View Full Version : Valuables you've given away to (random) people

07-24-2011, 04:21 PM

I was wondering the whole loot system, rarity of items and all that. Thinking about it took me back in time for some fifteen years, as I started to memorize how looting was done in other MMO's I've played. I remember in Ultima Online it used to be on a first come first serve -basis, which made it sometimes very interesting - yet unfair. Especially in a time of 28.8k dial-up connections. First one to double-click the corpse and drag the loot to their inventory was the winner. Usually the one with the best macro and connection.

I can't remember how Dark Age of Camelot or other games I played for a shorter period, but things certainly have gone forward from the days of UO. In UO it was very common to share items of value with guild members who needed them, or even if you were playing with a bunch of familiar people. Same thing I believe applies to almost any MMO out there.

However, with random grouping it is an entirely different thing. Of course when you give away something that has a value to others, you are essentially giving away money, the only thing debatable is its market liquidity. I've played games where there existed a very universal gentlemen unwritten rule for sharing the loot, but of course people who didn't care about their reputation would break that rule. They would find themselves not getting into groups as their reputation became more wide-known, but at the end of the day they ended up with the loot anyways.

I understand the loot system was different in DDO before (only played for about half a year now), but considering the system today have you guys shared anything valuable with completely random people? Not guild mates, not online friends or real life friends, just random people you've grouped with.

The only thing that comes to my mind I've shared is Spectral Gloves. I was looking for a group with my squishy rogue and saw one with description "Hunting for the Gloves" on OOB. I can't remember the name of that person, but did one run and pulled the gloves. I had only been around the guy for about ten minutes, but due to the sheer fact that he was well-mannered and overall very nice, I decided to give him the joy of having the gloves. Of course I had a pair already and my rogue was my only character, so I figured I'd come across another pair if I specifically needed them later. I do remember that I was thinking that maybe some day the guy remembers that I gave him something and will return the favor. While this hasn't happened (doubt I've even come across him after that), I also felt that at least I've done something good for someone else.

On few occasions I've seen people asking if anyone else needs an item they pulled, but that's mostly more common gear: everything else gets looted the second it is spotted. So in a sense nothing has changed from the days of UO, only it can't be stolen by other players. :)

So, have you shared something? What did you think when sharing it and did you ever get something in return for it?

07-24-2011, 07:00 PM
Dusk 8th level docent that is +4 and 10% blur

Cloak of Improved Fire Resistance that is RR 7th level warforged

Shield, +3 Mithral Shield of Light Fortification, level 6
Reaver Rings
+5 Mithral Shields
+4 Mithral Armor

Just last christmas I had a contest and gave away this

Icy Burst kit = Recipe 3 + Recipe 4 + Recipe 5 + 300 motes
20 Tapestries
15 Adamantine Ore
4 +1 tomes
2 Collapsed Portable Holes
Ring of Feathers
three pairs of Feather Falling Boots
Robe of Winter level 4 Fire Resist 20
Cloak Protection +5 level 15
Sacred necklace of Protection +4 level 13
Necklace of Contemplation basically for monks
3 Luminescent Dust + 9 Fragrant Drowshoods
6 Sparkling Dusts + 12 Deadly Feverblanch
5 Vials of Pure Water + 22 Strings of Prayer Beads
Eternal Wand Ray of Frost Level 5
TWO Snow Elemental Gems
Candy Canes
Rogue Tools +3 and +4
Sun Flasks good for oozes and undead

Assorted Mithril and Adamantine Armor mostly for low levels

And just yesterday I gave away another Ring of Feathers.

07-24-2011, 07:05 PM
I've pulled a total of 4 bloodstones.
I've given 3 bloodstones away.
1 went to a guildie that didn't have the sands pack.
2 went to random people I grouped with.

07-24-2011, 07:10 PM
Numerous +2 Tomes
Numerous +1 Tomes
TOD boot ingredients
Chipmunk Funk
Numerous mediums
eChrono Scrolls

I figure this is why I am always poor.

