interest to the vast majority of the player base seems rather strange to me.
Any time the devs spend on pvp is time that could be better spent elsewhere, so asking for more of their time to fix a bad idea they already spent way too long designing is just too much.
All the people "who have worked very hard on his build [...] for pvp" represent what? 0.1% of the population? And all of them are completely missing the point of the game imo.
/not signed.
08-14-2011, 01:28 PM
I'm usually one of the people that come out guns blazing to say "Keep your PvP away from our game!"
But these changes were made specifically for PvP. They have no effect on the regular game. And I agree...they get in the way of what the people who do enjoy PvP like about it. There are several places one can go to PvP so if the instant death to non-20's is a concern those players can go somewhere else other than the Lobster.
PvP is its own entity. They have to deal with changes to the game that are not (and should not be) balanced to PvP. Making changes to attempt to balance a part of the game that is inherently imbalanced is a mistake. Just leave it as-is and let the PvE changes affect PvP however they end up affecting it. Don't try to balance things in PvP though because that's a slippery slope and takes a lot of dedicated dev attention.
08-14-2011, 01:37 PM
Only a small segment of the DDO community will pvp with any regularity, regardless of the mechanic. So why not just ask the pvp community how they want it to work and give it to them? Stop trying to make it appeal to everyone - that wont work.
08-14-2011, 01:37 PM
They use dev time on PvP, when the remaining 95% of the population couldn't care less about it, and what they come up with isn't even wanted by those who DO PvP?? Funfun.
you do not get 10K HP. (not unless you had 1,000 HP to start with). you x10 whatever you had. if you had 50, now you have 500, if you had 500 now you have 5,000. you gain a 10,000 HP heal when you enter the pvp arena. the mechanics of that are a big buggy and need work* and now there's a 10 second delay so you can't gank some random newbie who fell in.
why exactly is this a bad thing?
*i've gotten the heal just from being somewhat close to the pit, not even going into it, and it's a bit cheezy to fight someone down, and have them jump out of the pit and back in, and suddenly boom, full life again. put a time delay on it somehow maybe.
08-14-2011, 01:42 PM
Nay. I find this an improvement.
Left /unsigned.
08-14-2011, 01:44 PM
I thought those things were GOOD ideas.
Who cares, it's PvP.
/not signed.
08-14-2011, 01:55 PM
PvP was alive to begin with? :confused:
This was my thoughts exactly.
08-14-2011, 02:07 PM
Only a small % play epics and most never will, so Turb should stop wasting time on end game.
Because adding hitpoints to pvp could have been used to release Druids instead?
And I hate the crafting system, it's a complete waste of dev time and a waste of my subscription dollars.
I also hate elves, they should remove them from the game because I don't like them, not because other people enjoy playing them.
They should also get rid of rogues because they are always squishy and then I won't have to bother declining them anymore.
They should also remove reincarnation from the game because I hate the lowby grind.
The devs should also remove Threnal because I don't like that quest series, never mind that other people want to play that quest series or the devs spent time creating it in the first place. I wish the devs would stop wasting my precious subscription dollars on things that I don't enjoy.
Some peoples comments couldn't be more self-centered, jeese. (satire if you could not figure that out).
08-14-2011, 02:09 PM
I am always amazed in the community's response to a PVP thread. I mean seriously, if you don't PVP, and don't care about PVP, why bother posting in the thread? There is no need to be insulting towards your fellow players based on their gameplay preferences.
To the OP, I'd say give it a try on Lamannia and see if you like the changes or not before claiming that the sky is falling. You might be suprised and actually like them.
08-14-2011, 02:11 PM
Yes, thank you for killing PvP.
Few more blows to make it even more inconsequential and it can just be removed from the game totally!
08-14-2011, 02:14 PM
I don't PvP for the simple reason: AA slayer 1-2 shots 80% of player base dead. Caster: Fireball, Polar Ray, or any number of Evocation spells doing 1000+ damage. 1 shot dead 99.99% of player base dead. Don't even get me started on dots.
If you're going to PvP it would be nice to survive for longer than it takes to buff. Currently I take about 1 minute to fully buff and 10 seconds to die even on a well geared, multi-TR, con-intensive toon. 800HP and a SoS does very little to a 1500 point DB Fireball.
PvP was silly before now it's only less silly.
08-14-2011, 03:14 PM
I don't PvP for the simple reason: AA slayer 1-2 shots 80% of player base dead. Caster: Fireball, Polar Ray, or any number of Evocation spells doing 1000+ damage. 1 shot dead 99.99% of player base dead. Don't even get me started on dots.
If you're going to PvP it would be nice to survive for longer than it takes to buff. Currently I take about 1 minute to fully buff and 10 seconds to die even on a well geared, multi-TR, con-intensive toon. 800HP and a SoS does very little to a 1500 point DB Fireball.
PvP was silly before now it's only less silly.
Cause you invest in the wrong gear and obviously don't know how to get an absorbing item?
How is that any of the game's mistake?
It's not it's just your own silly gameplay style, I see them all the time... 10.000 hp won't save you either bro.
Trust me.
And it's even more funny, well better call it silly, your own word choice, to jump in with 800 con, 'tr gear' and a 'con-intensive' toon and try to dodge a frenzied polar ray vs. a evasion absorbsion caster who knows pvp about 100x better then you. Yes it's silly alright, go back to questing maybe?
As for the rest bashing down on pvp, if you don't like it or have nothing to do with it, why even bother posting here.
I see comments about that it's a waste of my subscription etc etc.
It's not, that's just your opinion of what this game should provide for you.
Thanks for your opinion, I'm expressing mine here.
And in the end; it's all about fun and having a nice day.
Giving everyone 10x hp is a huge mistake, as most people who commented here have replied, I appreciate the input a lot.
The purpose of this post is not the stop the upcoming change, it's just to express some feelings of a yes albeit very small part of the community but also still a part of the community.
And isn't Turbine's slogan, 'powered by our fans'
Well I am a fan too and I have all the right to create a post here and talk about it freely without blaming anybody, just being honest about such a huge impending change.
It's more that we are being left out, instead of making a global PvP area, with larges areas and more to do (this is the main problem getting one shot) or whatever.
And I been working 2 Months on my pvp ranger, just to get this update I quess.
Now I can hop on my 3500 SP FvS and do what? Dot people and fly around with 7000 HP.
I don't see any improvements in this change at all.
And even if it's just a very small percentage,
Turbine might still lose 1000's of hardcore players who been very kind for Turbine and the game and we have friends too who play DDO, so this could still be potentially a huge loss for Turbine if people decide to go.
On Ghallanda there's at least a couple hundred highly active players who enjoy a good pvp or clash.
Just my 2 cents,
08-14-2011, 07:03 PM
I have the solution!
Everyone in pvp only get 10 hp no matter how high of a level they are. It will solve everything!
And then we'll add a 5 minute spawn time.
Divines are just the new PVP FOTM, dont worry. Casters were the obvious first choice, and still are, because at least you kill your opponent first, before you die to their un-counterable DOT, heh. In time you will give in and make a PVP divine using the "if ya cant beat em join em" mentality, only to discover theres a new FOTM just around the corner which destorys the semi new build you just put 16 months into and more threads like this will ensue.
One of the main reasons many dont want PVP in this game is because in many games who do try to balance for PVP we have seen endless threads where people claim this new thing to be unfair, ad nauseum, to the point where the company then has to change the game periodically just to accomodate the PVP players. All this does is sway the balance of power some other direction so that its OTHER people complaining rather than LESS people complaining about the changes. We see a shadow of that here because PVP is but a shadow of what it is in many other games.
Notice we dont see too many people complaining about evasion caster builds in PVP, even though 98% of all non divine builds are vastly inferior to them. Thats likely because this is what most people gravitated to before the recent changes, and they arent going to call for self nerfs. :p
08-15-2011, 09:06 AM
Well all I can say is, lol
Grabs his purple pirate hat and goes hiding in crystal cove!
And Aivenek, that's an really really amazing idea!
Thanks for contributing. :P
Much obliged,
08-20-2011, 01:30 PM
Between dotz, annoying spamming of ice storm, peoples attitudes, and what they did to trip and stun making it even harder for melee to even stand a shot. Now we have more hp great now the teams can work even more toghter in tripple doting following of broken wizard past life spell ability and whatta got? The devs listening to the people of the pvp community who dont even pvp! Ugh they could not of ruined this anymore I hate the fact theres nothing to do while on timers and the arena was the last place I could go and chill out till timers talk to friends the whole like. But now its more like a turf war and the general chat has just become so much more child like. Also, nice touch turbine with the whole necros and pallies loh when hard targeted uses that turn of loh and meanwhile they keep blasting and doting knowing you wasted your loh on that. Bah I need to make an alt I suppose.
