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06-29-2011, 04:58 PM
Goodness me, what am I about to do?

I am relentlessly burning through my book with speed I am unaccustomed to, trying to finish writing the first draft by August 1st, and I consistently run into name roadblocks. It's always fun creating interesting characters and places, but ingenuity sometimes gets clouded by second guessing; thus I am asking for some help.

I've had guildies and friends in the past lend me their character names for fun in short stories and the like, but for such a tale, I am looking for names with character, something I can mold into a dimension of reality within my fantasy world.

My biggest roadblock seems to be dwarven names, followed by human royalty and soldiers, and possibly some interesting kobold names. All of my main characters are formed, this is only for secondary characters or the occasional intrusive friend/foe. Lets see how creative the community can be?

Shoot some options below if you feel humored enough. Please, if you do deem to flame me, do so on another thread where I make it warranted.

06-29-2011, 05:21 PM

06-29-2011, 05:38 PM
Have you tried any of the following? Sometimes just reading through a list will spark something for me.

Dwarf Name Generators

Generic Fantasy Name Generators

06-29-2011, 05:38 PM
Think Norse names for Dwarves, generally one or two syllables with a simple consonant-based beginning and simple, vowel heavy sounds in the middle, which can then be trailed off into either a consonant or vowel-based ending. To give a few example from a fairly famous novel, "Gimli" or "Gloin", and you can also sort of skimp on letters, one example would be "Dvergr" actually the Old Norse word for dwarf.

In regards to human nobility it depends which route you want to go. If you want more British sounding names, you can go with simple names like "Harry", or "Charles", while if you want to go a more German route, you would still need to keep the sounds soft, while also adding a sort of unique German-sounding flavour to it, take my main's name, "Ludrid" as an example.

In regards to kobolds, I would know somewhat less, but in general you need to think in the way of Draconic names.

06-29-2011, 05:46 PM
Yeah, I know there's a cadre of name generators out there, but most of those "names" are taken from books/stories of old. It's possible to discern where they originate from.

Although, it could be said for a majority of the community as well. I guess originality doesn't necessarily matter for secondary and lesser characters.

06-29-2011, 05:51 PM
Some from my last P&P Setting:


Grimrig; Thorek; Thardek; Grundar


indeed, many routes to choice, some 'generic fantasy names' i liked to use:

Kell Doran (some Warpriest)
Aloren Magnus (Highpriest)
Herm Brenwick

06-29-2011, 05:54 PM
Yeah, I know there's a cadre of name generators out there, but most of those "names" are taken from books/stories of old. It's possible to discern where they originate from.

Although, it could be said for a majority of the community as well. I guess originality doesn't necessarily matter for secondary and lesser characters.

I don't know about a cadre, but then again I am unfamiliar with the martial organization and tactics of fantasy name generators. ;)

I meant mostly to suggest that a blockage may sometimes be cleared by a deluge.

06-29-2011, 06:04 PM
Right on spot with norse names for dwarves.

I'd say a mix of celtic/gothic/old germanic names for human royalty and soldiers

As for the kobolds, I'd follow the name types for lizardmen in the old ultima games, particularly ultima underworld: the stygian abyss. You can find these on sir cabrius' website.

06-29-2011, 06:04 PM
I don't know about a cadre, but then again I am unfamiliar with the martial organization and tactics of fantasy name generators. ;)

I meant mostly to suggest that a blockage may sometimes be cleared by a deluge.

Bob. derived from the Dwarven Bäzb, meaning of the rock.

disclaimer: I don't know dwarven, and I just totally made that **** up.


06-29-2011, 06:24 PM
Bob. derived from the Dwarven Bäzb, meaning of the rock.

disclaimer: I don't know dwarven, and I just totally made that **** up.


Bob is good!

I have used some names from a television show I adore as sort of homage, but your list is quite good as well. I am sure I can make some variations.

Btw, nice to see another DDOer from LA!

