View Full Version : Funny lag and disco issues ... have to share

07-15-2011, 09:25 AM
Was on briefly this AM before work. Joined a group to do OOB and maybe some more desert quests. Bunch o TRs.

Most of us are mucking around looking for chests and I notice that my chat connection drops. Huh. Game is still running, I can see folks running around and can still swing and kill things, but the chat server connection has dropped. Then things get really jerky.

As I'm trying to figure out what is going on, the wife yells downstairs "Netflix is going slow, I'm going to reboot the router and cable modem".

--- drop ---

How was I supposed to know my crazy lag was caused by some deep desire to load up a documentary on graffiti?

After I reconnected one of the dudes suggested I work on my diplomacy. I think that's cross-class for me; better to just live with it ;-)

07-15-2011, 09:30 AM
Was on briefly this AM before work. Joined a group to do OOB and maybe some more desert quests. Bunch o TRs.

Most of us are mucking around looking for chests and I notice that my chat connection drops. Huh. Game is still running, I can see folks running around and can still swing and kill things, but the chat server connection has dropped. Then things get really jerky.

As I'm trying to figure out what is going on, the wife yells downstairs "Netflix is going slow, I'm going to reboot the router and cable modem".

--- drop ---

How was I supposed to know my crazy lag was caused by some deep desire to load up a documentary on graffiti?

After I reconnected one of the dudes suggested I work on my diplomacy. I think that's cross-class for me; better to just live with it ;-)

This is one of many reasons why I am glad that my wife does not know what a router is.

07-15-2011, 09:32 AM
Too funny man, too funny.

My wife tried this once on me when she was having issues watching The Tudors on our Blueray player.

Suffice it to say, she no longer has access to come within 5 feet of the router again.

3 day bans can also work in the home.

Muahahahahahahaha ;)

07-15-2011, 09:33 AM
3 day bans can also work in the home.

I have no capability to enact a 3-day ban for anything with the wife. I can, however, receive them.

07-15-2011, 09:39 AM
Style Wars took yo DDO away?

07-15-2011, 09:41 AM
I have no capability to enact a 3-day ban for anything with the wife. I can, however, receive them.

D'oh, not fun.

My banning ability comes from being the sole bread-winner in the household.

We had the discussion after we got married and she decided she wanted to be a stay at home Mom. Of course this was AFTER I bought a $38k truck AND started a huge addition to our house.

Suffice it to say, this made for a very financially straining 3 year period.

All is good now, but I still maintain my ability to institue an occasional ban. I find using it sparingly works best........she has the ability to ban usage of other "things" that make me seriously debate dropping the hammer on one of my bans. Ya know?

07-15-2011, 09:42 AM
This is one of many reasons why I am glad that my wife does not know what a router is.

I stupidly showed her. Amazing enough, she programms in KOBOLD (:)) but has no idea of PCs.

Edit: I mean, MY wife.

07-15-2011, 09:46 AM
I stupidly showed her. Amazing enough, she programms in KOBOLD (:)) but has no idea of PCs.

Edit: I mean, MY wife.

lol ... if you had shown my wife how to use the router ... I would have been looking for you. ;)

07-15-2011, 09:48 AM
this Is One Of Many Reasons Why I Am Glad That My Wife Does Not Know What A Router Is.

Amen !!

Daerius of the Blessed Blades
07-15-2011, 12:36 PM
Suffice it to say, she no longer has access to come within 5 feet of the router again.

3 day bans can also work in the home.

Be careful. Wives are also know to initiate bans.... you don't want her to ban you from coming within five feet of 'the router', if you know what I mean. ;)