View Full Version : I would like a way to set a custom Soundtrack to the game.

07-11-2011, 11:57 PM

I was wondering if you can actually switch/set/reprogram/change your own music to the game... actually nothing to say about the game but I dont find the music one of the good factors this game can offer, sometimes it gets boring and makes me wanna stop playing (One of my friends did only for the music x.x) so I started looking into the DDO folder to see if I can get some of the files and change it but the files are so tight one to each other its nearly impossible.

Is there any way to do it? It would really be a nice addition to the game to let the players customize 3 thematic tracks (3 for a tavern, 3 for a normal fight, 3 for a boss fight, 3 for exploring, etc...) please dont flame me because I dont like the Music, some of them are good... but I dont find all of them as catchy... nor atractive u.u

Hope to get a solution.


07-12-2011, 12:03 AM
No... I think they're all part of the .DAT files, and while someone *did* extract the music files way back when, I don't think adding your own would be possible/plausible.

Your best bet is to use the Audio settings in game to turn Music volume all the way down, then use a second program to play music.

07-12-2011, 12:05 AM
No... I think they're all part of the .DAT files, and while someone *did* extract the music files way back when, I don't think adding your own would be possible/plausible.

Your best bet is to use the Audio settings in game to turn Music volume all the way down, then use a second program to play music.

Oh thats sad u.u I hope the admins see this tho.. and consider to add something like that someday

07-12-2011, 12:15 AM
Is it possible? Yes, former forumite Cedwin did so (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMBZCDZtjO8&feature=channel_video_title).

How is it done? That I do not know. I lack the knowledge to manipulate the client_sound.dat file to replace sounds.

07-12-2011, 08:19 PM
Altering the dat files would be against the TOS, on the part that says that you shouldn't be altering the game files.