View Full Version : DDO & Multitasking

08-02-2011, 11:55 PM
I play DDO windowed mode, I have a fairly large computer monitor and DDO does not take up most of my monitor. While grinding, or farming (TRing especially) I find myself doing other things while playing DDO. Actually, it even gets to a point where I start to play DDO subconsciously (lol). Heres a list of things that I also am able to do while playing DDO.

-Listening to Music
-Watching Youtube
-Watching other TV shows on Computer
-Reading articles online
-Reading DDO forums
-Looking at other gameplay footage and laughing because DDO is so much more awesome (the truth)

Anyone else play DDO and multitask? Please keep it PG guys, not the time to put the obvious trollish remarks that you may be typing at the very moment as you read this... Please just keep that to yourself or another more appropriate thread.

But seriously, do you all just play DDO or do other things while playing?

EDIT: This may belong in Off-topic. I really did not think of that! If a mod thinks thats where it should be, feel free to move it! My mistake!

08-03-2011, 01:37 AM
You already listed most of the stuff that I do, but I also confess to sneaking a bit of Spelunky or System Shock 2 into my DDO time. :p