View Full Version : Forum Account FREE Subscription VIP ...

08-02-2011, 05:47 AM
well i know im a noob... but finally i realized some things, e.g why i cant post in many places or find my character on myDDO if i log in.. find chars and player but not bound to each other:

turbine account view:

Forum Account - FREE

Game Sub - VIP

seems i created my forum account a year before i transfered my chars over here, and now they seem stuck separated from each other, without a possibility (from my side!) to connect them somehow :(

ofc i cant create a new acc with same name to overwrite my existing forum account, but also it seem not able that its automatically detected thats its both time ME ^^ i use same turbine acc for gaming and forum so i really wonder if tehy cant make it for me, if its not me who can change it by himself ....

already sent ticket for support, but wondered if anything alike happened to one of u too ?

greez Yvo