View Full Version : Monk Seeking expert monk end game advise

07-13-2011, 02:14 PM
Ok,I should start off by stateing that I seem to have a bit confussion as to allocate the monk class stats properly.I TRd a halfling acrobat2-tempest monk into a halfling monk.My starting stats are16-str-16dex-14con-8int-14-wis-8chr,my goal was to try not to have use a feat for weapon finessee.Now im seeking advise from veteran monk players whom have capped and trial and error where my lvl ups should go,and do i need a 18 score for all my main stats into str dex con wis for any special attacks? What i want from this monk is a end game monk who can perform without being too gimped,i already have a +5res-+5prot-+4insight DT as well as some nice wraps to use once lvld up.Also plan to go shintao light monk path if that helps and GM wind stance,should i put a few lvl up stat points into con to get it to a 16 and wis? The starting str at 16 as a halfling i thought might been a good idea as they get to racials to str stat,just dex and monk gets wis so im at a point i really could use some expert advise,and not sure if i would get all the void strikes or what build i should try for,again thinking more end game Thank You in advance for your help..

07-13-2011, 02:45 PM
No, your stats look good.

Level ups into strength. Use a +1 dex tome for itwf & gtwf.

18 base in every stat is for the void line, and it's not worth it.

Light monk is not my preference, but if you can't find metalline of pure good wraps, it makes sense.

07-13-2011, 03:39 PM
Actually i do have the devout wraps and misc others,So is going dark path better end game instead? Ijust thought with tod runs n such a light path better all around.

07-13-2011, 04:11 PM
I would take a look at Martens and Teenie.

Teenie: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=279133

Martens: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=305216

I would recommend STR based for endgame. (no finesse)

Light is really good, kukan-do and jade tomb are really nice for 6-man epics. (and everywhere really)

Dark is OK too, feel free to experiment and see what you like.

Void 4 is awesome, get it if possible.

07-13-2011, 04:12 PM
Actually i do have the devout wraps and misc others,So is going dark path better end game instead? Ijust thought with tod runs n such a light path better all around.

Align the Heavens and Grasp of the Earth Dragon are nice, but the real power behind Shintao is breaking DR with any wrap and the extra stun maneuvers.

07-13-2011, 04:17 PM
Actually i do have the devout wraps and misc others,So is going dark path better end game instead? Ijust thought with tod runs n such a light path better all around.

Touch of death evens out the dps against anything but undead, and water-walking is worth half my dps against the abbot.

The buff that keeps you from being banished from tod is not considered reliable enough to do without boots, so why bother?

Ninja fade :)

07-13-2011, 04:57 PM
I've found In this state of the game max wisdom is very effective
If you lvld Into wisdom I'm sure you could get around 36 dex and 36 wis
Using wind 4 you may have problems with hp but you will easily get 60+ ac
For what is worth.
I've found on low fort mobs stun => touch of despair => quivering palm is very effective
With a dc of around 36~
finnesse toons do lack some damage potential of str base but as a monk being smart and using strikes and having a good base DMg can make up for it pretty well.
I could talk about monks all day...
So gl with whatever you do choose

07-14-2011, 01:18 AM
Touch of death evens out the dps against anything but undead, and water-walking is worth half my dps against the abbot.

The buff that keeps you from being banished from tod is not considered reliable enough to do without boots, so why bother?

Ninja fade :)

Grasp is used for the stun immunity

07-14-2011, 11:51 AM
18 base in every stat is for the void line, and it's not worth it.

Light monk is not my preference, but if you can't find metalline of pure good wraps, it makes sense.

For the void line you only need 18 in 1 stat and 16 in the other 3. Worth it? I went 20 levels without void and 20 more with void. I think it's worth it. Went 36 lvls as dark and 4 as light. I'm starting to enjoy light - and probably won't change back even if I find metalline/good wraps. Nice to have something-burst/good wraps that I can select from.

I agree with add points to str. I like a bit more dmg - like the Martens build. I'm str/wis this life. Last life I was dex/wis. I like str/wis better than dex/wis. As dark I almost always had enuf ki in air stance to fire off TOD after cooldowns. As light I'm always looking for more ki.

07-14-2011, 11:55 AM
All i know is a light monk is sought after for tod

07-14-2011, 03:13 PM
For the void line you only need 18 in 1 stat and 16 in the other 3. Worth it? I went 20 levels without void and 20 more with void. I think it's worth it. Went 36 lvls as dark and 4 as light. I'm starting to enjoy light - and probably won't change back even if I find metalline/good wraps. Nice to have something-burst/good wraps that I can select from.

Hmm, I've only got 40 levels in light monk, but over 100 as dark monk; I'm not saying I'm unbiased :)

But shintao is more twitch on an already twitch-heavy class, for abilities that I find myself not using.