08-22-2011, 07:03 AM
And the complaints have already started. this is a major reason people do not want PvP ... the BALANCING issues PvPer's will continuously come up with because their favorite class is not pwning. Please ... Please ... Please stop requesting mhorz PvP?
1. Be glad you got something in the way of PvP.
2. Dont cry about it ... you wanted balance, you got it ... no more one-shot kills.
08-22-2011, 07:05 AM
Should I read something in this thread or are we really "talking" about PvP?
08-22-2011, 07:15 AM
Cause you invest in the wrong gear and obviously don't know how to get an absorbing item?
How is that any of the game's mistake?
It's not it's just your own silly gameplay style, I see them all the time... 10.000 hp won't save you either bro.
Trust me.
And it's even more funny, well better call it silly, your own word choice, to jump in with 800 con, 'tr gear' and a 'con-intensive' toon and try to dodge a frenzied polar ray vs. a evasion absorbsion caster who knows pvp about 100x better then you. Yes it's silly alright, go back to questing maybe?
As for the rest bashing down on pvp, if you don't like it or have nothing to do with it, why even bother posting here.
I see comments about that it's a waste of my subscription etc etc.
It's not, that's just your opinion of what this game should provide for you.
Thanks for your opinion, I'm expressing mine here.
And in the end; it's all about fun and having a nice day.
Giving everyone 10x hp is a huge mistake, as most people who commented here have replied, I appreciate the input a lot.
The purpose of this post is not the stop the upcoming change, it's just to express some feelings of a yes albeit very small part of the community but also still a part of the community.
And isn't Turbine's slogan, 'powered by our fans'
Well I am a fan too and I have all the right to create a post here and talk about it freely without blaming anybody, just being honest about such a huge impending change.
It's more that we are being left out, instead of making a global PvP area, with larges areas and more to do (this is the main problem getting one shot) or whatever.
And I been working 2 Months on my pvp ranger, just to get this update I quess.
Now I can hop on my 3500 SP FvS and do what? Dot people and fly around with 7000 HP.
I don't see any improvements in this change at all.
And even if it's just a very small percentage,
Turbine might still lose 1000's of hardcore players who been very kind for Turbine and the game and we have friends too who play DDO, so this could still be potentially a huge loss for Turbine if people decide to go.
On Ghallanda there's at least a couple hundred highly active players who enjoy a good pvp or clash.
Just my 2 cents,
The Multi-TR barb wasn't me. I was the caster with almost 0 knowledge of PVP. The barb had been in there everyday for weeks looking for someone to PVP. I beat him 6 times in a row in under a few seconds and decided it was boring and dumb. I did against my better judgement try on at least three more occasions vs. Different classes. the only class that was even remotely difficult was a ranger with multishot. Even then all I needed to do was run away till his 20 secs of burst were used and: Ottos irresistible dance + anything. Dancing people is easy. We both have haste. We move at the same speed. The area is confined. I will catch you. How absolutely boring! Who actually PVPs? It takes no skill only luck. that's why you guys are upset about the extra HP.
This barb then sent me 20 tells how big a noob I am bla bla bla till I squelched him. He probaably is still sending them to this day. Now why would I want to play something that took no skill on my part vs someone who does this everyday and was well geared out on his MyDDO. My caster could go in naked and still wipe the floor. That's why I compained about PVP being broken. It's too easy to kill people as a caster. At least with 10k HP they stand 3 seconds not two. Unyielding sovereignty anyone? PVPs broken and yes I will go back to questing and the 99% of the rest of the game outside of the lobster lol. Have fun.
It's not it's just your own silly gameplay style, I see them all the time... 10.000 hp won't save you either bro.
Trust me.
And I been working 2 Months on my pvp ranger, just to get this update I quess.
Now I can hop on my 3500 SP FvS and do what? Dot people and fly around with 7000 HP.
News flash if it were only skill involved then it wouldn't matter if everyone had one million HP. You beat him before with skill right? You both got like 10x more HP? Then you beat him the way you did with skill. Or did he run away from you for 20 while mutlishot was on cooldown? Oh right sorry. Skill.....
My pvp strategy before changes: 1....1....1... now it's a little more complicated it involves two dots 1.2....1.2.....1.2.... It'll be a tough change. Maybe I should sign this.
08-22-2011, 07:28 AM
wow so i guess some people :rolleyes: are too busy now playing Diablo 3? one can only hope.
08-22-2011, 07:37 AM
Does this mean I can turn on general chat in the Harbor now?
08-22-2011, 07:48 AM
wow so i guess some people :rolleyes: are too busy now playing Diablo 3? one can only hope.
Think some folks got eaten.
08-22-2011, 07:52 AM
Or am I the one who is misinformed and i'm just over-reacting?
I highly doubt that with such a huge huge change.
Just my 2 cents!
Not a pro or anti pvp post from me, just a have you actually tested the changes and do you know what they really are?
Starting a thread to point out what a bad idea the change is when you state information that is inaccurate doesn't help your position.
Perhaps jump on lamannia, test it and then present helpful feedback. Turbine is obviously going to change something so try to guide rather than crush the idea.
08-22-2011, 07:54 AM
Does this mean I can turn on general chat in the Harbor now?
They should take all of the inns that have a brawling pit and make them one combined chat zone, separate from the rest of the areas.
08-22-2011, 07:58 AM
I think alot of the emotionally charged posts about PVP are primarily aimed at success or failure in the tavern brawling areas. This change I believe was made to kinda mull over the whining and crying about Dots in tavern brawls
A total "No Holds Barred" free for all is what the brawling areas are. It is NOT true pvp. Its just a load of horse-s where people just want to feel uber smashing lower level toons or w/e.
If you want TRUE pvp in DDO there is a mechanic built in to start a party of characters that YOU want to group with.
You find other groups that are willing to follow party composition rules and match rules.
You set the min and max levels of character levels that can fight.
You go to an arena seperate from the game world and you fight under the conditions that you and the parties you are fighting agree upon.
YOU make the rules, YOU are in charge of your own PVP fun.
And if you don't like this new change maybe you should have thought twice about complaining or crying over DoTs in tavern brawl.
08-22-2011, 07:59 AM
the hp kicker will extend the combat pass the firs few secs, all the pvp i see now is who has the biggest nuke. When 10th level sorcs can crit for 1k with out trying. And that is luck and not a skill win.
The 10k heals? Where is your bind point? and the 10 sec rule give a chance for the noob to get lost. :) or keep some from binding in the tavern and come back guns fireing fully healed after rezing. Also since on the test sever it was the whole phenox that was marked for pvp it give the chance to leave it :)
PVP will never be dead there will always be those who feel i should pound you into the ground to show that my build is better then yours.
Balance? AD&D was never balanced between classes, the classes complemented each other. But now the classes are merging into a super class;
So what balance is going to be brought to rogues and bards to make them more PVPable I wounder..
08-22-2011, 08:01 AM
Thanks Turbine for working on issues that effect what 1% of your players? I know they shouldn't be ignored by you , now think maybs you can get back to working on the game 99% of us are paying you for (in 1 way or another)?
:: Disclaimer ::
Percentages shown are completely made up and should not be taken as facts although probably close.
No PvP'ers were harmed in this post.
Slapping on the face and saying sorry, good bro good!
08-27-2011, 03:32 AM
/not signed
Im a person who likes pvp. Pvp in its current incarnation is not fun for me. Its a boring waste of time where a lot of ppl camp the safe area to be able to get the first shot off on whoever they want to kill, and it is far too easy to one or two shot someone. If you land any form of cc the other person might as well be dead already because of the large damage output available in a short amount of time combined with long cc durations.
For the new pvp changes, I dont know if they will make it better or not, though the pvp status timer will be nice. What I do like is that it shows turbine cares a bit about pvp and is trying something to improve it. In my opinion, they could not ruin it any more than it is already ruined.
08-27-2011, 03:35 AM
They changed this to prevent 1-shotting, but characters who put effort in getting high hp, saves, etc rarely get 1-shotted. The only spells which well built characters routinely get one shotted on is heat death and divine punishment Tier 3 crits.
