View Full Version : Crafting ML fix... coming soon?

07-07-2011, 08:57 AM
Do we have a fix date for the minimum level bugs? I am crying real tears right now, having just - after weeks of constant effort, trading, and selling everything I own - become able to craft L100 arcane items... only to discover that (for instance) a Health +6 of Greater False Life item would have a minimum level of 21! :( In fact, it seems that most combinations of "highest tier" properties will result in an unuseable item. I should have read the small print; if you can't consolidate properties you want into slots, there's practically no point to making anything but weapons :(

07-07-2011, 09:04 AM
I don't have the lnk now, but Eladrin confirmed that any craftable item's ml will be capped at level 20, you can use the item at level 20. There is a forum post to that effect, but I'm off to a meeting and don't have time to do a search for it.

07-07-2011, 09:07 AM
Go git yerself and Amrath belt! ;)

In all seriousness, I do want to see the devs fix the U9 crafting ML issues (and there are many...). I'd also like to see them fix the handwraps issues (without breaking lootgen and named wraps more than they currently are).

The ML higher than 20 problem isn't actually a problem, though. The ML of every crafted item is capped at the current level cap. If something "should" have an ML of 21 or 23 or even 25, it will end up with an ML 20 becuase the current level cap is 20. When the level cap is increased someday in the far, far future, those crafted items will immediately have their ML increased to the "correct" ML (or just to the new cap if the "correct" ML is higher than the new cap).

07-07-2011, 09:15 AM
I'd personally like to see the minimum level for low level twink items mimic the same as that of random gen loot. As for the high tier +14 crafted items, while they shouldn't be equipable due to the minimum level system, I don't have any issue with people who've grinded that much for their +5 holy burst silver khopesh of greater evil outsider banes enjoying their loot.

07-07-2011, 09:31 AM
anything that would go over 20 will be a ml20 or ml19 item.

I think it would be nice to fix the REAL minimum level issue.

there is no reason that a +1 holy weapon should be ml5, this should be ml4

etc etc

07-07-2011, 10:00 AM
Well, I was kinda referring to all of the ML issues, the one I mentioned was a "for example"... but I wasn't about to make the item as I thought it would be unuseable! Thank you all for correcting that misconception at least :)

But yeah, the general ML problems are a real hassle, and make crafting for others particularly (and unnecessarily) tricky :(

07-07-2011, 12:45 PM
A lot of ppl are commenting that its OK because anything with a ML over the level cap will be usable, but I'd like to craft for my low level alts as well...

07-07-2011, 01:25 PM
Looking at the new recipes for Canith crafting 10.1, I think that this is all a moot point now.

If anyone doesn't already have their Greater Banes crafted before 10.1 rolls out, they won't likely bother with it at all.

What the hell, turbine? You fix most of the bugs with crafting and then require RAID LOOT and +2 Tomes to do the crafting in the same patch?

Just ban me now, because I sure as hell know that I'm going to get a full set of infractions when I post my response to those changes.

07-07-2011, 01:34 PM

become able to craft L100 arcane items... only to discover that (for instance) a Health +6 of Greater False Life item would have a minimum level of 21! :(


You don't need to worry about the ML of any potential 11+ item. As I'm currently using this ring ...


07-07-2011, 01:38 PM
You don't need to worry about the ML of any potential 11+ item. As I'm currently using this ring ...


Wow nice ring!!!

+1 for a a great crafted item, What lvl is required for that ring? Crafting xp lvl wise.