View Full Version : WTT: My Greater Essences for your Air Elemental Gems

07-01-2011, 12:59 AM
Hey guys! I tragically missed Crystal Cove due to RL commitments, but I'm after some (more) of those shiny twink gems. I've been taking a break from crafting and leveling some alts for Shroud, and they'd really appreciate some new Air Elemental-y friends. So, for a limited time (as in, until I need to feed my crafting addiction some more) I'm offering my limited stocks of greater (and lesser, if you need them) essences for your Air Elemental gems.

Here's my current selection of essences:

92 Greater Good
102 Greater Divine
35 Greater Evil
95 Greater Mind
89 Greater Fire
11 Greater Law
71 Greater Air
88 Greater Earth
93 Greater Arcane
120 Greater Water
24 Greater Chaos
49 Greater Body

I'm looking to trade some of these for 100 of your lovely Air Elemental gems - of course, if someone were to offer me a really good deal, I might be willing to trade more (or all) of them. So hit me, Cannith! I know lots of you made like five-hundred bajillion of these gems, and I want some ;) Make an offer, and some of my lovely greater essences could be yours! :)

/tell me in-game as Carella (quickest, if I'm on), respond to this thread (quick), or send me a PM (might take a little while but I'll try to remember to check!) and make an offer if you're interested. Thanks for reading, and happy adventuring!

EDIT: I also have a lightning-split soarwood and five Fragrant Drowshoods I'm not going to be using.. If anyone wants to trade gems for them, that'd be great to.