I'm not suggesting that they take the PrE out or anything, just that the most appealing aspect is the silver/byeshk hands so you don't have to farm devouts or shell out a medium fortune for BB wraps.

07-14-2011, 03:36 PM
Hmm, I've only got 40 levels in light monk, but over 100 as dark monk; I'm not saying I'm unbiased :)

I am biased - I think I will always prefer dark. But I'm making myself learn light. And I'm making myself like it :mad:
I think I'll always prefer dark - even if I stay light.

But shintao is more twitch on an already twitch-heavy class, for abilities that I find myself not using.
Ye i have so many quickbars to hit that until I get really good at it, I'm missing out on the fun of the play. Who wan't to stare at quickbars instead of what they're killing :eek: I'm trying out Marten's quickbar configuration to see if I can get used to it.

I'm not suggesting that they take the PrE out or anything, just that the most appealing aspect is the silver/byeshk hands so you don't have to farm devouts or shell out a medium fortune for BB wraps.
I have a nice set of BB short swords that I'm keeping in case I end up going back and don't have BBs. I figure I'll eventually get devouts or make my own.

If I do go dark, I'll have lots of wraps that aren't useful anymore for BBs. I think endgame - light is more flexible, kinda like a caster vs barb where a dark monk may do more dps because of TOD (I never really used the debuff attacks). I mean all a barb does is Rage :D and pretty much all I did on my dark monk was TOD.

Ye that's a baiting statement :P But in your 100lvls you probably got more out of how to be an effective dark monk than I did on my 36lvls.

07-14-2011, 04:02 PM
I'm not suggesting that they take the PrE out or anything, just that the most appealing aspect is the silver/byeshk hands so you don't have to farm devouts or shell out a medium fortune for BB wraps.

Honestly I think kukan-do and jade tomb are the best gains for 6-man epics, but that's just me, ymmw.

07-14-2011, 04:23 PM
If I do go dark, I'll have lots of wraps that aren't useful anymore for BBs. I think endgame - light is more flexible, kinda like a caster vs barb where a dark monk may do more dps because of TOD (I never really used the debuff attacks). I mean all a barb does is Rage :D and pretty much all I did on my dark monk was TOD.

Ye that's a baiting statement :P But in your 100lvls you probably got more out of how to be an effective dark monk than I did on my 36lvls.

OK, I'll give :)

Set up hotbars 2-5 with different elemental attacks and the relevant debuff, and switch depending on what you're fighting. Hotbar 1 has stun(s), fists of iron, highest earth strike, and ToD. Ctrl-# swaps hotbars quickly. This requires that you make your static bars the higher numbers, so I always start down from 20 when setting them up.

Use the trip-neg finisher before a ToD, and don't be surprised at what death touch works on (portals in shroud, for example).

Keep ninja fade up while fighting, of course, and water-walking works in the Abbot to avoid the inferno.

Honestly I think kukan-do and jade tomb are the best gains for 6-man epics, but that's just me, ymmw.

They're nice, but coming from someone who has had to farm devout handwraps on 5 monks, and gave up to buy metalline of PG on another, the silver hands are really attractive :)

07-14-2011, 09:11 PM
OK, I'll give :)

Set up hotbars 2-5 with different elemental attacks and the relevant debuff, and switch depending on what you're fighting. Hotbar 1 has stun(s), fists of iron, highest earth strike, and ToD. Ctrl-# swaps hotbars quickly. This requires that you make your static bars the higher numbers, so I always start down from 20 when setting them up.

Use the trip-neg finisher before a ToD, and don't be surprised at what death touch works on (portals in shroud, for example).

Keep ninja fade up while fighting, of course, and water-walking works in the Abbot to avoid the inferno.

Nice info +1
I had pretty much 1 hotbar on my dark and now I'm juggling 6 (4 elemental attacks and 1 boss bar and one light bar for pulling down light attacks as the fight requires onto the 4 ele bars). I like the fist of dark better than fist of light. But banishing fists are awesome and 4 chances at stun rocks. I never really used stun on my first monk either. Again more noobiness.

They're nice, but coming from someone who has had to farm devout handwraps on 5 monks, and gave up to buy metalline of PG on another, the silver hands are really attractive :)
First day of crafting I took my +4 metalline of something and disgronified them.


A week or so ago I learned that simple metals like silver threaded keeps the threads. Metalline doesn't as I found out long ago. Maybe in U14... :p

I'm going to give light a chance and maybe in 100 runs (I'm not about to TR again) I'll have it down. When I'm ready I'll LR back to dark or feat swap the 2 feats. But I'm going to enjoy some epics first.