06-29-2011, 06:32 PM
Naming characters in Sci-Fi/Fantasy is a tricky business. I've found that my favorite authors take naming VERY seriously. The best, most immersive, most intersting fantasy books I've read have needed at least a cursory attempt at a history and languages sketch. You don't have to spend 40 years developing the entire world and all it's languages and history like Tolkien did, but without doing a little of that, your names of people and places tend to sound random and contrived. If you give some thought to the history and the language, then you end up with some nice prefix/suffix conventions, so common syllabic fluidity, and a sense of consistency and continuity throughout the work. Belgarath the sorc was Garath before he met his god and learned his art. Garion became Belgarion. A couple thousand years separated them but you knew they were related by the 'gar' in their names. The triumph you felt when Garion became a sorc was multiplied immeasurably by the fact that he was then 'Bel'garion!
So, to make a long story short, spend some time plotting out some language details, and build your names around that. For example, if your Kobolds come in two or three tribe varieties, take an element or two from the tribe name and incorporate it into that tribe's members' names. Maybe it's just the number of syllables, or maybe it's an entire prefix... you decide.
Hope this helps, despite not actually giving you any names. ;)

06-29-2011, 06:36 PM
anything in finnish sounds awesome, almost all my toons have finnish names, not because i speak finnish, but because they work. it doesnt have to be an exact word from the finnish language but you can definitely get some inspiration.

my (ex) barbarian dorf's name (currently 15th level half-orc sellout) is 'soturi', which is finnish for 'warrior'. (before i get any pm's, no, i am not sothari. i apologize to any stalkers/groupies of soth for any confusion.)

just as a random example, the word "hammer" in finnish is "Vasara." just randomly replace some vowels and there's yer elf female name.

oh, doesnt work too well with human names as far as i can tell. but im not very imaginative.

06-29-2011, 06:49 PM
Naming characters in Sci-Fi/Fantasy is a tricky business. I've found that my favorite authors take naming VERY seriously. The best, most immersive, most intersting fantasy books I've read have needed at least a cursory attempt at a history and languages sketch. You don't have to spend 40 years developing the entire world and all it's languages and history like Tolkien did, but without doing a little of that, your names of people and places tend to sound random and contrived. If you give some thought to the history and the language, then you end up with some nice prefix/suffix conventions, so common syllabic fluidity, and a sense of consistency and continuity throughout the work. Belgarath the sorc was Garath before he met his god and learned his art. Garion became Belgarion. A couple thousand years separated them but you knew they were related by the 'gar' in their names. The triumph you felt when Garion became a sorc was multiplied immeasurably by the fact that he was then 'Bel'garion!
So, to make a long story short, spend some time plotting out some language details, and build your names around that. For example, if your Kobolds come in two or three tribe varieties, take an element or two from the tribe name and incorporate it into that tribe's members' names. Maybe it's just the number of syllables, or maybe it's an entire prefix... you decide.
Hope this helps, despite not actually giving you any names. ;)

I agree 100% with this post. As I stated many times, all my main characters have been well thought out, and are deeply ingrained within the story.

I am not asking for help naming anyone of consequence, let me make that clear.

I do not, however, feel at all attached to a bartender, merchant (that means nothing to the storyline) or or anyone else of the ilk.

It was always fun for gamer guildies and friends to toss their names into my cauldron, hoping when I posted a short story on our forums, there was something they recognized. I was only really extending that same courtesy to the Ghallanda community here (not gamewide) for honorable mentions, should it come to that, as this will be a published book.

06-29-2011, 06:57 PM
A few of my character names and back stories have become common knowledge among my circle of gaming friends and most of the people I play other games with at the local card shop.

Fruhand Battlebeard
A banished Dwarven cleric from a barbaric tribe who had long lost there contact to the divine. Years later he was allowed to visit his father on his death bed only to find his entire tribe slain and a demon collecting the souls of the fallen, including his father. Ever since he has devoted his life to finding his fathers soul and destroying the demon who committed these acts.

that's the short version, I am still looking for the Backlog from campaigns spanning back to 2.0

06-29-2011, 07:28 PM
I just recently created a dwarven barbarian named Kjarrod (pronounced yarrod) Hamerstump. *shrug* Not much but I hope it helps.


