View Full Version : Paladin Paladin feat selection

07-14-2011, 03:59 PM
Hi guys, looking for some ideas and opinions on paldin feat selection. My paladin is level 8 at the moment (6 paly / 2 rogue).

I currently have;

Toughness (lvl 1)
THF (lvl 3)
Power attack (lvl 6)

I was thinking Improved and Greater THF, Cleave and Great Cleave.

My idea is not to be a tank - will be in light armour for evaision (plus I TR'd from a rogue so all my epic items are rogue based) but to DPS, aid in healing and get some traps. So would I be better off swapping Greather THF out for force of personality for the saves boost? What about replacing the cleaves with skill focus DD or UMD and nimble fingers for the DD / OL skill boost?

Give reasons for your suggestions please so that I can learn from them.


07-14-2011, 04:07 PM
Switch Greater THF out for Improve Critical: Slash, double threat range is a must.

07-14-2011, 04:10 PM
I'd switch out the cleaves for any of the following:

Extend (for those annoyingly short pally buffs)
IC: slash
SF: umd (although between your rogue splash and pally charisma this shouldn't be needed)

07-14-2011, 05:33 PM
Thanks both,

I thought about improved crit, but as I understand it, the feat doesn't work with keen weapons, and as I have a few weapons with the keen property it makes the feat far less useful - unless I am misreading it.

Extend was something that I had not even considered. I am not really a big fan of the paladin spell list. Only a few are actually useful, and we have all of the resistance shrines on our boat so the few spells I will be casting will likely be the healing ones and virtue, extend doesn't really matter much to those.

07-14-2011, 05:37 PM
Thanks both,

I thought about improved crit, but as I understand it, the feat doesn't work with keen weapons, and as I have a few weapons with the keen property it makes the feat far less useful - unless I am misreading it.

Extend was something that I had not even considered. I am not really a big fan of the paladin spell list. Only a few are actually useful, and we have all of the resistance shrines on our boat so the few spells I will be casting will likely be the healing ones and virtue, extend doesn't really matter much to those.

You will grow out of your Keen weapons. For example, when you hit level 16, you will use Holy Swords (as per the spell), or you are sadly doing it wrong.

Assuming you don't need a feat because you have some fancy gear is silly, because it is our nature to get even fancier gear - but while it may be fancier, it might not have keen. Think eSoS, Lit II Falchion, Holy Sword, eAGA, eHellstroke, and you'll see what I mean.

Get IC:Slash.

07-14-2011, 06:02 PM
Paladins don't really have a lot of options when it comes to their feats. Below are the essential feats you should have, there really isn't anything else that comes close to being debatably more efficient to choose. If you care about AOE damage you get full THF chain, not Cleave.

1. Power Attack

3. Toughness

6. Extend or Past Life Feat

9 . Improved Critical: Slashing

12. Two Handed Fighting

15. Improved Two Handed Fighting

18. Greater Two Handed Fighting

((((yes, you need improved critical. Using a keen weapon is gimping your damage because it wastes your Prefix. You cant use Holy Burst or Anarchy or any other good prefix if your wasting it on Keen. Get improved critical, every melee build in the game needs it. However, you can't select the feat until level 9, so before then a Keen of Whatever is just fine.))))

07-14-2011, 06:24 PM
Extend was something that I had not even considered. I am not really a big fan of the paladin spell list. Only a few are actually useful, and we have all of the resistance shrines on our boat so the few spells I will be casting will likely be the healing ones and virtue, extend doesn't really matter much to those.

Don't overlook it. You will want Zeal running pretty much non stop for your DPS. And Prayer is nice to have on as well.

07-14-2011, 06:28 PM
I just read through my post, I prob should have explained it better, I am not really interested in running end game content on this toon, I am running it purely for the past life feat to add a charisma bonus to my saves. I may possibly try a couple of epics but will very quickly TR for my third life back into a rogue. The saves boost past life is my only interest.

I just want to be as useful as poss while leveling so that I can get into a lot of groups to get the exp pouring in.

07-14-2011, 06:31 PM
Don't overlook it. You will want Zeal running pretty much non stop for your DPS. And Prayer is nice to have on as well.

I only extend Zeal and Divine Favor, and I only feel that i need extend because I also like to use Madstone boots and It's much more difficult to maintain the three without extend.

If you dont care about madstone boots, I dont really recommend extend. It's easy enough to maintain Zeal and Divine Favor at level 20 without it and even with completely dumpped WIS, you have enough sp to keep them on even through the longest of quests. But since i DO recommend Madstone boots, I guess i really DO recommend extend. (just take the boots off when your buffs are down to about 2 minutes, so that you can recast them when they're out. then just put madstones back on.

07-14-2011, 06:33 PM
I am running it purely for the past life feat to add a charisma bonus to my saves.

Can you explain the part quoted please?

There is no Paladin past life feat (http://ddowiki.com/page/Past_Life_Feats), passive or taken, that provides this ability.

There is a similar Half-Elf Dilettante (http://ddowiki.com/page/Dilettante_feats), however.

07-14-2011, 06:56 PM
Greater THF is especially important for a paladin because your KotC damage has 100% process chance on glancing blows, and Greater THF grants glancing blows on a third attack animation.

I don't think you will be able to consistently offer any help in healing. An emergency LoH here and there is plenty.

If you have full ranks in Disable Device, you will be able to disarm whatever trap you want at level (assuming you still have the trap gear from your rogue life). Even if you don't, a feat is too precious for a paladin to spend on +3 DD.

07-15-2011, 04:07 PM
Can you explain the part quoted please?

There is no Paladin passive or taken, that provides this ability.

There is a similar Half-Elf Dilettante however.

Oh PISH!!!

Total reading comprehension fail. Oh pish pish pish pish!!!

I had several windows open when i read it and must have clicked on the dilly screen without realising.


07-15-2011, 04:14 PM
Oh PISH!!!

Total reading comprehension fail. Oh pish pish pish pish!!!

I had several windows open when i read it and must have clicked on the dilly screen without realising.



Enjoy your extra healing amp? -.- Sorry it wasn't caught sooner.

07-15-2011, 04:29 PM
Got to laugh I suppose. 5% healing amp is probably not worth the time and effort required to cap. Umm ok to LR or not to LR........ doesn't seem to be any real advantage to remaining as a paladin as it doesn't aid my rogue cause now. I am thinking the bard past life could be useful, saves bonus and the fascinate. Plus it is chr based and I can utilise all my rogue gear inc a GS necklace with +6 exceptional chr skills and +300 sp Yup, DDO store here I come...

07-15-2011, 04:38 PM
Greater THF is especially important for a paladin because your KotC damage has 100% process chance on glancing blows, and Greater THF grants glancing blows on a third attack animation.

I don't think you will be able to consistently offer any help in healing. An emergency LoH here and there is plenty.

If you have full ranks in Disable Device, you will be able to disarm whatever trap you want at level (assuming you still have the trap gear from your rogue life). Even if you don't, a feat is too precious for a paladin to spend on +3 DD.

Not all paladins are KotC

07-15-2011, 06:12 PM
Not all paladins are KotC

Heresy! :D

07-15-2011, 07:36 PM
Not all paladins are KotCHe said his idea was to DPS. For paladins, that means KotC.