View Full Version : I have a few crafting questions to ask

07-29-2011, 06:05 PM
Hi all,
I'm a bit confused about crafting. I'd like to know the reason or advantages or disadvantages for the bound verses unbound shards?

I'd also like to know why I lost my Base Damage Rating from a 578 down to a 473 after crafting a Morningstar weapon into a Thundering Morningstar weapon?
I'd also like to know how to get the Base Damage Rating back up again?


07-29-2011, 06:25 PM
Hi all,
I'm a bit confused about crafting. I'd like to know the reason or advantages or disadvantages for the bound verses unbound shards?

The difference in Bound and Unbound Shards is you can sell Unbound Shards for a insanely ridiculous price in the Auction (be sure to add the ridiculous 30% for the fees)
Seem Unbound shards are up to twice the mats because of this. Bound shards are usually 100% less mats because you can't sell them.

I'd also like to know why I lost my Base Damage Rating from a 578 down to a 473 after crafting a Morningstar weapon into a Thundering Morningstar weapon?
I'd also like to know how to get the Base Damage Rating back up again?

The only way I could tell you that is if I knew the exact stats of the weapon before it was disjuncted.


07-29-2011, 06:27 PM
Hi all,
I'm a bit confused about crafting. I'd like to know the reason or advantages or disadvantages for the bound verses unbound shards?

I'd also like to know why I lost my Base Damage Rating from a 578 down to a 473 after crafting a Morningstar weapon into a Thundering Morningstar weapon?
I'd also like to know how to get the Base Damage Rating back up again?


the first question i can answer

bound shards are easier to make and are account bases shared so you can make stuf for other toons on your account by putting the shards in the shared bank

Unbound shards can be put on weapons and items and then given to yoru other toons or.. sold to other players

the negative thing about unboudn shard is that they require a lot higher crafting level then bound shards.

the other question is a bit hard to understand ?

base damage rating from 578 to 473 ?

i got an idea your reading it wrong because base damage rating or damage in your character sheet cant possible be either of those 2 unless.. well no it cant be...

if your talking about to hit.. sometiems to hit can get stuck and shows it wrongly.. saw it happen but theres also other things that change it liek moving incurs a -4 to hit penalty too thats why its better to stand still if you hit things. would like some more explanation of the base damage rating ?

07-29-2011, 06:42 PM
Hmmm, I'm surprised that no one is aware of the Base Damage Rating of a weapon...
I also asked in-game but got no response... Interesting.

My next question is, if no one is aware of this stat, how important is it anyway???


Thanks, so far...

07-29-2011, 06:45 PM
Hmmm, I'm surprised that no one is aware of the Base Damage Rating of a weapon...
I also asked in-game but got no response... Interesting.

My next question is, if no one is aware of this stat, how important is it anyway???


Thanks, so far...

The reason it went down is your morningstar no longer has a +1 enhancement bonus until you add that shard.

07-29-2011, 06:46 PM
My guess is the morningstar was a +1 before you disjuncted it. The +1 enhancement would have given it an additional +1 to damage as well as to hit.

edit: beat me to it :D

07-29-2011, 06:54 PM
My guess is the morningstar was a +1 before you disjuncted it. The +1 enhancement would have given it an additional +1 to damage as well as to hit.

edit: beat me to it :D
That is correct. It did have a +1 before I disjuncted it.
Which leads me back to one of my original questions; How do I add it back? What shard am I now looking for?

I'm so confused... LOL


07-29-2011, 06:55 PM
+1(or higher if your skill/mats will allow) Enhancement bonus, look under arcane shards.

07-29-2011, 09:37 PM
Found it, got it, applied it and it worked.
Although, this morningstar doesn't preform as I thought it would or should, unfortunately.

I've been experimenting with various weapons for this lvl4 rogue and have found, so far, that the only weapon that'll do consistent damage in melee is a quarterstaff.
Wielding two weapons doesn't seem to work very well either even though I'm trained at doing so.
I also have a repeating heavy crossbow that works fairly well, too.
I've tried most everything I can handle as a lowbie halfling rogue and the quarterstaff seems to kill the best, so far.

