View Full Version : Help me make an alt

07-28-2011, 02:58 PM
Hai there.

I wanna make an alt to complement my Bard main, but I never seem to find a good option and when I'm bored of my Bard I don't have anything to play with. The problem is that every class seems to lack something that I just need to have or has a certain flaw that makes it unplayable. Examples include:
Paladins (My first choice) are hard to build, very stat/feat starved and although rewarding, it's just not enough to make me play them, also very few skills (I like having a lot of skills)
Clerics don't have the option to use a decent DPS weapon without TWFing or Multi-classing, and although I could consider this, I'd need a good build to kick it off.
Rogues are very versatile and useful in parties, but they have no spells and are rather squishy.
Wiz/Sorcs are too spell focused for me, the inability to use a weapon as a resource kinda keeps me away
All the others I either don't like the style or the gameplay. So, if you're like me and like to defend your class, why it's a good class and why it's useful, please recommend me a good one. Requisites:
- Must support the party
- Must be fun
- Pure would be better, but I accept a good multi-class
- Must have spells and a BAB of 3/4 at least
- CC is fun
- Must have a decent ammount of skills (Jump, Tumble and Balance are my favourites, I like to be agile)
- Must be F2P - Don't have a card yet
I realize I'm talking about a Bard, but that's just how I like to play, and looking forward to my DDO life, I'm starting to see that if I wanna get completionist, I'll have to go through a bunch of class I won't like :/

07-28-2011, 03:01 PM
I'd say WF FvS is the closest thing to a Melee Bard you'll find. Less CC and buffs, but much more healing, and a lot of fun things like Wings and the lantern archon.

07-28-2011, 03:03 PM
Just make another bard if you really love to play them. Bards come in several flavors, so to speak, so try one with a different prestige.

07-28-2011, 03:06 PM
Just make another bard if you really love to play them. Bards come in several flavors, so to speak, so try one with a different prestige.

I was considering that, maybe a Rogue Virtuoso with maxed stealth and trap skills

07-28-2011, 03:30 PM
Hmmm... how bout an F2P battlecleric? Something like:

18 cleric/2 fighter Human

(Assuming you have 32 pt builds)
STR: 16 + 4 levelups
DEX: 8
CON: 14
INT: 8
WIS: 14 (I'd personally dump this even lower, but if you don't have immediate access to good stat items, this is safer)
CHA: 15 + 1 levelups + 2 tome = 18 for DMIII

Empower (a much more powerful feat for melee healers than it used to be now that we have DP)
Empower Heal (Prereq for radiant servant)
IC: Slash
Power Attack

07-28-2011, 03:40 PM
Maybe a tempest ranger?
It has some spells to support the party (heals and buffs, no CC), second only to rogues in terms of skill points and it does good DPS, especially against Favoured enemies.

Otherwise, I'd say finding a good cleric/rogue multiclass build or making another bard is your best bet if you really need the skills, because a combination of decent melee power, high skill points and good CC/support spells is pretty much exclusive to bards.

08-07-2011, 09:02 PM
"Wiz/Sorcs are too spell focused for me, the inability to use a weapon as a resource kinda keeps me away"

While I've seen melee wizards, so it can be done, if you're worried about making a caster because of running out of resources, don't sweat it. Low level spells are very inexpensive, and with echoes of power you can keep casting even if you run out completely.

I'd recommend, if you're bored, make a caster (veteran if you can), get acid spray and Niac's Cold Ray, and the stat booster spell that matches your class (fox's cunning for wiz, eagle's splendor for sorc). Hop in a group, or grab some pots or a hireling and go it alone. You'll be surprised not only how long your blue bar can last, but how much damage you can dish out a such a low level. I promise you'll at least have fun with it for awhile.

Must support the party - check.
Must be fun - big check.
Pure would be better - check.
Must have spells and a BAB of 3/4 at least - half check.
CC is fun - check.
Must have a decent ammount of skills (Jump, Tumble and Balance are my favourites, I like to be agile) - wizard check. Sorcerer can cast spells to overcome their shortcomings in this area.
Must be F2P - check... but... I've never played a caster in levels 1-3... they might be weak, but at level 4 I know they rock.

08-08-2011, 12:01 AM
I would suggest a elf or half-ling rogue.

Give it a shot, you might love it.

08-08-2011, 05:21 PM
Give a shot at the new artificer class? seems perfect for you.

08-09-2011, 03:17 PM
Give a shot at the new artificer class? seems perfect for you.

I will :) But it doesn't seem perfect for me for the fact that they are too crafty and use summons (Crafted summons ofc) to fight for them, I like to fight my own battles.