You can't really call DP as being "1-shotted" at tier as by it's very nature takes substantial time to build to that point. I know that's not how you meant it, but many will take it that way :p
08-27-2011, 03:44 AM
The big mistake from Turbine was to insert some way to "PvP" in DDO, giving voice to a very little % of the playerbase who have, I think, chosen the wrong game. However, "PvP" (lol) is in game, if you want to PvP in DDO, you can.
But please, don't whine or give suggestions or other stupid things, ddo is not a PvP game and Dev time should not be spent on working on a useless feature.
09-18-2011, 01:42 PM
Dev time should not be spent on working on a useless feature.
How long would it take to remove it? lol
'Let's give everyone 10.000 hp and let's put a timer in there so you can't be killed for 10 seconds'.
Take away all the hardcore player mechanics what makes this game so immensely good and start putting in Call of Duty type systems of HP gain and the like, yes good for the general masses who only have a level 5 Toon.
But what a way to treat all the hardcore players who played for years and what a way to treat the people who actually do think pvp right now is fine as it is, people who worked hard to get that 500+ HP to avoid a slayer and etc.
Why not make a separate instance instead, of changing the whole system.
Everyone who has worked very hard on his build, on all servers for pvp is basically cast out by Turbine now.
Cause you just made ANY cleric who can heal or anyone with good fast heals and hp an unstoppable, unbeatable character.
Or am I the one who is misinformed and i'm just over-reacting?
I highly doubt that with such a huge huge change.
Just my 2 cents!
LOL....... pvp hasnt been fine in this game for years and the fact that you thought it was shows how much you know...Building for pvp in this game is about as uneventfull and senseless as you can get..
I myself am not one of the "oh you like pvp and i dont so **** you " crowd..I fully believe there is nothing wrong with liking pvp...I also believe it is something that the ddo devs SHOULD look into..There are many ,many people who would come out of the wood work to try pvp if it was something more then a time sink..
We need pvp lvls and rewards for winning..we need a more interactive and immersive pvp experience to really enjoy it stands now,and as it has stood for YEARS, its hardly worth participating in for any reason other than boredom..
And to all the "but the devs shouldn't spend any time on pvp because i personally don't like it "crowd.. realize life doesnt revolve around you and more choices to compliment INDIVIDUALS personal play style is NOT a bad thing..And as far as spending dev time? Really if they spent one mod where they completely reworked the whole pvp system ..i wouldn't be mad at needs it..Its a mechanic in this game that has been around for a long time with hardly no improvements or anything..It really is about time to rework it..
As an after thought are all you pvp haters that lifeless and bored to come to a pvp thread in a pvp forums just to bad mouth people who like things that you dont? If this was general discussion ..ok ..but really? how much of a loser are you to stalk the pvp forums when you DONT LIKE PVP?
The big mistake from Turbine was to insert some way to "PvP" in DDO, giving voice to a very little % of the playerbase who have, I think, chosen the wrong game. However, "PvP" (lol) is in game, if you want to PvP in DDO, you can.
But please, don't whine or give suggestions or other stupid things, ddo is not a PvP game and Dev time should not be spent on working on a useless feature.
Its funny how there are at just about any random time a FULL house of people in the lobster who wan to participate....And there are tons of people like me who dont participate very often but would if it was improved..I think a lot of people on these forums are under the impression that because the forums say so it must be the general populations point of view..
Some people really need to get over themselves...And telling people not to give suggestions or ideas about pvp in a forums that the devs made specifically for that reason makes you look stupid..
I think a lot of people would be shocked how many would participate in pvp if it was fun and worth while..
09-22-2011, 01:53 PM
"LOL....... pvp hasnt been fine in this game for years and the fact that you thought it was shows how much you know...Building for pvp in this game is about as uneventfull and senseless as you can get..
I myself am not one of the "oh you like pvp and i dont so **** you " crowd..I fully believe there is nothing wrong with liking pvp...I also believe it is something that the ddo devs SHOULD look into..There are many ,many people who would come out of the wood work to try pvp if it was something more then a time sink..
We need pvp lvls and rewards for winning..we need a more interactive and immersive pvp experience to really enjoy it stands now,and as it has stood for YEARS, its hardly worth participating in for any reason other than boredom.."
First of all, almost 2000 views and 50 posts, thanks all, apreciate it a lot, seeminly Turbine has noticed the input from the players and I have been apreciating their fast reactions, even with the new UI they are adressing the problem, it seems fast.
Now, as for Pvp, or DDO, everyone my friend plays this game differently, there are young lowbie players who create a new toon each week and have no clue about the games higher levels yet and they enjoy the game just as much as a full 20x TR monster. It's how you experience what you do, not about someone elses.
So to say people who enjoy pvp are senseless and its uneventfull is a little misdirected.
As I been playing PvP for years now, the things you learn in there might be 100x as more usefull then a normal quest.
Why, you come to the pvp as a level 5, some level 20 kills you and suddenly you been reading the ddo forums, wiki for 15 hours straight. DDO begins in pvp, don't forget that! It's an experience altogether.
Surviving a 3vs1 with a bard putting a capering on you and you just nailing that save, to proc a triple L2 with your GS bow. That's not uneventfull that's DDO at it's finest.
As far as what PvP needs, is more functional design of the brawl places, mainly the infamous lobster.
There should be a new arena, or expanded arena, with at least 2 ladders, ( to avoid sniping and hot jumping on eachother ) while this is a legal tactic, still. A kill is a kill in Pvp.
So yeah we need some better designed arenas, maybe a little tweaking in the physics, add some water and some more vegetation and you got yourself a way better, Pvp arena, in a little dev work.
Now, is this a gain for turbine, well yes, since 1000's of players still walk around the lobster to check it out or play there each day and Pvp improvements haven't been really implemented the way they should, I think..
As far as pvp players, when it comes to reaction and knowledge about the game, they are at the highest level.
Also some are at the highest level of skill and 1 good pvp player in a party can save an entire team from inpending doom, even in TOD, VOD, whatever high raid with plain skill and movement, with respect a TR x20 toon won't save anything if the player behind the keyboard has no experience or skill. Getting XP is different then a good Pvp Match.
Ussually you end up working your gear up and adjusting for it for 1 year before you can even have a able fight or win. The toon that's gonna do something is a toon that's designed to be flexible and strong and a tool for the player behind the keyboard to begin with, who knows what he's doing,
I don't like the leveling system in pvp at all, that would make it even more tougner for all the new, young, or just chill players below -10 level, same for XP since questing is for XP.
Imagine if people would to get xp with every kill, or a level, in pvp.
No one would quest and everyone would be in lobster and the whole game would crash due to overpopulation.
No lowbies could ever enter the pvp pit without getting sniper each day each second.
It would make pvp a competition, so no, a very very very bad idea if you think about it, unless you had some form of restrictions and that is always risky in a free system type of game, like DDO.
10-11-2011, 01:25 PM
PvP was alive to begin with? :confused:
Yes and Elvis is alive and kickin' it also, anno 2011'
01-24-2012, 02:06 AM
Multiply all health in PvP by 10,
That way hard working players still get a benifit, whereas noobs dont get 1 shotted anymore
01-30-2012, 11:25 PM
PvP is a waste of resources for Turbine when they could be making dungeons. PvP has no place in DDO except perhaps duels. It's basically non-existant in PnP and the PnP crowd is what keeps DDO alive.
PvP should have never been implemented:( This will stop the 1-shot noob gank nonsense. Good on turbine.
01-30-2012, 11:29 PM
last time I did pvp I hit a barbarian friend of mine, his guard procced for like a gazillion hit points and I died. I rezzed, hit him twice and it procced again.
so, why even
Pvp should be a huge gigantic area with rugged terrain, all spells and melee attacks should hit everyone and everything.
invis and hide and sneak should work flawlessy.
I should be given immortal mode just to make the 13 year olds ha ha ha
01-31-2012, 12:52 AM
pvp in ddo. ahh the good ol debate.
most dont care, some want it gone, some want it imporved and some take it FAR too seriously.
I actualy think ddo has excelent pvp, ive had a lot of fun in there, doing CTF and team death match. If they changed the rules so casters and AA's dont one shot folks all the better realy. (id say the bonus Hp should be optional tho, arena dependant)
I think all told what I like the MOST about pvp in DDO is the following:
1: its non compulsory
2: you cant get mugged walking up the street or on the way to a quest.
