View Full Version : Past Life Passive Feats...

07-04-2011, 07:07 AM
A few questions on Past Life Feats (passive) please...

Monk Past Life (passive) grants +3 damage...

Is this overwritten by any other skill or ability?
Does Bloodstone or 'Seeker' stack with this - so could a fighter have Seeker +10 +Monk PL passive feat?
It this in effect from level one onwards?
Is this calculated at the beginning of damage - meaning it is a multiplicative addition to crits?

Fighter Past Life (passive) grants +3 to hit...
Is this overwritten by any other skill or ability?
Does Bloodstone or 'Seeker' stack with this - so could a fighter have Seeker +10 +Monk PL passive feat?
It this in effect from level one onwards?

I ask because it seems that any melee class - especially those with a high crit profile, would completely dominate any other fighting when they had these abilities. Just curiosity before I make a monster.

It just seems that a there are melee classes that could get stupidly high damage with this (when considering crit hits and base damage).

Likewise, Halfling Monk (3 fighter + 3 monk Past Life passive feats) would start off with +3 to hit and damage from passive PL feats, plus have the Halfling +1 to hit, plus step into Korthos gear +3 to hit total, for a combined +7 to hit possible at level 2 (3 maximum) - meaning he or she could run PA non-stop for a total PA bonus of +8 - still retaining +2 to hit in all of that - even before stat bonuses were considered. Likely it would be +12 or better per hit damage (considering stats and gear) - and for a melee class with 2H it would be over +20 - at level 2.

Seems crazy high to me.

Methinks my melee classes, and my arcane classes are wanting to test this (imagine an arcane class with starting +3 to hit and damage - cakewalk for L1-10 where you can effectively melee...). Even more, imagine a build like the Tukaw build with all of that hotness...

Am I wrong here? Someone please clarify it for me if so. Thanks...

07-04-2011, 07:12 AM
A few questions on Past Life Feats (passive) please...

Monk Past Life (passive) grants +3 damage...

Is this overwritten by any other skill or ability? NO, it stacks and stacks

Does Bloodstone or 'Seeker' stack with this - so could a fighter have Seeker +10 +Monk PL passive feat? YES
It this in effect from level one onwards? YES
Is this calculated at the beginning of damage - meaning it is a multiplicative addition to crits? YES

Fighter Past Life (passive) grants +3 to hit...
Is this overwritten by any other skill or ability?
Does Bloodstone or 'Seeker' stack with this - so could a fighter have Seeker +10 +Monk PL passive feat?
It this in effect from level one onwards?

Am I wrong here? NO Someone please clarify it for me if so. Thanks...

Answers in Pink

07-04-2011, 07:27 AM
If so that is pretty wickedly powerful. Rather than plug to completionist for +2 in at least three stats I am not using anyway (unless a Monk), I could just do this and have the benefit of more to hit and damage than I could possibly otherwise get.

Even if I did get to completionist, imagine a Horc Barb with that...

+3 to Hit (starting)
+3 to damage (starting)
+1 level one BAB (Barbarian)
+5 to hit (Horc max Str)
+5 to damage (Horc max Str)
+3 to hit (Korthos set and goggles).

Total of:
+12 to hit (means you can leave PA on constantly for +10 to damage, keeping +7 to hit)
+13 to damage (accounting for PA)

This does not account for feats.

So it is possible, at level one, to have +12 to hit and +13 to damage - before adding in, say, a +1 weapon (like the starter one they give you).


07-04-2011, 09:33 AM
Unless I'm mistaken you won't get the full PA bonus/penalty until you get to a BAB of 5.

07-04-2011, 10:25 AM
You have a couple numbers that are off

+3 to Hit (starting)
+3 to hit (Korthos set and goggles).
+1 level one BAB (Barbarian)
+5 to hit (Horc max Str)

+3 to damage (starting)
+5 to damage for Single Handed Weapons, +7 for Two Handed Weapons (Horc max Str)
+8 Single Handed/+10 Two Handed

Total of:
+12 to hit means you can leave PA on constantly for +1 to damage Single Handed, +2 Two Handed, keeping +11 to hit

+8 Single Handed/+10 Two Handed to damage with PA it becomes +9 Single Handed / +12 Two Handed


PA only trades existing BAB for + to Damage up to 5, @ 1st level you have only 1 BAB to trade
Two Handed Weapons get 1.5 x Strenth Modifier to Damage, which would be +7 in the case of 20 strength

And Yes this is all before adding in a Weapon of Choice