View Full Version : Recrutando Jogadores Para guilda Defensores do Bem e Ordem
08-02-2011, 04:51 PM
Estou recrutando jogadores para guilda, estão bem vidos todos aqueles que gostam de raids e de se divertir em grupo, os representantes da guilda são hiregan(lÃ*der), (officers:) Satrov, Oxvolder, Vedanny, Ondurion, Kiannu, Alandrael, Adryel e Zhothar. Quem quizer fazer parte basta mandar uma /tell para um desses que será convidado. Apesar de uma guilda recem criada, Brasileiros e Portuguêses são prioridade, mas demais jogadores também são bem vindos!
08-02-2011, 04:55 PM
Wrong forums buddy.
08-02-2011, 04:58 PM
08-02-2011, 05:57 PM
Is it? Sounds like hes on the right place for a recruiting guild post on cannith.
Why is he on the wrong forum?
and free bump for you.
08-02-2011, 06:05 PM
Is it? Sounds like hes on the right place for a recruiting guild post on cannith.
Why is he on the wrong forum?
and free bump for you.
there are other language forums for things like this.
08-02-2011, 06:36 PM
Is there a portuguese forum? I have troubles finding it.
Regardless, Hes guild recruiting his peers on his guild server forum. Hes on the right place.
I checked the comunnity guideline below and found nothing regarding languages.
And again good luck on your recruitings.
free bumps
As joao said, good luck recruiting!
I think a private channel is an easier way to congregate people who speak the same language. Guilds are more about playing times and styles
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