View Full Version : Monk Monk TR

07-07-2011, 10:20 AM
I had been planning to TR my monk into a Horc Str/Wis light build to take advantage of some RR Horc Holy +10 stunning wraps, but I just pulled some non-RR Holy +10 stunning wraps, so I am contemplating Helf Str/Wis light build with rogue dilly.

Question, assuming a base 16 Str, which would do more DPS? I am assuming all rogue dilly enhancements or all Horc Str enhancements. Given that light monks aren't known for DPS, I am guessing that the Helf would come out on top? Now if I can only get over how awful they look. Has anyone come up with one that looks halfway decent?

07-07-2011, 06:34 PM
The full rogue dilettante is 3d6 sneak attack, which is 10.5 damage on each hand.

+1 Strength bonus and +2 Power Attack gives you +3 damage on main hand and off hand, being a monk. (You could also have 2 higher Strength to start as a half-orc, which would be an easier comparison than the obscured benefit of 4 extra build points.)

Against 0 fort, you get all your SA and critical profile, so we have 10.5 vs 3 * 21/20: the helf wins.
Against 50 fort, you get half of your SA and critical profile, so we have 5.75 vs 3 * 20/20: the helf wins.
Against 100 fort, you get none of your SA and critical profile, so we have 0 vs 3 * 19/20: the horc wins.

You also have more healing amp potential with the helf, and if you start each at 16 you're going to be 1 to-hit behind on the horc.

07-07-2011, 06:40 PM
I have the same issue. To resolve it I bought the ninja mask from the DDO store and put it on as soon as I log in. The cool thing about the half-elf rogue dilletante is that it's front-loaded. That is, you get 2d6 at level 5.