3: its completely imbalanced - its up to YOU to balance the fight, or the teams.
4: side bets are fine, but theres no inherant profit or xp involved, its 'just for fun'.
5: roleplaying opportunites such as 'duels', or teams.
I say release a PVP pack. see how the sales go on it and work from there. Id love that actualy, pvp oriented quests - a tourney with a grand mele,a knaves challenge, an archery competition and 'mage duels'.
01-31-2012, 01:21 AM
01-31-2012, 01:36 AM
ummm nope not gonna sign this. I'm game for removing pvp altogether.
/not signed (see)
01-31-2012, 04:11 AM
Ok...just me being selfish...
I did not know that they even changed PvP so you have more HP.
I am glad of this. I used to use PvP as a way to test out spells and gear on buddies. Also I would use it to test out guards and things of that nature.
PvP gave me a way to have a controlled evironment. I would actually get annoyed when someone would actually try to PvP me in the PvP Pit while I was researching effects...
01-31-2012, 10:50 AM
Adding more HP will undoubtedly be even more in favor of divines and warforged arcanes. Not only will you have to go through their red bar, but their blue bar as well.
I do not pvp that often, but I'll do it occassionally if some friends or guildies are taking a break from the grind by doing some pvp.
Casters are very good and can beat most others, but this is not always the case. I killed several very good capped arcanes with my monk archer yesterday without dying once. There were other non-arcanes who did well also. With more hp, the warforged arcanes would be a lot tougher to kill IMHO.
Personally, I prefer the arena much more than the tavern. I used to enjoy low level arena pvp, but Artificers definitely killed that.
01-31-2012, 12:36 PM
/not signed
I am lagged to hell on ThelaniS. PVP should be the last thing we spend time worrying about. Even without the lag, dont care for pvp.
02-03-2012, 05:55 PM
/not signed
You mean to tell me PVP was alive at one time?
02-05-2012, 09:51 AM
/not signed
You mean to tell me PVP was alive at one time?
More alive then you will be when you jump in the tavernpit of Ghallanda ;) Muuuuahahhaha;p
Jokes asides, good to see this post having amassed a good amount of views and responses, thank you all.
And thank you to Turbine for listening!
02-05-2012, 09:53 AM
/not signed
I am lagged to hell on ThelaniS. PVP should be the last thing we spend time worrying about. Even without the lag, dont care for pvp.
Lag can be from either server side or user side and then there's about a million different reasons for it, so don't go mad pointing at pvp which is the least supported of the whole game, it's very naive my friend.
Lag can be from either server side or user side and then there's about a million different reasons for it, so don't go mad pointing at pvp which is the least supported of the whole game, it's very naive my friend.
I am not saying that the lag is caused by PVP. I am saying that if you took a poll right now of what should be fixed:
A. Lag
What wins?
We all know the answer, and it would appear to me that most people would rather have about anything in the known issues fixed before they would want any time spent on PVP.
02-08-2012, 02:43 PM
Remenber ...
Do not try to bend the spoon — that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth: there is no spoon.
Now trade spoon for pvp and ... VoilÃ*!
Drive safe.
02-08-2012, 07:37 PM
Nice catch.
In any case x10 hp really ruins PvP because of self-healing classes.
03-15-2012, 06:16 PM
Personally I think the tone of comments in the pvp forums reflect the general underlying mood in the pvp tavern pits.
Not very nice.
I play with my young son who pvp's some times. I've sat in the lounge listening to him as he plays. While he is in a group and questing (read pve) he is calm and having fun and not abusing anyone. Working as a group toward a common goal.
As soon as he steps into the pvp pits he starts to get agro, even if winning, and the name calling starts and he turns into an angry little ****. Pretty much the same as what happens in these forums.
I don't pvp and have no desire to.
Dosnt mean you shouldn't be able to. I just won't. Ever period. Makes people angry aholes.
My opion and I'm entitled to it. Flame me and you prove my point. Your an angry ahole.
Play nice together people. In game an in forum.
03-15-2012, 07:43 PM
Personally I think the tone of comments in the pvp forums reflect the general underlying mood in the pvp tavern pits.
Not very nice.
I play with my young son who pvp's some times. I've sat in the lounge listening to him as he plays. While he is in a group and questing (read pve) he is calm and having fun and not abusing anyone. Working as a group toward a common goal.
As soon as he steps into the pvp pits he starts to get agro, even if winning, and the name calling starts and he turns into an angry little ****. Pretty much the same as what happens in these forums.
I don't pvp and have no desire to.
Dosnt mean you shouldn't be able to. I just won't. Ever period. Makes people angry aholes.
My opion and I'm entitled to it. Flame me and you prove my point. Your an angry ahole.
Play nice together people. In game an in forum.
That's pretty clever using an angry rant to accuse other people of being "angry aholes." Did you ever stop and think maybe your kids the only one that turns into a "angry little ****" and its possible the rest of us can kill some time in the pvp pits and enjoy it without anger management issues?
Sure there's a little smacktalking that goes on in there, and some people(probably your kid) can't handle it and go overboard, but most people can take it in stride, as its just part of the competetive aspect of it. I mean really...if you get all upset because someone on DDO calls you a noob or something...thats just sad.
If all the "angry aholes" were really drawn to pvp like some people tend to think, then you think those people would completely support turbine working on the pvp system some more to keep the jerks out of pvm as much as possible. Instead they just come on here posting angry rants.
03-15-2012, 08:45 PM
[QUOTE=McFlay;4364756]That's pretty clever using an angry rant to accuse other people of being "angry aholes." Did you ever stop and think maybe your kids the only one that turns into a "angry little ****" and its possible the rest of us can kill some time in the pvp pits and enjoy it without anger management issues?
Sure there's a little smacktalking that goes on in there, and some people(probably your kid) can't handle it and go overboard, but most people can take it in stride, as its just part of the competetive aspect of it. I mean really...if you get all upset because someone on DDO calls you a noob or something...thats just sad.
If all the "angry aholes" were really drawn to pvp like some people tend to think, then you think those people would completely support turbine working on the pvp system some more to keep the jerks out of pvm as much as possible. Instead they just come on here posting angry rants.[/
Point proven
03-15-2012, 08:53 PM
03-15-2012, 10:26 PM
Who gives a rat's you know what about pvp? A very small percentage of players actually actually activly participate in it anyway. My only irritation is that they put time into pvp that could have went elsewhere. A total waste of my monthly subscribtion dollars if you ask me.
You know, the Milky Way galaxy is 100,000 light years across with ~200-400 billion stars in it. The largest galaxy ever observed is 1,000,000 light years across. The largest single structure ever observed is 4,000,000 light years across. So, in the 46.5 billion plus light years of the known universe and the 100 billion plus estimated galaxies in it, as well as the eleven theoretical dimensions of space-time and the infinite theoretical universes in the multiverse, what do you think were the odds that I'd end up on this insignificant dust ball we call the Earth... with you?
P.S. I don't even PvP, but this "I don't like it and don't care about it, therefore, no one else is allowed to like it or care about it and anyone who does is a complete waste of time and resources" complete garbage attitude of entitlement really irritates the hell out of me.
03-16-2012, 11:44 AM
P.S. I don't even PvP, but this "I don't like it and don't care about it, therefore, no one else is allowed to like it or care about it and anyone who does is a complete waste of time and resources" complete garbage attitude of entitlement really irritates the hell out of me.
Couldn't agree more. I don't feel the need to hop in every thread asking for more useless shield skins or a rework of a level 2 quest that takes all of 4 minutes to zerg through anyhow and tell everyone to blow off, its a lame waste of dev time to bother with that ****...I don't feel while other people feel the need to come on the pvp forum with this attitude and add nothing constructive at all.
@Impaqt - Priceless. Sometimes, a picture truly is worth a thousand words.
P.S. I don't even PvP, but this "I don't like it and don't care about it, therefore, no one else is allowed to like it or care about it and anyone who does is a complete waste of time and resources" complete garbage attitude of entitlement really irritates the hell out of me.
Sorry that not accurate.
Its more like "I understand its a super small portion of the population who takes PVP seriously, and its not hard to understand that lag is something that everyone takes seriously, and if we were to poll the entire DDO game population (not just the loudest forumites) on what should be fixed first, lag would win by a huge margin."
