07-18-2011, 02:31 AM
I'm buying festival coins in bulk.
1 Flawless Red for...
400 gold festival coins.
1200 silver festival coins.
1 Large Scale for...
150 gold festival coins.
450 silver festival coins.
1 Large Stone for...
100 gold festival coins.
350 silver festival coins.
1 Large Shrapnel/Arrowhead for...
75 gold festival coins.
300 silver festival coins.
1 Large Bone/Chain for...
25 gold festival coins.
150 silver festival coins.
Shroud ingredient prices are non-negotiable.
However, I have a diverse collection of scrolls I am willing to trade for gold and silver festival coins. These scrolls will likely sell for much less in terms of conversion from scroll to large to festival coin due to the limited usefulness of the scroll to me. I don't feel like listing every single scroll I have so I'm hoping you will be proactive and ask me in game or in a pm what scroll you are looking for and I will do my best to work out an offer. Scroll prices will be negotiable.
To contact me, please either send me tells in game on any of the toons listed in my signature, or send me a pm on the website.
1 Flawless Red for...
400 gold festival coins.
1200 silver festival coins.
1 Large Scale for...
150 gold festival coins.
450 silver festival coins.
1 Large Stone for...
100 gold festival coins.
350 silver festival coins.
1 Large Shrapnel/Arrowhead for...
75 gold festival coins.
300 silver festival coins.
1 Large Bone/Chain for...
25 gold festival coins.
150 silver festival coins.
Shroud ingredient prices are non-negotiable.
However, I have a diverse collection of scrolls I am willing to trade for gold and silver festival coins. These scrolls will likely sell for much less in terms of conversion from scroll to large to festival coin due to the limited usefulness of the scroll to me. I don't feel like listing every single scroll I have so I'm hoping you will be proactive and ask me in game or in a pm what scroll you are looking for and I will do my best to work out an offer. Scroll prices will be negotiable.
To contact me, please either send me tells in game on any of the toons listed in my signature, or send me a pm on the website.