06-29-2011, 07:37 PM
well, I do have two characters on gLand: Snowhyte Ogresong and Rhovanion Yellowvien, though I doubt you can use either of those names for obvious copyright reasons :) However, if a member of the Yellowvien or Ogresong family were to be run over by an Ale cart or get an errant Fireball to the face, I'd be absolutely beside myself. They both wear the Red Security Officer #2 Tunic of Deathmark, and be killed freely as the need arises. :)

Good luck in your venture.

Edit: Not sure how or why, but Snowhyte's Surname is Winehill, not Ogresong... did I do that? Did I toss out my own naming rules, obscure as they may be? I seem to remember something winehilly going on, but it escapes me.... Oh well, so you can add the Winehill family to your expendables list if you like.

06-29-2011, 08:08 PM
In the past I've used Google Maps (or an Atlas if you are old school).

Dwarven names: Zoom across to Scandanavia and check out the place names there, especially the smaller towns and satellite cities. Just leave off suffixes like the 'Heims' and 'Holmes' and you've got Koben, Halm, Jonko, Uddev, Norrko, Eskil, Foroll, Ornskold, etc.

Pick a different region for the Kobold etc

As for Humans, get the phone book, google 12th century monks etc

Good luck

06-29-2011, 08:31 PM
In the past I've used Google Maps (or an Atlas if you are old school).

Dwarven names: Zoom across to Scandanavia and check out the place names there, especially the smaller towns and satellite cities. Just leave off suffixes like the 'Heims' and 'Holmes' and you've got Koben, Halm, Jonko, Uddev, Norrko, Eskil, Foroll, Ornskold, etc.

Pick a different region for the Kobold etc

As for Humans, get the phone book, google 12th century monks etc

Good luck

That's awesome, lol.

I've actually used some Firefly locations as places in my novel (only a keen eye would figure that one out) as homage.

06-29-2011, 08:43 PM
if all else fails take a name you like and look up the gaelic equivalent.its actually kind of fun.

06-29-2011, 09:02 PM
"I've actually used some Firefly locations as places in my novel"

I dare you to have one of the leads call his sword 'Vera'


06-29-2011, 09:13 PM
Hrmm... What an idea!

I could go so far as to name the character "Jayne" as well!

Sorry Adam, I cant rip so far as to let Jayne be a male.

06-29-2011, 09:16 PM
Hey Callo !

More then 25 years of DMing made me a name generator, the thing i like the mcuh is tavern names but maybe i can help here is a big name, feel free to select some part of it :p

Agotferionacktenimngadagderumptarkiotsaarfiongtont amperatferucderraconamerrogjarintarefongdamagde

Elassalianimilfayanelmoniachurithosicalessbuliness afalniuhouanimdecalwiourthretalmopilatemcalnovitre ssonam

Bulbanemgukviglorpumdabatofisckogmopagdemvotifulla gepadletopouglertifnhurdmanpoltovlatipopsobulnolf

Irxitalchrrvraktekfruchtissmilnarkerfkracssrioufra schierkjurtarfwrumluivirchorfvretackiarscuoyarchre yalfrixeroth

Too lazy, just revert drow.

Sorry ^^

06-29-2011, 09:23 PM
Hey Callo !

More then 25 years of DMing made me a name generator, the thing i like the mcuh is tavern names but maybe i can help here is a big name, feel free to select some part of it :p

Agotferionacktenimngadagderumptarkiotsaarfiongtont amperatferucderraconamerrogjarintarefongdamagde

Elassalianimilfayanelmoniachurithosicalessbuliness afalniuhouanimdecalwiourthretalmopilatemcalnovitre ssonam

Bulbanemgukviglorpumdabatofisckogmopagdemvotifulla gepadletopouglertifnhurdmanpoltovlatipopsobulnolf

Irxitalchrrvraktekfruchtissmilnarkerfkracssrioufra schierkjurtarfwrumluivirchorfvretackiarscuoyarchre yalfrixeroth

Too lazy, just revert drow.