Again, many many thanks for all the help, guys,

07-29-2011, 10:23 PM
That is correct. It did have a +1 before I disjuncted it.
Which leads me back to one of my original questions; How do I add it back? What shard am I now looking for?

I'm so confused... LOL


Use Liquid Knife potion (from the vendor) to extract the +1 enhancement bonus for a suitable +1 item. Add this the +1 Enhancement Bonus Shard recipe. Once you make this shard add it to your Thundering Morning Star and it will make it +1. YOU *DO NOT* have to disjunction it again.

Items can have a +Enhancement Bonus, A Prefix (in your case 'Thundering) and a Suffix (like of 'Orc Bane')


07-29-2011, 11:57 PM
Found it, got it, applied it and it worked.
Although, this morningstar doesn't preform as I thought it would or should, unfortunately.

I've been experimenting with various weapons for this lvl4 rogue and have found, so far, that the only weapon that'll do consistent damage in melee is a quarterstaff.
Wielding two weapons doesn't seem to work very well either even though I'm trained at doing so.
I also have a repeating heavy crossbow that works fairly well, too.
I've tried most everything I can handle as a lowbie halfling rogue and the quarterstaff seems to kill the best, so far.

Again, many many thanks for all the help, guys,Try using a rapier and a light shield for now. Two weapon fighting is great once you get all 3 feats (two-weapon fighting/twf, improved two-weapon fighting/itwf and greater two-weapon fighting/gtwf) and enough "to hit" to ignore the -2 (or -4 if using a full sized off hand weapon without another feat, oversize two-weapon fighting/otwf ) penalty. This is due to the off hand attack mechanics wherein, regardless of what you see happening in the attack animation, with no feats every main hand attack only has a 20% chance of generating an off hand attack, with twf feat this becomes 40%, 60% with the itwf feat and finally 80% with the whole feat line. At less than 80% the -2 to attack will generally cost you more damage than the extra attacks give you.

As for using a quarterstaff, it has the same damage range as a rapier but gets fewer critical hits, though being a two-handed weapon it does give you 1.5x strength bonus (and 2xpower attack bonus if you have and use that feat). If you had proficiency in one of the better two hand weapons, great axe, great sword or falchion I'd advise you to use one of those, but without proficiency you would likely be missing to often to make the better damage range worthwhile.

EDIT:Also, keep the morningstar handy for bashing skeletons. You need blunt weapons to do full damage to them.

07-30-2011, 12:35 AM
@ Gremmlynn, as mentioned, I've tried most everything so far and all I do is miss more often then hit with the exception of the quarterstaff. It's the only weapon I've found, so far, that hits more often then misses.
I'm not sure if the hit function works as I wield it in all directions but, it does do more damage in front and to the sides of me then anything else I've used to date.
I'm not sure if it's because I'm a halfling rogue but, wielding any blade weapon does virtually nothing. I'd guess it's a 90% - 95% miss in all cases and when I do hit, it's a mere 1 or 2 hit points. The quarterdtaff can knock off a good 75% - 80% of the enemies hit points with one whack.
I've actually killed a monster with 3 whacks using a quarterstaff but not with anything else, so far.
The quarterstaff is my weapon of choice at this time and lvl.
As also mentioned, my crossbow works pretty well, too. I've had one-shot-kills with it.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any shield that I can use without penalties. Not a one...


07-30-2011, 01:42 AM
What is your strength and base attack?

07-30-2011, 02:23 AM
What is your strength and base attack?

... and is your Alt profficient with morningstars? IIRC they are either martial or exotic weapons. I may be wrong on this as I don't use them on my 40 or so Rogues.

07-30-2011, 02:36 AM
... and is your Alt profficient with morningstars? IIRC they are either martial or exotic weapons. I may be wrong on this as I don't use them on my 40 or so Rogues.Well according to the screen shot up the page, they are simple weapons.