07-24-2011, 07:16 PM
Ran STK once with a random f2p player who hadn't run it before (I'm fairly generous with passes to anyone). I bought him a pass and I ended up pulling the Ring of Feathers at the boss chest. Figured I had enough FF boots to start my own shoe shop and he may not ever run this again, so I passed it over to him. Believe it or not, I had FF boots on my end reward offers, go figure.

07-24-2011, 10:31 PM
+2 tomes
boot parts
some medium epic scrolls
shroud larges
docent of defiance once too :D made me feel real special

sometimes giving something incredibly valuable away and seeing the reaction can be worth more than any piece of loot^^

07-24-2011, 10:34 PM
tomes, scrolls, @ xmas a year or so ago, was giving away chunks 10-50k platt - somthing like 500k total.

oh yeah, i gave away 2 years worth of DDO game cards - i win! :D

07-24-2011, 11:00 PM
Nothing really important. I tend to give away things like clickies, potency and lore items and such when I notice arcanes and divines that don't seem properly geared. I always keep a store of these on my bank characters so it's not really of much value to me. I tend to get tells from time to time from Korthos newbies asking me questions when I'm hanging out on a 20. If they're seriously interested in learning how to improve their character I usually send them a few things that seem so simple to older players, but that I remember being ecstatic about when I was first starting out, basic armor, stat items and weapons, the occasional +1 tome.

That's really nice of you to pass along the spectral gloves. I'd like to think I'd do that same if I was running with somebody that really needed them, but maybe I'd just be greedy. I usually only run with guildies and other power games these days, so I guess I'm a bit sheltered and forget what it was like to be desperately seeking those gloves. It took me about 50 runs to get some for my first character, and now I pull a pair during my xp farm on pretty much every TR.

07-25-2011, 06:49 AM
I'll give away anything I loot that I wont be using in the immediate future, especially when it comes to epic items you could farm for forever.

Most recently:
shard of the Jidz-Tet'ka
seal of the Charged Gauntlets
scroll of the Antique Greataxe

These are not things I already have multiples of, not even 1. I just know how hard it is to get what you need sometimes and like to help people out. Hopefully they share the love with other random strangers and we all end up with a better community.

Of course last week someone looted the shard I wanted on the priciple that they 'may use it one day, maybe, if they ever make a caster', so there's still a lot of reciprocal sharing to be done, but it shalln't dampen my spirits. As chance would have it I pulled it 2 days later and I find I often seem to pull things I give away again. Fate reserves a private smile for the generous.

07-25-2011, 07:07 AM
Sets of taps relic sets even when it took 20 of each rings of feathers by the handful bottles of air and once when I really thought I was leaving the game a bloodstone and a spellstore ring to a random noob

07-25-2011, 07:41 AM
I'm not sure if it counts as valuable, but I have given away my virginity to one of the dwarven cleric NPCs in The Prison of the Planes. She never mailed me back after that like she said she would :(

07-25-2011, 07:57 AM
I give away loads of stuff (especially to guildies)

Done a few 'guild giveaways' in the past which included -
+2 tomes
Various MoPG weapons
Plat etc.

A while back i was farming partycrashes for scrolls, get a /tell from a guy who is doing the same. We agree to 'group and drop' to reset the instance quicker. I asked him what he was after and he replied 'Scroll of the antique great axe'. my next run in there it drops, so i gave it to him. He was very happy.

You get to a point where plat becomes meaningless, and mutilple 'good' items that are no use to you (have pulled at least 6 Bloodstones and Spectrals) that you may as well just give them to someone who can use them.

If people are better equipped it makes my life easier when i group with them :)

07-25-2011, 08:15 AM
I have been known to:

go to Korthos and mail cookies cakes and cash to non guided characters at random.
go to Korthos and play hide and seek for good loots. ML 2 to 4 useful stuff. +one weapons with rider damage, wands, armor...

go to Korthos with a high level toon and put up "NO XP Island sunnyside Elite Train!"

Put up Proof is in the Poison the same way. "NO XP lets just get it done"

Granted im usually more giving around the anniversary.

