View Full Version : Returning to game, looking for a guild

08-05-2011, 02:59 AM
I've been away from the game for about 3 years, when I left the lvl cap was 14 and they were about to introduce this new-fangled "monk" class.

Now that I'm back I've found that I like the game more than ever, so I've renewed my VIP account.

Now I have a stable of 14th level 28 point buy characters (with a bunch of old lvl 10-14 raid gear) that I need to lvl up to 20 and True Rez into a more current 32 point build. :p

I tend to play everyday, and play a long time on weekends, I'm currently leveling up a Metaru WF Dark monk.

I'd like to join a guild, preferably one that likes to have fun, likes to raid, and doesn't mind and old timer who occasionally asks newbie questions as he learns what tricks do and do not work anymore.

08-06-2011, 02:14 AM
Found a guild, thanks!