Thats when PVP gets sent down to the minors and has to face once strong contender opponents such as "new content, old bugs, and class balance issues" and gets roflpwned by those as well, PVP goes to the end of the line for things that should get worked on as far as income is concerned.
Its not about one or two loud forumites "not liking PVP" - its about understanding that this is a game people who dont like PVP play en masse. Even people who do like other PVP games such as myself dont want to see DDO go down that road. When we get sick of being greened and noobed by guilds full of 12 year olds in WOW, we play DDO. Observing what other PVP games turn into is the largest deciding factor.
This entitlement you speak of is a two way street. I dont find it odd that customers who paid money to play this game say they would like to see some improvement to PVP, but I also dont find it odd that there are also paying customers who would rather see those resources devoted elsewhere.
What I do find odd is that one paying customer will try to proclaim another paying customers opinion a "garbage attitude of entitlement" simply because they enjoy different aspects of the game and therefore have a different opinion on where the focus should lie in improving said game.
03-16-2012, 02:12 PM
I have to agree with the thread title, but not the OP. I am very happy if they have killed PvP. Now that it's dead can we remove the PvP rooms from the game? You know, out of sight out of mind kind of thing.
Couldn't agree more. I don't feel the need to hop in every thread asking for more useless shield skins or a rework of a level 2 quest that takes all of 4 minutes to zerg through anyhow and tell everyone to blow off, its a lame waste of dev time to bother with that ****...I don't feel while other people feel the need to come on the pvp forum with this attitude and add nothing constructive at all.
Constructive like what? "Id rather see the resources they would use put toward improving aspects of the game I enjoy" - is basically what EVERYONE is saying, regardless if they are for or against.
I dont see any one side being more or less constructive than the other.
03-16-2012, 02:25 PM
PvP was alive to begin with? :confused:
hehe I thought the same thing....
I honestly hate PVP. It's pointless at this moment. Sure, you can spend some time in the PVP just to entertain yourself for a bit, and to test out new gear, but DDO is an adventuring game, and PVP will never play a major role in the game imo.
03-16-2012, 02:43 PM
This entitlement you speak of is a two way street. I dont find it odd that customers who paid money to play this game say they would like to see some improvement to PVP, but I also dont find it odd that there are also paying customers who would rather see those resources devoted elsewhere.
What I do find odd is that one paying customer will try to proclaim another paying customers opinion a "garbage attitude of entitlement" simply because they enjoy different aspects of the game and therefore have a different opinion on where the focus should lie in improving said game.
You missed the point entirely. IMO everyone has the right to play/not play or like/dislike whatever aspects of the game they choose to. No one forces anyone to experience DDO in any way than the way they would like to. The worst thing a non-PvPer will have to endure is the noise it makes in a few taverns where it is going on.
When someone comes into a thread and proclaims that "This is a total waste of dev time and resources" for a system that is included in the game by the company that created it, acting like they are in charge of said dev's time and resources when in fact thay have no more say about it than any other customer trying to have a good time in whatever part of the game they enjoy, it is insulting to say the least.
Anything currently in the game is open for suggestions and improvement by the paying customers who enjoy it. I have my list of things I wish they would do (or undo as the case may be), but I would never presume to think my wants or ideas are more important than another's simply because I feel I have the weight of the majority on my side. Turbine makes those calls, not the playerbase, and they have to judge the weight of each change with information we are not privy to. PvP is part of the game. It has its own sub-forum for discussion about it and people who aren't interested in it don't need to participate in game or out if they don't want to. Why anyone has to go anywhere in these forums and respond to something they don't agree with with a "you're worthless" type of attitude is beyond me.
You missed the point entirely. IMO everyone has the right to play/not play or like/dislike whatever aspects of the game they choose to. No one forces anyone to experience DDO in any way than the way they would like to. The worst thing a non-PvPer will have to endure is the noise it makes in a few taverns where it is going on.
When someone comes into a thread and proclaims that "This is a total waste of dev time and resources" for a system that is included in the game by the company that created it, acting like they are in charge of said dev's time and resources when in fact thay have no more say about it than any other customer trying to have a good time in whatever part of the game they enjoy, it is insulting to say the least.
Anything currently in the game is open for suggestions and improvement by the paying customers who enjoy it. I have my list of things I wish they would do (or undo as the case may be), but I would never presume to think my wants or ideas are more important than another's simply because I feel I have the weight of the majority on my side. Turbine makes those calls, not the playerbase, and they have to judge the weight of each change with information we are not privy to. PvP is part of the game. It has its own sub-forum for discussion about it and people who aren't interested in it don't need to participate in game or out if they don't want to. Why anyone has to go anywhere in these forums and respond to something they don't agree with with a "you're worthless" type of attitude is beyond me.
I missed no point whatsoever. I think its hilarious when people try to defend their right to make suggestions by telling others who disagree their opinions are self entitled garbage. Its a complete self contradiction.
When economics are involved, you will find that you are incorrect. If the number of people who do not want PVP is far larger than the number of people who do want PVP, those who dont want it have far more say in the matter. I have often chimed in on these PVP threads saying that in order to prove people are interested, you will have to make your presentation of that proof in the language of dollarsese. Instead people who dont support it get accused of trolling and having self entitled opinions.
This not only doesnt sell PVP to the masses, but it presents that sale in a way that is far from convincing. All we have to do to reinforce that is to go observe a bit of pit action, which usually consists of less than 20 seconds of combat, followed by 30 minutes of trash talking about how the winner used cheap tactics - a conversation which absolutely MUST be had in general chat I may add. This serves to convince us even further to not support the expansion of PVP in DDO.
03-16-2012, 03:19 PM
I missed no point whatsoever. I think its hilarious when people try to defend their right to make suggestions by telling others who disagree their opinions are self entitled garbage. Its a complete self contradiction.
When economics are involved, you will find that you are incorrect. If the number of people who do not want PVP is far larger than the number of people who do want PVP, those who dont want it have far more say in the matter. I have often chimed in on these PVP threads saying that in order to prove people are interested, you will have to make your presentation of that proof in the language of dollarsese. Instead people who dont support it get accused of trolling and having self entitled opinions.
No, you did miss the point entirely. I never said his opinion of the game or aspects there of were garbage, I said that his attitude was garbage, which has nothing to do with the game (or economics) at all, but has a lot to do with life and the treatment of other's opinions. The person I quoted didn't make any suggestions. He only gave an opinion with a poor attitude. I responded in kind in a facetious manner to point this out. If you can't (or won't) differentiate between the two, then this discussion is pointless.
No, you did miss the point entirely. I never said his opinion of the game or aspects there of were garbage, I said that his attitude was garbage, which has nothing to do with the game (or economics) at all, but has a lot to do with life and the treatment of other's opinions. The person I quoted didn't make any suggestions. He only gave an opinion with a poor attitude. I responded in kind in a facetious manner to point this out. If you can't (or won't) differentiate between the two, then this discussion is pointless.
Semantics. Complete dismissal of opinion is complete. One side cannot do this and then turn around and completely self contradict themselves by demanding to be taken seriously by the other side who disagrees with them, at least not without it being noticed and having it pointed out. This is an endless circle that has been played out for a long time now in these PVP threads. You complete the literal point I am making in its entirety quite nicely by accusing me again of completely missing the point, simply due to disagreement.
Why would they want to expand a minor fascet of the game which encourages this mentality again?
Oh yeah, they dont want to. And being glad for that =/= missing the point entirely.
I love PVP, in games that were designed from the ground up as PVP games. DDO does not fit that description.
03-16-2012, 03:48 PM
The worst thing a non-PvPer will have to endure is the noise it makes in a few taverns where it is going on.
Oh really? What about PvPers spamming General/Advice/Trade chat and the LFM panel with PvP stuff?
03-16-2012, 04:01 PM
Semantics. Complete dismissal of opinion is complete. One side cannot do this and then turn around and completely self contradict themselves by demanding to be taken seriously by the other side who disagrees with them, at least not without it being noticed and having it pointed out. This is an endless circle that has been played out for a long time now in these PVP threads. You complete the literal point I am making in its entirety quite nicely by accusing me again of completely missing the point, simply due to disagreement.
Why would they want to expand a minor fascet of the game which encourages this mentality again?
Oh yeah, they dont want to. And being glad for that =/= missing the point entirely.
I love PVP, in games that were designed from the ground up as PVP games. DDO does not fit that description.