07-25-2011, 08:22 AM
if you give someone something and remember what you've given..
afterwards you really havent't truly given it..

It's the same as helping someone and then expect something in return
later for it.

if you help someone or give something to someone.. its best to forget right
afterwards then its truly given :D.

07-25-2011, 09:21 AM
You get to a point where plat becomes meaningless, and mutilple 'good' items that are no use to you (have pulled at least 6 Bloodstones and Spectrals) that you may as well just give them to someone who can use them.

If people are better equipped it makes my life easier when i group with them :)

I know what you are talking about, though in DDO I'm not really at that point. But sometimes just the fact that you know how good someone else feels about getting an item makes you feel a lot better than racking up another valuable to take up your bank space.

And for the latter...haha yeah, never thought of it that way. Now I can start blaming people not giving me sufficient equipment whenever I waste the time of my party. ;)

sometimes giving something incredibly valuable away and seeing the reaction can be worth more than any piece of loot^^

Yeah, this is exactly what ultimately makes me give stuff away. Also as Chette said, sometimes giving away items that are not even of much value, like to Korthos new players, can really make someone's day. I really miss the days of my first MMO experiences when everything was so new, when you had to learn to live in a whole new world. You'd really enjoy everything you got, these days you know the item is good only for a while. This is of course something that can never be repeated, no matter how good the game itself is.

Great idea with the contest moomooprincess, I might have to mimic that. Hopefully by next Christmas I have enough items that I can give away to someone fortunate...maybe the thought of running such a thing gives me the good karma to pull all that great loot. ;)

I'm glad to see there are still players around who are not all self-centered. Of course I don't blame anyone for taking their loot, like I said previously it is the same as giving away money. Which is not a very common thing in the world.

07-25-2011, 04:27 PM
I have given away +3 Greater Heart of Wood to a person I didnt know, and Leviks bracers and Ring os spell storing to various people I didnt know as well. I have also gotten Spectral Gloves from someone I didnt know as well, so I believe what goes around comes around.

07-25-2011, 04:50 PM
* Scroll of the antique greataxe to a guildie that was desperately trying to find one for months, my toon was freshly 20 and on the very first carnival epic we did... i pulled the scroll, oh god he was so mad about it i couldn't but give it to him.

* Shard of the sword of shadows in my very first evon6. I have a THF toon that could obviously use it later on, but that group was so nice explaining me what to do/not do that i asked if someone already has seal&scroll and only need the shard to finish the item. One guy was only missing the shard so i passed it to him.

On the other side : i was farming elite weapon shipment for the bauble, we had a spot left in group and a guildie came basically just to fill the group on his bard (planned to TR as a cleric). Once the boss bites the dust we open the chest... guildie pulled the bauble and passed to me because, according to him, he was piking and i was the one that was really running the quest... wow i'll be eternally in debt with him now :p

07-25-2011, 06:31 PM
I left the game about a year and a half ago. Before deleting my characters, I gave everything unbound away in a roll off in the marketplace. Gave all my plat, ingredients and misc stuff to my last remaining guildy.

As a side note, I came back a few months ago as F2P and it's been fun starting from scratch.

07-25-2011, 06:37 PM
Waaay too much stuff to list.

Lots of heavy fort and greater false life items when PUGing shroud was alot more tedious than it is now, heh.

08-11-2011, 02:52 AM
mwahaha when i left the game i gave millions in plat away to pure random ppl in the marketplace. mos tth gear i gave to friends or guildies but had to b over ten million plat to random ppl just pop open a trade window put a million in hit accept and away i ran was fun but 9/10 ppl i tried it with were f2p so had plat cap that was unfortunate for them.
now i only read the forums coz i miss some old friends

08-11-2011, 03:01 AM
I gave out 2 Chattering Rings. Ok one to the hubby, but the other to some lucky melee in the group.

I have given items away to tons of new players over the years. Buying or giving wands and pots to new players. I am one of the poorest vets on Thelanis. And I am ok with that.