07-30-2011, 02:39 AM
What is your strength and base attack?
I believe you can find that info here;

Yes, simple weapons that don't kill very well for my char.

07-30-2011, 02:44 AM
No wonder you can't hit anything. Strength of 7 gives -2 to hit and damage.

With str so low, you need Weapon Finesse and a finessable weapon to hit anything.

07-30-2011, 02:48 AM
No wonder you can't hit anything. Strength of 7 gives -2 to hit and damage.

Still laughing over this.

And con of 8 is a bit low too. At level 4 you may be better off selling all your bound gear, mailing all the rest AND YOUR PLAT to an alt, deleting and re-rolling. Once you confirm deletion, you can re-use the same name if you are hung on it too.

07-30-2011, 02:52 AM
No wonder you can't hit anything. Strength of 7 gives -2 to hit and damage.

This seems to be the biggest issue in terms of to hit/damage. Later on in game you will feel the lack of CON as well, but I would still say play and learn the game regardless. Definately try out a rapier, its been awhile since I played my rogue alt, but it should work with finesse which will use your dex to hit(but not damage). With crafting its harder due to the minimum levels for weapons, but look on the AH for a rapier of pure good(I have a shock of pure good on an alt and it is min lvl 4).

If you are VIP or have the tangleroot pack you can get +3 stat items from the end reward which are usable at lvl 5 and will really help. I mostly play on Khyber, but I have an alt on Thelanis around lvl 8 and I would be happy to help out if you would like.

07-30-2011, 02:56 AM
Hmmm, it was at 6. Don't know how it got raised to 7.

I'm not complaining but looking for better weapons. I rolled this char up like this on purpose. He's supposed to be a pure genius at looking for, finding and disabling. With INT maxed, DEX maxed and WIS closed to maxed. It was my plan to do this. I'm going to make traps as well.
This thread is about crafting better items for a weakling char, and not about re-rolling up another.
I'm going to play him to the best of my abilities and am now looking for ways to counter his weaknesses.
Yes, he is a challenge to play but, who wants an easy go of it? There's no fun in that...

@ Cirian, you may have missed my explanation about weapon usage in post #12 above.
Oh, and thank you for the kind offer, sir. I may take you up on that one day.

Thank you,

07-30-2011, 03:12 AM
Ogre Power Bracers +1 give +1 Str.

Would have been even worse before you got those, with -3.

07-30-2011, 03:13 AM
Hmmm, it was at 6. Don't know how it got raised to 7.

I'm not complaining but looking for better weapons. I rolled this char up like this on purpose. He's supposed to be a pure genius at looking for, finding and disabling with INT maxed, DEX maxed and WIS closed to maxed.

I've never run a mechanic rogue, but I remember reading they used INT for some weapon skills so that might be the route to go with this character. With a negative strength bonus you will find melee damage an uphill battle though in most cases.

07-30-2011, 03:21 AM
you THINK you rolled him up like this on purpose. But there are so many things in the game you don't know about yet, like how intelligent, dextrous, and wise your toon NEEDS to be in order to do what you want. I think you'd be best served by reading a few rogue builds to see what works and what doesn't. It won't be long at all, maybe by level 7 or so, that you'll start to get very frustrated with this toon, dying all the time, and unable to kill anything...

07-30-2011, 03:45 AM
you THINK you rolled him up like this on purpose. But there are so many things in the game you don't know about yet, like how intelligent, dextrous, and wise your toon NEEDS to be in order to do what you want. I think you'd be best served by reading a few rogue builds to see what works and what doesn't. It won't be long at all, maybe by level 7 or so, that you'll start to get very frustrated with this toon, dying all the time, and unable to kill anything...
Ah, quit true but, I haven't gotten there yet but, I will eventually...
This char may have to run with a party at higher lvls building traps and staying back out of the way.
That is my plan, BTW.

Thank you,