View Full Version : Congrats

07-15-2011, 03:48 PM
Well seems like there's somebody found a smartway to make trouble towards me. But what I find amazing by himself he found a way to ban a whole account by himself without pressure of any other. Of course, I'm the one getting blame to.

I'm done, I'm not going to defend myself about a speechless case, because I never report him(My super nemesis!). Now Before and Future.

have fun.

07-15-2011, 03:53 PM
Woohoo! One less Canadian on our servers!

07-15-2011, 03:54 PM
Why do I feel like I just had a conversation with Johny Cochran holding a giant picture of Chewbaca?

07-15-2011, 04:07 PM
Why do I feel like I just had a conversation with Johny Cochran holding a giant picture of Chewbaca?

If that guy says **** I must QUIT!

There is no other explanation NECESSARY!

07-15-2011, 05:25 PM
ill talk to you in-game. talk to me if you're on tonight.

07-15-2011, 05:27 PM
to be honest, i am leaning towards actually believing you. i'll talk to you ingame

07-17-2011, 07:49 PM
Woohoo! One less Canadian on our servers!

Ya, we make you look really bad huh? Sorry, we'll try to dumb it down in the future ;)

07-17-2011, 09:01 PM
Woohoo! One less Canadian on our servers!

He's from Quebec so it doesn't count. Most of the Quebecois don't even think they are a part of Canada.

Come to think of it, most of us in the rest of the country don't really think they are either. Except for Zar. He's my Frenchie love-bunny. ;)

07-18-2011, 08:46 AM
In resume: "The Truth is a shattered sun blinding the senses of nations proclaiming they gaze at the right fragments."

I'd like to attribute all the merit for this statement but sadly no.

Well we have 5 victims. Sadly, I can't name them due to forum policies. But anyway, you guys know who they are.

These 5 folks are people that I know and been playing with.

Out of these 5, 1 got ban. 4 others got reported.

Community aware of this melo-drama, mostly assigned me as the guilty.

Let's resume the why I'm the guilty. The person who got ban have an epic history with me through different posts over forums and he's a bit more quiet than I can be towards the community.

I Lemanchot, is known to be an annoying, funky, funny, not afraid to speak his mind and speaking with an broken french canadian accent. In resume, we could define me as a black sheep amongst the white ones.
It's always easier to aim out the unliked one instead one of the victim.

As I been said, I believe 4 out these 5 victims and I aren't in bad terms... not the best one, but nothing that can be griefing or any reason. Simply because I did enjoy to quest with them, even tough we play differently. Of course we had some skimishing at some points. Nothing serious, we've been able to speak about it and get over I guess. I swear over the head of my eight-legged friends I did pass out.

But out of these 5, there's only one showing compassion. Ironically he's the one banned.

Woohoo! One less Canadian on our servers!

He's from Quebec so it doesn't count. Most of the Quebecois don't even think they are a part of Canada.

Come to think of it, most of us in the rest of the country don't really think they are either. Except for Zar. He's my Frenchie love-bunny. ;)

I'm speaking about a DDO incident and you guys comes out with some Politics/Anti-Cultural speaks... wonderfull.