08-11-2011, 03:05 AM
Still relatively new to the game, so I don't have very much to give out.

When I was on Argo, I would do contests in the harbor. Very simple trivia contests, usually related to my favorite musical (next to normal) or my favorite human being (alice ripley). Basically, the first person that hit google would win the prize. I've given away at least a dozen muckbanes, and 100k in platinum.

On my very first ADQII run, I . . . .

gave away the torc that I should've kept for my cleric, to a wizard that had said he'd run it dozens of times with no luck. Hoping for some good karma to return from that one. :)

08-11-2011, 05:01 PM
I give a lot of things away, if I can't use it and think I never will, I'll give it away, whatever it is. I do like collecting some things though, so not everything is given away. Have donated the first 10 Docent of Defiance to random warforged in the marketplace.

Can't be bothered to sell or trade, much easier to give things away, it clear up inventory and bank space, and someone will probably get a little bit stronger and that's always good for everyone that group with the person in the future.


08-11-2011, 11:36 PM
I've been crafting armor of invulnerability for newbies lately. They are always so thrilled when I explain the use for it. Makes those elite korthos runs at 1st-2nd level a snap for them.

08-11-2011, 11:44 PM
Stacks of 100 Cure Light, Moderate and Serious potions to lowbies. Levels 1-3 get Light, 3-5 get Mod and 5+ get Serious. I hit korthos and the Harbor every once in a while and just hand them out- 50k plat buys a surprising amount of potions.

08-12-2011, 10:13 AM
I've given away +4 Tomes BTC that dont fit my toons needs!
Torc and more...

08-12-2011, 10:20 AM
+4 Holy Silver scimitar of Evil Outsider Bane with Medium Guild slot to a buddy.

I have been making and handing out (ML1) Rings of Feather Fall to random folks when they step off the boat.

I was making and passing out Superior Benevolence V (5) rings (ML 3) to healer types before they changed the cost of the shard (I'm low on refined dragonshards atm).

08-12-2011, 10:29 AM
mwahaha when i left the game i gave millions in plat away to pure random ppl in the marketplace. mos tth gear i gave to friends or guildies but had to b over ten million plat to random ppl just pop open a trade window put a million in hit accept and away i ran was fun but 9/10 ppl i tried it with were f2p so had plat cap that was unfortunate for them.
now i only read the forums coz i miss some old friends

and I was thinking the limit to trade was 9,999 plat...silly me

08-12-2011, 10:41 AM
I have given away numerous named and none named items. Here is a short list of items.

+3 Tomes bound from chests WIS and INT
+2 Various Tomes to people grouping with and some due to their needs to help save their toons.
+1 Various Tomes to random people when giving away loot to clear inventory
Dusk Hearts
Collapsed Bow
Even the infamous Bloodstone a few times
Ran Icy Raiments just to help people have a better chance of getting it

Then there are my weekly loot runs in the desert while doing the laundry. I don't like making people wait while taking laundry out to the dryer or folding a load so I run the desert. Put about 50 items on the ah to get pp then give away about 120 items to help clerics and favored souls starting out build up some pp. Usually give away about 15 various items to each cleric and favored soul to use or sell as they meed.

08-12-2011, 01:30 PM
Some epic shards, like Marilith Chain... didn't get my ESOS shard yet.
An Epic Red Dragon Helm
Helping out by farming some chest/quest reward for new people.
Ring of Unknown Origin
Spectral Gloves
Vampiric Stonedust Handwraps
Other goodies but these are the few I can remember.

Looks like I can be nice sometimes.

08-12-2011, 01:39 PM
mwahaha when i left the game i gave millions in plat away to pure random ppl in the marketplace. mos tth gear i gave to friends or guildies but had to b over ten million plat to random ppl just pop open a trade window put a million in hit accept and away i ran was fun but 9/10 ppl i tried it with were f2p so had plat cap that was unfortunate for them.
now i only read the forums coz i miss some old friends

When I first started playing someone did something similar to me. It helped a lot.