Sorry ^^

Omg, I just thought of a name!

I am going to have a boil covered, disease ridden Orc named Boite! what a novel idea!

P.S. Stop playing RIFT! I came back to DDO, and you're no longer here... im bored!

06-29-2011, 09:51 PM
Lrel Jayden :D (jk)

I'm one of those people that can take hours to name a character. What I usually do is think of a word or short phrase that fits the character, then send it through a language translator based on the race of the character.
Elvish for elves, Gaelic for humans, Norse for dwarves, etc.

The word 'strong' for example

Elvish: Beleg

Gaelic: Lùthmhor

Norse: Rammligr

If I need something longer I'll use a phrase instead. My favored soul's name is Elvish for 'Angel of Blades'

Hope this helps.

(I have no idea how accurate the translations are, but they sound good :D)

06-30-2011, 12:46 PM
well if it helps you can use a few of my character names:



i kinda like them...in my guild Azaria is queen lol....(they love to humor me):)

06-30-2011, 01:49 PM
anything in finnish sounds awesome, almost all my toons have finnish names, not because i speak finnish, but because they work. it doesnt have to be an exact word from the finnish language but you can definitely get some inspiration.

my (ex) barbarian dorf's name (currently 15th level half-orc sellout) is 'soturi', which is finnish for 'warrior'. (before i get any pm's, no, i am not sothari. i apologize to any stalkers/groupies of soth for any confusion.)

just as a random example, the word "hammer" in finnish is "Vasara." just randomly replace some vowels and there's yer elf female name.

oh, doesnt work too well with human names as far as i can tell. but im not very imaginative.

Putoaa silta = Falls off bridge

06-30-2011, 01:57 PM
Putoaa silta = Falls off bridge

Raivoaa ja Sulkeutuu- rages and quits


06-30-2011, 08:34 PM
Omg, I just thought of a name!

I am going to have a boil covered, disease ridden Orc named Boite! what a novel idea!

P.S. Stop playing RIFT! I came back to DDO, and you're no longer here... im bored!
hehe you honor me but my name is Boite a Clou :p (Nail box)

PS: I start getting bored of rift but as DDo devs seem to not respect their word and don't give us epic content I stay away, i may give a try to Black Prophecy soon, see ya ;)

07-01-2011, 01:44 AM
I have a Halfling monk named "Thistledorf" on G-Land. It would probably work for a quirky dwarf too. Feel free to use it. :)

07-01-2011, 03:45 PM
I have a Dwarf named Zarrik Hammerfist of the Hammerfist clan. We started out underground, but a dragon found our home and decided he would like to use it. Most of my cousins and family's bones are his bed.

07-01-2011, 03:51 PM
Human Royalty

Prince Taimalitanikanithan III (Taimalitan son of Kanithan); friends call him Tai

07-01-2011, 11:48 PM
I think Ooglee kind of rings a bell.

07-02-2011, 04:51 PM
Siobhan is quite underused. (Pronounced Shi-von)

07-02-2011, 05:04 PM
My biggest roadblock seems to be dwarven names,
Shoot some options below if you feel humored enough. Please, if you do deem to flame me, do so on another thread where I make it warranted.

For a Dwarf surname name you combine a body part and some type of mineral or ore that is in conjuntion with their Trade.

Bard: Bromlich the SilverTongue
Fighter: Bromlich IronFooted
Monk: Bromlich of GraniteFists
Wizard: Bromlich QuartzEye'd

07-02-2011, 05:07 PM
Heres a few...

Bill, Tom, Dave.....

And my personal favorite, Bill T. Davidson

07-02-2011, 07:09 PM
proably not good enough for ya but

Auks(pronounced ox) Battleshield yeah he is a dwarf