That whooshing sound over your head is not a jet airplane. I refuse to participate in your lack of focus on the subject and your sophistry any longer. Have fun playing! :)
(I could point out what I'm doing here, but I'm sure I'd be wasting my time.)
03-16-2012, 04:08 PM
Oh really? What about PvPers spamming General/Advice/Trade chat and the LFM panel with PvP stuff?
I personally have never seen PvP spam in any of those places so I don't know what you are talking about. If I did ever see it I would politely ask those involved to use the proper channels to communicate their business.
03-16-2012, 07:20 PM
I would be more then pleased to pay for a worthwhile pvp update. The plain fact with pvp is a lot more people spend a lot more time pvping then people spend in some of the adventure packs. I don't know if its different on other servers, but on Orien its pretty much impossible to throw together at level pugs for quite a few packs, like 3bc, sorrowdusk, and a few others. They're little more then **** you zerg through just to get your favor from them. Meanwhile I can consitently find people to pvp with at all level ranges and the brawling pit is almost never empty.
Judging by the standards of some of the anti-pvp people that like to troll this forum, the proper response to such worthless packs should be to remove them, since all they do is add to server strain and increase lag. Since just a tiny portion of the population spends any length of time in those zones they are just a worthless asset to ddo and should be stuffed in a deep, dark corner and never receive any love.
The best part is there aren't even people on here that want to ram pvp down anyone elses throat. I don't care if you hate pvp and don't want to do it, because I'm not asking for an option that lets me join your quest instance and try to kill you. With a little love pvp would add a lot more replayability to the game then quite a few of the current pay to play packs add, and much like those packs...if you don't like them don't play them.
03-16-2012, 08:07 PM
You know, the Milky Way galaxy is 100,000 light years across with ~200-400 billion stars in it. The largest galaxy ever observed is 1,000,000 light years across. The largest single structure ever observed is 4,000,000 light years across. So, in the 46.5 billion plus light years of the known universe and the 100 billion plus estimated galaxies in it, as well as the eleven theoretical dimensions of space-time and the infinite theoretical universes in the multiverse, what do you think were the odds that I'd end up on this insignificant dust ball we call the Earth... with you?
That would make a great opening to a 2-nerd marriage proposal.
03-18-2012, 11:02 PM
is the op a fan of my separate instance for pvp idea? it's such a big issue to make a whole new mechanic specifically for pvp. besides that, you're not really accomplishing what the players built their characters for. you should be able to pit your build against someone else's. if it's all a leveled playing field then it's just a whole other game and not the one they've been playing thus far either. i'm not acquainted with the details of any proposed changes, can the op please post some specifics or links?
03-18-2012, 11:16 PM
I would be more then pleased to pay for a worthwhile pvp update. The plain fact with pvp is a lot more people spend a lot more time pvping then people spend in some of the adventure packs. I don't know if its different on other servers, but on Orien its pretty much impossible to throw together at level pugs for quite a few packs, like 3bc, sorrowdusk, and a few others. They're little more then **** you zerg through just to get your favor from them. Meanwhile I can consitently find people to pvp with at all level ranges and the brawling pit is almost never empty.
Judging by the standards of some of the anti-pvp people that like to troll this forum, the proper response to such worthless packs should be to remove them, since all they do is add to server strain and increase lag. Since just a tiny portion of the population spends any length of time in those zones they are just a worthless asset to ddo and should be stuffed in a deep, dark corner and never receive any love.
The best part is there aren't even people on here that want to ram pvp down anyone elses throat. I don't care if you hate pvp and don't want to do it, because I'm not asking for an option that lets me join your quest instance and try to kill you. With a little love pvp would add a lot more replayability to the game then quite a few of the current pay to play packs add, and much like those packs...if you don't like them don't play them.
i think where the bulk of the issue comes from is their fear in the other pvp'ers. there's absolutely no doubt that pvp is alive and well on every server but it's the form that comes in changes. i have little doubt that the people who troll the pvp section are desperately locked in pvp struggles all the time. tho theirs isn't as innocent as for the people who're actually interested in developing better pvp content. theirs is a structural pvp. they employ structural violence on other players as opposed to direct and pure beatemup. to say there is no pvp content in ddo is just plain ridiculous beyond ridiculous. if there is no pvp content then why are there so many different guilds? there are so many different guilds because everyone is fighting each other through structural violence that inhibits players from playing the game. are they not always here trying to stop you from playing the game how you and i see fit? that's structural violence red handed. their fear in other pvpers is the fear that their structural violence builds will become obsolete.
03-22-2012, 12:50 AM
what was that samurai sword fighting game that was like real life? ya like 2 hits maybe just one and yer toast and u had to sit through a ridiculously long load screen. only game i was never able to comprehend and pwn. ddo pvp is lethal like that. took me for ever to get the best of all the wf casters :)
making a whole new mechanic would ruin the charm that it currently has. dont get me wrong, street fighter was a ridiculously successful pvp game but.... sounds a little ehh, been there done that. ddo just the way it is, save for bigger pvp maps, better availability, better joinability, sneak skill, could be a really stand out pvp game thats unlike all the others.
the best rpg + pvp game i've played was diabloii and it was definitely more along the lines of the samurai style.
03-22-2012, 05:47 PM
So what balance is going to be brought to rogues and bards to make them more PVPable I wounder..
make bards MORE pvpable? trust me they dont have any problems pvping :) rogs do tho since they cant use their hide/move skill checks.
03-22-2012, 06:03 PM
Thanks for killing PvP? (Pls sign)
Yes thank you for killing PvP, I don't want PvP.
03-22-2012, 06:34 PM
lies, yer pvp right now but i think your toon kinda newb.
03-22-2012, 06:44 PM
I actually liked pvp pre U9 just for fun, spells were dodgeable, and fights took like 5 minutes if both ppl could pvp (or couldn't pvp at all ;-) ), but since U9 pvp is ruïned and I rlly don't care whatever they wanna change. But what bothers me is that alot of updates the PVP'ers cry about, is bad for questing too IMO.
Where is the fun of grinding quests or getting alot of plat finally getting that piece of gear u want (ioun, sands epic, mindsunder stuff etc etc) if a few updates later everyone get's em by a dozen an hour. What is the fun of all these new dots in quests, making nearly any raid capable of being done with a bunch of the most gimp casters/divines ingame.
I'm not pvp hater, I do enjoy pvp sometimes if friends agree to do no stun, no dot, no whatever battle, but as long as spells autohit I don't like people to cry about whatevr change they make
And if u really think stuff should get nerfed: go to private instance, pvp with ur friends with YOUR rules...
3 small notes: 1) OP doesn't pvp anymore as far as I know, however the idea of *10 HP got off
2) Why are pvp-haters overreacting? The OP asks to change NOTHING at all... So rlly...
3) When are people going to cry about the iouns? I WANT MOAR DRAMA!!!! (even tho I had pale lav pre U13 myself :D)
Have a nice day everyone
03-23-2012, 11:34 AM
I actually liked pvp pre U9 just for fun, spells were dodgeable, and fights took like 5 minutes if both ppl could pvp (or couldn't pvp at all ;-) ), but since U9 pvp is ruïned and I rlly don't care whatever they wanna change. But what bothers me is that alot of updates the PVP'ers cry about, is bad for questing too IMO.
Where is the fun of grinding quests or getting alot of plat finally getting that piece of gear u want (ioun, sands epic, mindsunder stuff etc etc) if a few updates later everyone get's em by a dozen an hour. What is the fun of all these new dots in quests, making nearly any raid capable of being done with a bunch of the most gimp casters/divines ingame.
I'm not pvp hater, I do enjoy pvp sometimes if friends agree to do no stun, no dot, no whatever battle, but as long as spells autohit I don't like people to cry about whatevr change they make
Yeah, I'd have to tend to agree with this.
Making the game more carebear by making everything super easy to get = lame. I'm also not a fan of dots. Not only do I hate them because they are pretty much a 1 click, no save, no dodge, no evade win against most player characters, but they are stupid in pvm as well. People always complain about paladins being gimped for example....but why would you play one when a melee/dotting cleric/fvs can do more dps, heal a lot better, aoe, instakill, etc.
I can understand casters complaining about being useless once their sp runs out, but its not like they could have casted tensers, divine power, bladesworm transformation, made a splash build, or simply have a past lifes for some melee bonuses and swap a few pieces of gear and go in swinging. Its too bad rather then turbine telling people to get creative with mechanics that were already in place they just keep carebearing everything and giving people "I WIN" buttons.
03-24-2012, 02:28 AM
/not signed
Without this PvP is pretty much who's the sorc or FvS and who gets the shot off first. Not only that its also 4 - 8 level 20's sitting inside the pit one shotting lower level toons as soon as they hop in. I honestly think PvP Brawlpits should be trashed all together, they create lag and alot of it with all the constant spells going off, I'd hate to see someone in a quest that shares the same /loc as a tavern.
03-24-2012, 09:38 AM
/not signed
Without this PvP is pretty much who's the sorc or FvS and who gets the shot off first. Not only that its also 4 - 8 level 20's sitting inside the pit one shotting lower level toons as soon as they hop in. I honestly think PvP Brawlpits should be trashed all together, they create lag and alot of it with all the constant spells going off, I'd hate to see someone in a quest that shares the same /loc as a tavern.
U obviously do not have a clue. The problem with pvp isn't oneshotting (that doesn't happen often unless on low save toons/very low HP toons), the problem are the DoT's/stun
I'm not asking for turbine to fix thee in a PvE game, I totally agree that PvP shouldn't be improved in this game, but I don't see why the devs should put time in it to remove it? As posted before, I don't like updates that ruïn quests.
But for PvP, I know some barbs, paladins (no they're not gimp ;-) ) and multiclass melee's that strike down almost all sorcs, and most FvS, except for the tanks.
Have a nice day!
03-24-2012, 09:40 AM
The real PvP in DDO is on the Auction House.
03-24-2012, 06:35 PM
U obviously do not have a clue. The problem with pvp isn't oneshotting (that doesn't happen often unless on low save toons/very low HP toons), the problem are the DoT's/stun
I'm not asking for turbine to fix thee in a PvE game, I totally agree that PvP shouldn't be improved in this game, but I don't see why the devs should put time in it to remove it? As posted before, I don't like updates that ruïn quests.
But for PvP, I know some barbs, paladins (no they're not gimp ;-) ) and multiclass melee's that strike down almost all sorcs, and most FvS, except for the tanks.
Have a nice day!
Well im sorry, not all of us play at cap UBER saves toons. I was playing in the pit at House D with my 10 y/o nephew talking to him about his spells and such and some -add offencive name- kept jumping in and one shotting him and I then leaving. We went to another tavern and he followed. The problem is level 20's being dinks to lower level toons who dont want to fight them.
03-24-2012, 08:03 PM
The worst thing a non-PvPer will have to endure is the noise it makes in a few taverns where it is going on.
Oh really? What about PvPers spamming General/Advice/Trade chat and the LFM panel with PvP stuff?
I personally have never seen PvP spam in any of those places so I don't know what you are talking about. If I did ever see it I would politely ask those involved to use the proper channels to communicate their business.
I've seen and suffered the PvP spam pretty much every time I return to to the Harbor. The real shame of it is that too many times a question from a fresh of the boat newbie that hasn't quite got the hang of /advice yet gets lost in the mess. My one and only PvP suggestion is this: as soon as you enter any brawling pit your outgoing text defaults to a PvP channel. That way players could opt in or out of the chat and players in all pits would be able to communicate.
My 2c,
03-24-2012, 09:57 PM
Well im sorry, not all of us play at cap UBER saves toons. I was playing in the pit at House D with my 10 y/o nephew talking to him about his spells and such and some -add offencive name- kept jumping in and one shotting him and I then leaving. We went to another tavern and he followed. The problem is level 20's being dinks to lower level toons who dont want to fight them.
So rather then either talk to him about his spells in a town area, a quest, or a private pvp instance, you hop in one of the few places in the game you can pk someone, you know, one of those handful of tiny rooms that probably make up about .00001% of the total game area, and then complain about mean people pking you...
I'm sorry sir, but I'm just not feeling too sorry for you on this one.
03-25-2012, 12:32 AM
/not signed
I think the change is a great idea. Hell I might even jump in the pit for the first time since... 2009ish.
03-25-2012, 09:02 PM
So rather then either talk to him about his spells in a town area, a quest, or a private pvp instance, you hop in one of the few places in the game you can pk someone, you know, one of those handful of tiny rooms that probably make up about .00001% of the total game area, and then complain about mean people pking you...
I'm sorry sir, but I'm just not feeling too sorry for you on this one.
I can understand wanting to explain and show him some of his spells in a 'more controled' arena. A private PvP arena tends to be more hassle then it is worth. They knew the 'risks' but went and did what they could to find a NON populated spot to test and play with spells only to get followed by someone who... is a jerk.
03-26-2012, 12:04 PM
I can understand wanting to explain and show him some of his spells in a 'more controled' arena. A private PvP arena tends to be more hassle then it is worth. They knew the 'risks' but went and did what they could to find a NON populated spot to test and play with spells only to get followed by someone who... is a jerk.
You select a player, and near the picture of their head that pops up you click on challenge player, they accept, and you can port off to a private pvp instance. That can be done quicker then running from the brawl pit in one town to another. How is that more hassle then its worth?
Not to mention you respawn with full hp/sp when you die in them...the perfect place to test things out if you don't want any outside interference.
03-29-2012, 09:34 AM
Who gives a rat's you know what about pvp? A very small percentage of players actually actually activly participate in it anyway. My only irritation is that they put time into pvp that could have went elsewhere. A total waste of my monthly subscribtion dollars if you ask me.
They have putten time in pvp? As far as I know, they never have put any time in pvp at all, so don't worry all that nice good subscription money you pay every month is going right into the hands of a big warner brother exec and his car collection. As for the small percentage, perhaps so but it's still thousands upon thousands of very active players, usually with a lot of toons.
We don't need anything changed, we just ask for maybe some bigger area to pvp in, maybe some extra dimension, which if they did, it would help the game immensely not only by popularity but by diversity aswell. The fact Turbine does not care about pvp is simply cause they aren't caring about the game as a whole but more about, ah yes, your subscription money, store items to milk money from. So this is pretty much linked to the whole game experience.
03-29-2012, 09:36 AM
I would be more then pleased to pay for a worthwhile pvp update. The plain fact with pvp is a lot more people spend a lot more time pvping then people spend in some of the adventure packs. I don't know if its different on other servers, but on Orien its pretty much impossible to throw together at level pugs for quite a few packs, like 3bc, sorrowdusk, and a few others. They're little more then **** you zerg through just to get your favor from them. Meanwhile I can consitently find people to pvp with at all level ranges and the brawling pit is almost never empty.
Judging by the standards of some of the anti-pvp people that like to troll this forum, the proper response to such worthless packs should be to remove them, since all they do is add to server strain and increase lag. Since just a tiny portion of the population spends any length of time in those zones they are just a worthless asset to ddo and should be stuffed in a deep, dark corner and never receive any love.
The best part is there aren't even people on here that want to ram pvp down anyone elses throat. I don't care if you hate pvp and don't want to do it, because I'm not asking for an option that lets me join your quest instance and try to kill you. With a little love pvp would add a lot more replayability to the game then quite a few of the current pay to play packs add, and much like those packs...if you don't like them don't play them.
Well spoken words.
03-29-2012, 09:39 AM
Personally I think the tone of comments in the pvp forums reflect the general underlying mood in the pvp tavern pits.
Not very nice.
I play with my young son who pvp's some times. I've sat in the lounge listening to him as he plays. While he is in a group and questing (read pve) he is calm and having fun and not abusing anyone. Working as a group toward a common goal.
As soon as he steps into the pvp pits he starts to get agro, even if winning, and the name calling starts and he turns into an angry little ****. Pretty much the same as what happens in these forums.
I don't pvp and have no desire to.
Dosnt mean you shouldn't be able to. I just won't. Ever period. Makes people angry aholes.
My opion and I'm entitled to it. Flame me and you prove my point. Your an angry ahole.
Play nice together people. In game an in forum.
It's funny you actually think that Pvp in a virtual game, would negatively influence people's minds and make them ......., it's not Pvp, it's human nature and stupidity, turn on your tv set. lol
03-29-2012, 09:54 AM
Well spoken words.
If the words you're supporting included /who data collected over a period of time of the distribution of the player population in "adventure packs" v. PvP areas and showed, statistically, that "most players" are in PvP then those might have had been well written words.
The argument I've made before is that PvP in DDO will *never* be nearly as good as PvP in MMOs that have a PvP-focus so it *seems to me* like throwing good money after bad. I mean, c'mon, other games have castles you can conquer or defend and siege engines, working stealth, prevent harassment by limiting communication. Turbine does listen to the playerbase about things, hence features like player housing are coming down the pipe. Apparently a significant proportion of the players are not actually clamoring for PvP upgrades.
The other arguments about balancing PvP v. PvE and allocation of developer resources and the like aren't really things we can accurately discuss at all. We can talk about what we see as the focus of DDO as players and it seems that the focus of DDO is PvE and no one was tricked into thinking it was otherwise when the downloaded the client, at least not by Turbine.
03-29-2012, 10:29 AM
Turbine does listen to the playerbase about things, hence features like player housing are coming down the pipe.
whoa, stop the presses... where is the link/info that says player housing is coming?
03-29-2012, 10:39 AM
whoa, stop the presses... where is the link/info that says player housing is coming?
Um..I might have said too much.
Nothing to see here!
They killed pvp? When was it alive to begin with?
I was under the impression the 10x hp thing was a step towards making pvp more fun.
Am I wrong? :confused:
It meant that casters can't one-shot most players, and people that accidentally fall into the pit don't get ripped apart by those just itching to tear into some meat.
03-29-2012, 11:01 AM
PvP is alive and well. It's called "Call of Duty Modern Warfare".
If find it amazing, that this game isn't even designed around or for PvP, but some who happen to PvP want the whole game changed for the PvP arena.
03-29-2012, 07:11 PM
PvP is alive and well. It's called "Call of Duty Modern Warfare".
If find it amazing, that this game isn't even designed around or for PvP, but some who happen to PvP want the whole game changed for the PvP arena.
There is already a pvp environment setting in the game, they could easily do some slight modifications to that to make pvp a better without touching the pvm portions of the game. For example, in pvp areas you can't cast some aoe spells like fw and bb, and it doesn't effect pvm at all now does it? Another would be turbines failed idea of 10xhp in pvp areas, that didn't have any impact at all on pvm.
I must have missed all the threads on here where people want the entire game overhauled to be a massive pk fest, they got drowned out by all the more reasonable threads asking for a few moderate improvements to pvp while leaving it seperate from existing pvm content, but I wouldn't expect anyone who posts such ignorant, unsupported statements to realize that.
03-30-2012, 12:47 AM
Yes please kill the pvp in this game. /kthxbye.
Of all the MMOs out there this game has the worst pvp. If you want to pvp there are some really good games out there for it. This one has bar brawls that are pointless and boring.
There is no real pvp in DDO.
03-30-2012, 12:33 PM
/not signed
Without this PvP is pretty much who's the sorc or FvS and who gets the shot off first. Not only that its also 4 - 8 level 20's sitting inside the pit one shotting lower level toons as soon as they hop in.
i disagree completely, i've had 5 people say the same thing(echo chamber rhetoric nonsense), told them it'll be way more one sided than that, then gone on to shut them out 50-9 or something similar.
10-5 did better than most but if i was using fear and blind, i was just toying with them :)
this player learned a lot from this match dispite his claims about hax :)
this was just a fun match, but it was fun :)
now heres the real image i want to show you, this is on kyber. myddo the two toons, skill above all else plays the biggest roll in pvp as it is and thats the true beauty of it. all my gear here, garbage, just like he said. i killed his sorc, onlyone in the pit that did, he then gets his somewhat geared out ranger to outclass my garbage ranger. btw, where he complains about spawning was when i would kill him to get to his flag and then kill him leaving with his flag. again, all my gear, garbage.
lil more one sided than who gets their slayer and who gets their ku kan do, wasn't it lui. yes i used fear and blind :) score would b higher but he logged out :)
the quintesential total shut out of an over geared and yet unskilled player.
I honestly think PvP Brawlpits should be trashed all together, they create lag and alot of it with all the constant spells going off, I'd hate to see someone in a quest that shares the same /loc as a tavern.
right so if people were not actualy playing the game then there wouldn't be any lag..... see the fail?
but yer right, brawl pits are not a realistic enough setting. harbor pvp instance 3, market pvp instance 3, house denieth pvp instance 12, etc.
money spent making a quest you run once and say, "meh trash loot" and never touched again, VAST with questionable chance of returns.
money spent setting pvp boundries on existing maps for separate open and public instances, nil with 100% certainty of adding engaging content.
What those screenies prove the most is the mentality of PVP many "PVP haters" have been harping on for a long time now exists and is alive and well - which is exactly what the nonsupporters do not want to flock to this game in droves. Every time you roflpwned someone they sent you tells with insults, claims of cheap tactics, and accusations of "hax" LOL.
The one thing WOW got right in PVP is making it so the two sides cant talk to eachother + alot of PVP matches involved alot of people from other servers.
03-30-2012, 04:06 PM
The one thing WOW got right in PVP is making it so the two sides cant talk to eachother + alot of PVP matches involved alot of people from other servers.
DAoC got that same thing right, too. They have/had a PvP anywhere server, but that never had the population the frontier-restricted PvP servers got.
03-30-2012, 07:20 PM
What those screenies prove the most is the mentality of PVP many "PVP haters" have been harping on for a long time now exists and is alive and well - which is exactly what the nonsupporters do not want to flock to this game in droves. Every time you roflpwned someone they sent you tells with insults, claims of cheap tactics, and accusations of "hax" LOL.
The one thing WOW got right in PVP is making it so the two sides cant talk to eachother + alot of PVP matches involved alot of people from other servers.
firstly, that's pvp. that's how pvp is. "they sent you tells with insults, claims of cheap tactics, and accusations of "hax" LOL" ye.... that's what u do :) good fun.
non supporters flock to this game? not sure what game yer playing because it's quite clear from every single thread on this forum section that pvp is alive and well on ddo. most of it takes place on the forums in this subsection no less.
my suggestions could not in anyway impact on any of the people who post here claiming to not want to pvp, and yet, yer all still here. the only fathomable reason is that they enjoy structural violence pvp.
"haters", go try some real pvp, you'll like it, you know you'll like it, i know you like it, we all know you like it, go and like it :)
if you really seriously believe you wont like it and are dead set on joining some ficticous group that claims to not like it while doing it every day in this forum subsection, then don't to it. too easy.
truely, my suggestions, nil on the budget with 100% chance of payoff.
03-30-2012, 07:28 PM
Yea I agree, thank you for killing PvP.
I never realised it was alive but if that little *&^%*$ starts twitching feel free to stick another one in its skull for me.
03-30-2012, 07:44 PM
Yea I agree, thank you for killing PvP.
I never realised it was alive but if that little *&^%*$ starts twitching feel free to stick another one in its skull for me.
see? ( very next post, even.
03-30-2012, 07:59 PM
What those screenies prove the most is the mentality of PVP many "PVP haters" have been harping on for a long time now exists and is alive and well - which is exactly what the nonsupporters do not want to flock to this game in droves. Every time you roflpwned someone they sent you tells with insults, claims of cheap tactics, and accusations of "hax" LOL.
This has nothing to do with pvp, and everything to do with stupid people. Its really not hard to check out someones build on myddo, and scroll back through your combat log to figure out whats going on. Not to mention most people will give you pointers if you ask and aren't being a jerk about losing.
Stupid people are stupid people if they are raging like idiots in pvp or pvm. Every hear one of those idiots that freak out about how much a healer sucks in your group because they aren't healing, even though the guy zergs out of range of teh healer and has no way of self healing? Nobody is on here arguing we should get rid of clerics because they are tired of hearing stupid people yell at clerics who let them die, so why pose the same argument for pvp?
03-30-2012, 11:25 PM
why indeed
03-30-2012, 11:38 PM
If you really want to kill PvP and help alleviate lag assign all brawl pits to /loc i2049 and exempt all quest/raid instances from aforementioned /loc.
Just sayin', 2birds 1 stone,
03-31-2012, 11:28 AM
If you really want to kill PvP and help alleviate lag assign all brawl pits to /loc i2049 and exempt all quest/raid instances from aforementioned /loc.
Just sayin', 2birds 1 stone,
Haha I really don't get the totally anti pvp people. Such weak arguments. You claim nobody pvp's on here anyhow, then blame the lag on pvp. How do empty brawl pits and non-existant pvp instances cause such insane lag if nobody is pvping in them anyhow?
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